
Chapter 30

Patting her back comfortingly he reassures her.

"Swiry,if you worried about me then freight not.

I am here to stay and nothing, absolutely nothing will make me feel ashamed of having you as my sister.

I am here to embrace your perfect imperfections my only worry is you pushing me away for loving you very much."

"As a child a grew up with my grandmother.

She was the mother i never had .

Life was never easier and it became even worse when someone took interest in us.

I don't know who and why but we had to move.

Being a nanny to a very influential family at first we thought it was their enemies who were trying to take down people close to them but later i realised maybe they weren't 

I was the enemy.

"What made you think they were after you and which family is this?

My memories from that period are very blurry.

I was just a child when my mother died.

Before her death i believe we were a happy family as my dad used to take us out every wekeend.

He would take us on trips during the holdays.in short we were the picture perfect family.

I don't know what went south.the laughter in the family turned to tears, the jovial mood in the house became somber all the time we spent playing in the outdoors now turned to solace.

Its like the angel of doom descended on our family

The family dinners became lonely and a one person affair

At first mother used to accompany me through it all but later its like she grew tired.

She stopped playing with me,skipped my dance classes and talent show in school saying she was tired then later she entirely stopped sharing even a common meal with me.

Most meals i would eat alone , occassionally my nanny used to accompany me through them.

Brown pulls her in closer for a hug as he pats her back.

One night my nanny was tucking me to sleep when i heard a glass break.

"Nanny did you hear the noise?"

"Its nothing dear go to sleep we need it as tomorrow is your big day.

Or have you forgotten?

You are gonna be the princess of that show my dear remember how hard we have worked for this"

"Yes nanny."

"Now be the good girl and go to sleep.".

"Okay nanny i love you"

The old lady smiles but it doesn't reach her eyes

She sighs deeply as she turns off the lights hoping that they won't wake her up.

"I am tired of all this

Your so called late night meetings but you and i know what this is all about.

She trashes him the photographs

"Woman have you been following me?

Who gave you the mandate?"

"Me, follow you?

She scoffs

You think too highly of yourself

This were intercepted by my journalist friend

They were on the way to being published ,do you even  understand what this would have spelled to the company?

I know you have an active third leg but pleeaaase try to concele your affairs if not..?"

"If not what?if not what?he pushes her

"Don't you dare lay those filthy hands on me you son of a bit***"

"Or what mmmh or what?

Are you gonna run to your daddy crying ? hahaa i forgot he is already paralysed so how'z he gonna react?"

She feels hurt.her father was like her pressure joint.

Took care of her after the demise of her mother he necer remarried for fear that a step mother might not raise her the way he wanted.

He had tried getting into an affair but they were all disastrous.The wome  either wanted his money or to send his only princess to a boarding school.

"Don't you dare talk about my father like that.

For your information he made you the man you are."

Do look like i care ? i have heard that over a million times now that i have become immune to it."

Taking a deep sigh

Don't you ever grow tired of being the jerk.

Do you have a heart?what is with the sudden change.

This isnt the man i married."she is already crying.

How can he be this heartless?

"You know what is wrong with me and yes this isn't the man you married cos you turned me into this."

Laughing ,"so this is all about the shares right?"

"Huh! atleast that bird like brain of yours isn't entirely useless"

"Those shares belong to our daughter. "

"She is my daughter too is it bad if i as her father want to manage them for her?"

She chuckles.."do you think am stupid or something?the shares belong to her and nothing is going to make me change that. I know you have embezzled the company funds and your position is under threat.know what i am filing for a divorce.

Your numerous affairs and wayward lifestyle is something i cannot tolerate.

Come tomorrow my lawyers will be here and mind you am gonna take back everything,everything that belongs to me

Lets see whether that whore will still stand by you".

With her head held high she ascends the stairs but his maniacal laughter makes her stop in her tracks.

Clapping " that's the best joke've heard for ages.My dear i love your sense of humour,if you think i will let you do that.

Till death do as part my dear or have you forgotten?" With that he grabs his coat and heads out.

She slumps to the ground

"Going to that whore again

Aren't you afraid of karma 

Are you that heartless even to your own daughter?"she is almost hysterical.

"That whore as you call her is better than a hundred of you.

Atleast she is not a log in bed.

Look at you only one child and you have become all flappy are you a pig?

My dear you are inadequate in many areas,  staying with you has almost turned me to a fool."

"You are an animal" her angry voice cuts through the night

He laughs maniacally as he gives her the middle finger.

Hiding behind the staircase pillar she breaks down.

Hearing the sniffling noises her mother runs to her.

"Baby when did you come down?you shouldn't be up at this time.

Come lemme take you to bed.

Which story do you want to hears tonight"

She stops walking

"Mother are you going to get a divorce?"

"Who told you that?"

"I heard it myself.are you going to get a divorce?"

He hugs her tightly as streams of tears streak down her face

"Am sorry my love but...

"Mummy i love you.her tiny hands weap around her mothers neck as she kisses her teary face

I won't leave you alone doesn't father love us anymore?"

Taken back by her words  it hits her how much her little girl had grown.

"Baby , daddy loves us but he is quiet busy at the moment and about the divorce..."

"Mama don't lie to me.i already know what it means,shally's parents divorced."

She swallows a lump of saliva.

At times its not a good thing that her daughter is this smart.it makes her speechless when she puts her on the spotlight.

As agreed the next morning her mother dropped her for practice however halfway through it she gets a message that her father's condition is getting worse.

She hops into a cab and the next moment she wakes up in a hotel room with her personal driver beside her,naked.

Jeez! She slaps the sleeping driver 

What are you doing here?no what am i doing here?what did you do to me?

touching his burning cheek "why did you slap me?

I will slap you again if you don't tell me how this happened?

She jumps from the bed looking for her clothes

my goodness!she moves closer to the mirror

is this a ...

"Hickey?of course it is, you are such a wild wild woman in bed mrs.Rou and I love it.

you asshole what did you do to me?

tears stream down her cheeks as she tries to cover her naked body with the shredded clothes

"Ooh please, you loved it.you were moaning and.."

The door opens

"Grace!!Her ailing father slumps to the floor

"Ooh no!you moron did you have to call my dad"

He scoffs

As she tries to lift him, her husband slaps her hands off.

"Don't you dare touch him"

"he is my father"

"And he is ashamed of you.

My dear how could you? What did i ever fail to give you.is this how you pay me back 

Sleeping with your personal driver our subordinate staff,how could you.

Was our marriage nothing but a joke to you?our daughter?"

Rou looks genuinely hurt that for a moment she feels bad for him but how can she not remember a thing

"Bob you!

Before the driver can speak his mind he is dragged out by the bodyguards leaving Ru and his wife in the room.

Dad!she kneels down..dad

He slaps her hands off.

"how dare you?is this why you wanted a divorce?

Am tired".

Summoning one of his men he orders him to take the old man home.

As the door closes his eyes twinkle with malice.

Seeing his triumphant smug it dawns on her.

"How could you?

How could you resort to such tactics to humiliate me?all this for the shares?

You couldn't even spare a thought for our daughter,how this would affect her ? 

How could you be this callous and selfish to bring my father along?"

He smiles as he pours himself a glass of wine.

"My dear do you still want the divorce?"