
107 Will You Marry Me?

Leo let out a sigh and then walked to a storage closet and grabbed a vase to place the flowers in. He mixed the package as per the instruction and trimmed the stems on the flowers before placing them in the vase in the middle of the table. 'I hope that will do. I am not completely well versed in this but I know enough.' He went back in the kitchen and placed two sweet potatoes on tin foil and then wrapped them before placing them in the oven. He closed the oven door then looked at the marinating steaks in the fridge and started to heat up the grill in the kitchen. Leo washed his hands and went back outside and grabbed the two boxes of flower petals and brought them to the dining room he opened the two boxes and started sprinkling the petals over the table. He trailed the petals all the way to the stairs and he stopped leaving petals when he reached in front of the bedroom door. He placed the box in a spare room and grabbed a bunch of candles to light the dining room up.