
Another lose 2

The doctor walks in.

Still cuddled they do not notice his presence.

Clearing his throat,they adjust their sitting position while he takes his seat.

Looking at them now they seem so close and deeply in love.He does pity them though he cannot voice it out as a doctor.

Adjusting the round framed glasses that are resting on his nose brigde he hands cleve the test results.

Atleast he seems to be in control of his emotions, more so he is a man so he must be able to take it.

"What is this doctor?"he enquires as he takes the envelope.

"Those are the test results.Remember we said that we will have to conduct further tests on her."

"But...but i thought we were done with all these?Aina asks,she is isn't comfortable at all.

"Miss Aina,when a woman suffers a miscarriage we have to run some routine tests to ensure she is okay  and ensure  her womb was not affected by the foetal loss.We also had to ascertain what is causing  the miscarriages."The doctor explains patiently.

"But we already have them.".

Taking her purse she pulls out the envelope they handed them with the test results.

"Yes we did however as per Mr. Cleve's request we had to carry out further tests as you had said this is the third miscarriage that you have suffered.So it was highly recommended .

Cleve turns his attention to the white sealed envelope with the hospital's logo.

Looking at Aina as though wanting her approval he opens the envelope.

Aina fidgets on her seat.He palms are getting all sweaty.

They read and re -read but cannot understand the medical jargon.All he understands is, her womb is weak to carry another pregnancy.

Aina turns all pale and cleve looks frustrated

"What is all this thing about weak womb?

So i can't have a child?

What will my parents say?

Thats what cleve thinks at the moment.

To him though its a shock he really is not a child person.if not for the pressure and a requirement to further reinstate his position in the family as the real heir he would just adopt or rather not have a child at all.

He hated the hustle and bustle that comes with children.

On the other hand Aina's bubble had been bursted.

With a family like Cleves the only thing that can bring her prestige and help her gain foothold in the family is a heir.A son is highly valued but at the moment even a daughter can make do for her.

What am i going to do?is this how my relationship with cleve ends?

"No,no no no!she pushes her chair as she jumps up.

This cannot be,there must be a problem somewhere 

"I know my womb well,i know myself well.how can you say that i can't bear a child?are you God?

The always soft spoken and calm lady is now runting like a shrew.

To her a child is an object that is a means to an end.

"There must be a mistake somewhere doctor.

Maybe,maybe you mixed the results with another persons.This cannot be mine

I am very sure,there is a mistake.You made a mistake,you made a mistake...

She makes an attempt to grab the doctor but cleve restrains her.

She has completely lost control of herself.

The doctor maintaining a calm yet serious expression he takes out another envelope.

Trying to sound as much respectful as he should.

"Maam,we cannot be wrong and about mixing the results that is out of question.

My team and I had further tests done by the Miadele Fertility centre but the results are similar.

The two hospitals are prestigious and mistakes are not allowed maam".

"Then how can you explain this?she asks resignedly

"Two out of every ten women suffer from this.explains the doctor.

There are numerous known causes as to why one can have a weak womb or cannot bring the baby to term.

Now as for your case the fourth miscarriage caused your womb to..."

"No doctor,this is our third miscarriage "cleve interjects to clarify it.

The doctor is left surprised.

He goes back to consult her medical file.

"I cannot be wrong in this.

From the examination we did on her surely this was her fourth pregnancy."he murmurs to himself

Cleve turns to face Aina,she has a blank expression on the face.

"I guess age is catching up with Mr.Jones"he casually states.

Pulling out her file he goes through it slowly but sure.Mistakes are not allowed.This can either make him or break him.

Who doesn't know cleves heavy handed way of dealing with people.To him its either you are competent enough or a genius.

After what seems like an eternity Cleve breaks the otherwise tense air that is roaming in the office.

Doctor Jones have you found what you were looking for?he sounds fierce and his voice carries a threat in it.

""Eer..no..not really,it must have been an oversight on my part".

Aina heaves a sigh of relief.Its like the lump on her throat had been removed.

"Phew that was close"

She wipes off the sweat that is forming on her forehead.

As his character is cleve doesn't let it  slide.

"Huh,an oversight you say?so my fiancee diagnosis can as well be an oversight,is it?"

The doctor is startled by his remarks.

"Ofcourse not Mr.cleve.There is no such thing,it can be a mistake on my part but i assure you my team is very competent.We even sent her samples to another fertility clinic and the results as you can seen are the same."

The doctor feels like he has jumped from a frying pan into fire.

His colleagues had told him to watch his words in Mr.cleve's presence but he had brushed them aside.

Had he know he would have chewed his words properly.

He wishes he could just swallow his tongue.