

Samantha Sakurada}

It took me awhile to realize that I had to pay a huge price for something I chose to do. I knew that by agreeing to take the blame for Shawn's actions my life would no longer be mine.

"Madam, did you take everything?" Miss Sakura walks into the now half empty room.

I look around to make sure nothing is left behind.

"I think so."

"The young master is waiting for you downstairs." 


I follow her downstairs to find my husband talking to his grandfather and Uncle Haru.

They were deep in conversation but I did not understand anything as they were talking in their native language.

"Sammy." Nick calls me holding out his hand to me.

I accept his extended hand taking my place beside him right as the rest of the family comes downstairs to see us off.

"How are you feeling today?" Grandpa Sakurada asks taking me by suprise.

I smilled. "I am doing fine. I just feel sad we won't see everyone for awhile."

He laughs. "Do not worry about us. We will be right here waiting for you two to return."

"And remember to take good care of yourself." Grandma added with a warm smile.

Uncle Haru gives Nick a hug. "Take care of yourself and your wife." 

"I definatley will."

My eyes land on Meisa. After our talk a few days ago she was radio silent when it came to me.

I knew she did not dare tell Nick the nature of our conversation that night as it would end in him possibly hating her as much as he hates me.

After more well wishes Nick and I were ready to head to tokyo. His mother gave us both hugs and asked us to eat well and take care of each other, She specifically told me to stay healthy and to not miss her too much although something told me she wanted me to disappear from the face of the earth.

Kazuha didn't bother saying anything to us. She was angry with Nick for attacking her "sick" and helpless father. Aunt Mitsuki and Michael luckily didn't bother showing up to see us off which made me happy.

Jaehyun gave me a forced smile wishing us safe travels and nothing more.


Something was off the moment I arrived in tokyo. 

The plane ride didn't take long and I wasn't even tired when we got to the apartment.

Nick immediately went to bed complaining that he had a headache. 

I understood that could happen and let him be but the very next day he left without a word. 

I was again all alone in a new place with only one person I know who seemed to be angry with me about something but won't say.

I sat on the couch after making myself breakfast so my baby wouldn't starve. 

"I hope this doesn't mean he will start being mean again." I said to myself feeling worried.

I place my hand on my stomach. "Your father is a very complicated man." I say to the baby.

The front door opens. "I went to buy more stuft for cooking."

Nick walks over to where I was grinning widely. 

"We have a week off before work starts so we can abit used to tokyo. I was thinking we could go on dates and eat till we drop." 

His grin drops when he realizes I was not sharing his enthusiasm.

"Are you feeling alright baby?"

I pout sadly.

"I thought you were upset with me." 

He laughs. "But why would I be mad at you my love?"

Because you think I killed your sister.

"I don't know." 

I look at him. He was grinning.

"I was just really tired. Grandpa and Aunt Mitsuki worked me to the bone on those final days in kyoto."

He rests his hand on my back. 

"I'm sorry I worried you." 

I shook my head smiling. "I was just over thinking everything."

He pulls me in for a deep kiss. I smiled into it feeling butterflies in my stomach.

Nick then hugs me. "I love you."

"I love you too." Even if you don't mean that, I love you with my heart and soul.

"Shall we cuddle for abit?"

"Yes please!"


"Nick it's on fire!" 

He rushes to his now burnt roast chicken. He was trying to make dinner for us but it seemed the young master had never cooked a day in his life.

I laugh at his panicked expression as he tries to put out the flames he involuntarily created. 

"This is bad." He says looking at what used to be chicken.

"Let's order pizza." 

"But I wanted you to enjoy my cooking."

I hop off the kitchen island to console my sad husband. 

"I know you did. We can always try again tomorrow." 

"I just want to take care of you."

He places his hands on my hips. I felt my face burn up.

"Are you blushing?"

"No." I lied.

He hugs me. "Fine, we will get pizza and watch some dumb horror movie."

"Sounds like a plan." 

We move to the living room after ordering our pizza.  I wasn't too hungry so I could wait patiently for our food.

I sat down trying to get comfortable when Nick's phone rings. He answers almost immediately.

"Hey mom." 

It was Meisa.  I wondered what she wanted. After our chat she told me she wouldn't interfere with my relationship anymore. Is she already breaking her promise?

"Yes. Sammy is with me." He turns to me. "Mom says hi."

I smile pretending to be happy to hear from her. 

Nick talk to his mom for a few more minutes before relaxing by my side.

"She misses us already," Said Nick, "I think she might be the only one apart from Miss Sakura."

"I think Hoshi misses you too." 

"Right. How could I forget that idiot." He playfully says. 

"Whatever. Let's find a movie Nick."

"Okay baby," He starts scrolling through the various movies trying to find a good one.

Nick and I finally settle on a old horor movie. It wasn't too and I didn't find it scary at all.