
Chapter 21

“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.” Abraham Lincoln

A karate black belt holder and a security consultant.

She helps run the security training facility of Cleve's family.

She has the ability to read people through behavioral and character analysis.

Rumour is, she can even read a person's mind.

Catching sight of the fair skinned lady with big round stormy grey eyes the hair behind her head stands.

Her innocent and young girl smile might be charming to many but to her she sees nothing but a bitch.

"Miss you may enter"

Not waiting to be shown in ,she  brushes against Lola as she shoves her luggage into her hand.

as she walks in she sways her hips from side to side making the male workers gulp while others their eyes almost pop out.

"who did the boss invite to his home? ,with her skimpy dress and seductive movements she must be up to no good "she thinks

she is simply a walking poster of "here comes trouble".

she runs  her hands on the paintings  and soapstone sculptural statement pieces.

running her hand on a flower vase it almost falls to the ground  but with Lola around disaster is averted.

it was gifted to old madam Cleve by her husband while courting her. It was timeless and priceless. Costed millions to acquire it something that the proud miss seemed unaware of.

"young lady, please be careful that is Madame's most loved and treasured piece"

 she scoffs "what's so admirable in this old  fossil , does your boss lack taste?"

Lola almost laughs at her lack of knowledge.

"young lady that is a priced possession only two of them exist in the world".

"what priced possession it looks dull and fake . "

"ma'am , this way please ",she hates arguing with people who had a bird size brain.

"why act high and mighty when you''r nothing but a mere butler

standing at the door waving people bye and welcome."

Lola feels like slapping her face .

As she opens the door leading to the living area ,Miss .Rou is taken back by its luxuriousness.

"Holy moly!"

its like she just walked into a palace , "ooh my God is that a da Vinci painting ? my goodness babe you didn't tell me you were living in a palace .

From the outside it looked more of a museum but babe its soo modern and luxurious.

she runs her hands over anything and everything, oblivious of the eyes in the room that are following each and every move she makes.

"Gal ,you need to redo its outward appearance, it doesn't suit the interior at all. I have some two three ideas ".

Aina feels like burying her head in the sand.

she tries to signal her ,wink at her to control herself in vain ,rather her friend looks like she has lost herself.

Her admiration is turning to something else unpleasant.

"Babe you are very very lucky , just like that you entered a palace. My dear cut soap for me too".

see this she runs around touching this and that 

"All these smell and scream of money, is everything in your house imported?"


She had just woken up ,when she had noises in the living room.

Her room occupies a large portion of the ground floor. As she is grown old and knees hurt when she climbs the stairs  she had fully shifted to the once was cloakroom. Even when they installed a lift to enable her access her bedroom she still choose to stick to the room below.

It held her late husband's memories .

Sick and bedridden he had spent a good amount of time in that room while recuperating. His belongings were still the way they used to be except for their extra pictures she had added to the room.

Taking her walking cane she exits her bedroom only to meet the sight of of her running around the house like a maniac.

The tapping of the metallic walking stick makes everyone hold their breath..

Miss Rou who was running around stops in her tracks.

She had heard of the old madam but she has never seen her this up-close and personal.

Even though old ,she had that authoritative look and her presence was oppressive. 

She looked more mean and stern than in the pictures.

In the pictures she had at least tried to smile to the cameras but here she looked aloof and cold like the old matron from their high school days ,at the thought of the old matron she giggles.

"What's so funny your lady ?

Who is she and what's family does she come from?"

Aina steps out.

"Good morning grandma

Meet my friend  Miss. Rou. my friend.

your friend? she scans Miss. Rou from head to toe, her gaze makes her fidgety.

As though unconcerned she heads to the dining room.

Pulling her chair , "have a seat grandma".

She avoids the seat that Aina pulled out for her. while giving her that look' that makes her curl her toes.

Cleve  pulls a seat for her ,she takes it gladly and gracefully.

Vienna takes her seat too while Miss .Rou takes the seat at the head of the table.

All eyes are on her.

The temperature in the room drops.

Aina feels like vanishing at that instant.

Vienna as the sweet woman ,"Miss Rou come sit close to me and tell me more about your family". She tries to help out.

"Aunt don't worry I am okay sitting here more so this chair is very comfortable. I like it".

They all swallow saliva.

"Young lady what family do you come from?"

"I am the only daughter of old Rou ,of Rou group"

"Ooh so you are from the Rou group?"

Yes ma'am ,she almost blurts her nickname out but swallows the words.

"And who is your mother? which family is she from?"

" her parents my grandparents are all late?"

The old lady smirks .

"Even though they are late they still have a family name right?"

She swallows as she makes a popping sound.

"I dunno,i will ask her next time"

Junior walks in, "wow did someone just sit on my grandpas chair?"

he had come earlier for breakfast but decided behind the scenes to enjoy as the drama unfolds.

Cleve rolls his eyes his cousin has grown for sure. Like a viper he knows when to strike.

"Lola bring a chair for Miss. Rou" Cleve helps resolve this before it gets out of hand.

"Its just a chair "she scoffs.

Junior grins from ear to ear, whoever she is she is quiet a character.

his brain is already at it, formulating plans and strategies.

Breakfast doesn't end well as old madam leaves halfway having lost her appetite and Mrs. Vienna is forced to abandon her favorite grilled chicken all thanks to her daughter in law to be.

Left alone  Aina tries to act coy with him.

"Hunie talk to grandma I don't like the way she treated my friend.

On the contraty we should be grateful for her help.

Which woman in this era would want to ruin her perfect  just to be a surrogate?"

"ooooh so she is the intended surrogate" Junior's eyes almost pop from the sudden realization.

Coming down wasn't a bad idea after all.

"Most of the people who sign up for surrogacy are mostly poor or even call girls but my friend is from a good family that belong to the same social circle as us and well educated mores o she is doing this out of good will and not asking for anything in return , shouldn't we do our part by treating her nice?".

Miss Rou pouts her lips like a wronged child.

She acts all pitiful and hurt.

"Its okay Aina it really doesn't matter.

As your friend I only wish happiness for you.

If not for your predicament I would already have flown to Europe to start my masters but you made me stay".

Junior smirks inwardly, "they will be fools to fall for your tricks. "He continues to eat quietly as though he is on a different table.

"I know old madam is reserved and might pass across as hardhearted person but deep down I know she is a sweet and kind person.

The charity events she runs and the school she founded to support children with disabilities is a clear indication of her true nature."

Aina pats her hand " ooh Anya what would I do without you?"

Winking at her ,"its okay dear, what re friends for .Had I been in your shoes am sure you would have done the same for me"

For once Cleve feels like giving her a benefit of doubt. Either she is a good person or a manipulative person with a specialty of fooling people.

Junior rolls his eyes as he chokes on the mushroom soup.

"are you okay, she wraps his back as she hands him a glass of water.\'

as his fingers brush against hers he jolts his hand back making the water spill on his sweat pants.