
Unknown Supernatural

A boy who has his world turned upside down when he finds himself jumbled up in a secret supernatural society.

N_C_2005 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

The change

This story begins with a normal dude waking up to what he assumes will be a normal day. Our protagonists name is Matthew Carpenter, he is an ordinary teen, with regular looks, a regular body and a quite high intelligence, he is 16 years old and it is his currently his third week into him completely finishing high school, he has blonde hair and blue eyes. Finally his family as a whole are what you would call superior as they all exceed society in every way possible, apart from him that is, his father, Henry Carpenter, is a very successful man who spends quite a lot of time travelling due to work, his mother, Ellie Carpenter, a headteacher at the school he had just finished at, his older sister, Carmen Carpenter who is 19, is a model, who also travels often due to work and finally his younger brother, Eliot Carpenter who is 11 and will be finishing primary school at the end of summer, he is also a trainee at a football club academy meaning he spends most weekends there.

"Haaah", yawned the boy as he awoke, he rolled over to check the time on his phone, it was 6:00am on a Monday morning, for some odd reason he woke up really early today and when he attempted to go back to sleep, just couldn't. So when he eventually got up he felt something different, he felt as though he had grown, he shrugged it off as him just being out of it and proceeded to undress and get in the shower. During his shower Matthew came across something that scared and excited him at the same time,"Ahhhh", he screamed alerting everyone at home that being his younger brother and mother who were already up. They both came rushing up the stairs and burst into the bathroom finally seeing what all the commotion was about. His mother looked for a moment before leaving as she didn't really want to see her son in the shower. His younger brother stayed, and waited for him to calm down. Once he finally did calm down, he asked his younger brother, not expecting an answer,"what the hell has happened, I mean I have no complaints, but what the hell?"

"You have finally gone through your change dear brother, we have been waiting for this day for years, for a while we thought it would never come as usually you change earlier on."

"What on earth are you talking about?"

Then from the other side of the door his mother spoke out," just get dried, and put something on then we'll talk."


After that Matthew got dried and tried to put some clothes on only to find them all to small or tight, so he went to his parents room and took some of his fathers. Originally he was around 5'8 and had a plain and normal build, however now his build was similar to his father, of around 6'3 and had extremely toned muscles. When he walked downstairs into the living room where his mother and brother were waiting, he sat calmly waiting for there explanation.

Matthew's POV (most of the story will now be first person)

My mother then began to speak," you see Matthew…we as a family….are…vampires".

"Really", I replied.

"You don't seem as shocked as you were earlier."

"I calmed myself since then and came up with multiple theories of what could possibly have happened, I also took into consideration what Eliot said about going through 'my change', whatever that means. So basically as I can tell are family are vampires however when vampires have children they don't become vampires until a certain age, however what confuses me is how you all age, and all the typical vampire problems like sunlight and garlic."

My mother then continued,"well I am very happy you are taking this the way you are, Eliot here was very irrational about it,"my brother looked down in embarrassment," what you said is partially correct, we vampires all have special abilities some the same as others, and we also have magic, which is why it seems me and your father age, however when it comes to your brother and sister, a vampire born from a vampire they age until there body matures to its peak, therefore, your sister stopped on her eighteenth birthday and Eliot, and now you still have some time to go, carrying on from there, the stories that vampires can't survive in sunlight and we hate garlic it rubbish, finally when it comes to blood we can survive without human blood and just animal blood but sometimes we get out of hand and have human blood.

"Ok, but what about not sleeping, and is there any other supernatural species'."

"You are correct about not having to sleep, however sometimes it is good to do so, and to answer the other question yes there are other supernatural species' like werewolves, most of what you can think of.

"And how do I know my ability, or how do i learn magic."

My brother then spoke up saying,"your ability just comes to your mind at some point, and well mum can teach you magic but when we say magic it is really just transformation, apart from that, the only other bits of magic we can learn won't help us in fights or anything if that's what you are thinking".

My mother nodded to that and finished explaining everything to me and then she showed me how to do the transformation magic, finally just before they left they showed me where they stored blood in case I was thirsty and told me there abilities along with my sister and father. Eliot could conduct electricity through his body to increase his speed, also making him shock proof, my mother was able to stop any mental abilities from effecting her. My fathers ability was to completely stop his thirst meaning he wouldn't lash out and drink someone's blood. Finally my sister was practically a succubus, not actually but her ability could manipulate ones emotions into loving her or at least liking her more.

I was now sat at home by myself, bored, I wanted to know what my ability was therefore left the house and ran at inhuman speed to the woods nearby to see what I was capable of.