
Unknown Moments

When a person see the things in another perspective, it can change into something more. They didn't say " There's more than meets the eye" for nothing. There are some things that are better to be hidden and some things are better to be not understood. See them and seek them. When you're near, be ready to expect the unexpected

Santhiya_Smiles · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Chapter 6

"That's Sarah's sister".

"What? Can we meet her. Hades, this is the only clue we have to procced and i think we should discuss it afterwards we get to a safe place"

"Sure, lets get Loky and Sheryl and go"

"You, don't you want to know about the person I said I love"

"Yuri, its-its your wish whether to tell me or not, I won't force you. No matter who they are, I will support you, I-If they hurt you I don't know what ill do but all I want is for you to be happy". It feels like a thousand swords piercing my heart and I'm having a hard time to not to breakdown. No, Now its not the right time, you have to hold on.

"Let's go"

"Hades, its no-"

"Shhh. Its ok, tell me when you're ready"

When we entered the main hall, the party was full on and everyone was already on the dance floor. It took some time to find Loky and Sheryl but what's surprising is that they seemed to be getting along fine, like they seem to complete each other, forget it, its all in my head. I don't want to disturb their precious moment.

"Ahem, Can you bless me by dancing with me, My handsome king".

"That's what I want to ask you, milady. Seems like I missed the opportunity to ask but sure, If it's not for the fairy then for what". We burst out laughing. It has been days since she laughed freely.

Whatever even if she loves someone else, as long as she's happy I don't mind anything else. It started with slow dancing and we are having the time of our life when it changed to freestyle. It soon full fledged party and we don't know what we're dancing anymore. We become one with music and lost track of time, for me i wish this moment to last forever. If it's not for Sheryl dragging us away, we would have danced till tomorrow.

"Right, Hades where did you get that pendant. It's really nice, tell me which young lady gave it to you"

"Loky, its not what you think but I don't know where I got it, its just suddenly appeared. I know it's hard to believe but it's the truth"

"Wow, you're really changed my mind. Do tell where do you learn to lie so badly"

"Hades, wasn't it was blue before but now it become grey". What do you mean Grey and blue it was yellow when I wore it.

"Hades, I think I seen it before, can I see it closely"

"Sure Sheryl, here"


"I don't know but I surely seen it somewhere"

"It's okay Sheryl. Loky can you search it for me"

"Sure, but I can't guarantee that I can find anything so don't get your hopes up"

"Ok guys, let's turn in for the night. It's almost midnight. And one more thing Sheryl do you mind if you can stay with Yuri"

"I can but only if she don't mind"

"It's fine and I could really use some company"

"Then it's settled, we'll meet in the morning and discuss further"

We escorted the ladies to Yuri's room and left. Many things happened today and I can't concentrate on anything. It hurts and I don't think I can ever move from Yuri ever.

"Hades, are you ok? I've been dying to ask you what happened to you after meeting him. You don't look good and don't lie for I can easily tell"

"I-I don't know, ok. You are right if I don't confess she'll be with someone else. It's like I lost everything when she said she has someone she loves. It's like my heart just shattered like glass. I-". Unknowingly tears began to fall and it has been decades since I cried and its getting hard to breath.

"Please leave me alone, I-I'll just, just don't disturb me. I want to sleep maybe then maybe I can wake up from this dream"

"Hades, I-"

"Please just don't talk to me, please"

After that I just got into the bed and laid there without sleep, the tears didn't stop it kept pouring. I know I'm not a child or a teenager, I'm an adult, even then it still hurts to think I won't be able to beside her. With these thoughts I don't know when I fell asleep and it was nearly mid noon when Loky woke me up.

"Hades, Wake up, it's nearly 11'o clock"


"Hades, I ordered the food here and just eat something. You're not in great condition to meet anyone. So take some rest, I'll tell them something"

"Loks, it's okay. It's important and tell them I'll be with them during lunch and I'm sorry that you to see this state of mine. I didn't even dreamt of me crying"

"It's okay, don't be. That's what friends are for. And you didn't do anything wrong, it's just you are extremely wounded if it hurt it's ok to cry"

With that he left and I began get ready and the food just came in. So I was about to eat when I heard the knocking. When I opened the door I was engulfed in a hug, this time it's not Sheryl but Yuri.