
Unknown hero

On hiatus. Focusing on other novel for now. System unlocked. Potential Level 500 fighter. Enter name - ... the name is ... the name is.. The year is 4069. Earth has developed drastically and now is on type 2 civilization. In this world now people live by how strong they are according to their levels. The strong dominates weak and seeks for more stronger power. Harvey brights a student of overdrive highschool is a victim of bullying since he entered the first year. He never tried to fight back the bullies but instead told the teachers but they would not listen to him. Harvey gets angry about school authorities doing nothing. Now what will Harvey do about it. Will he sit back and take the abuse or will he face slap them all.

Zukashi_zuno · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

The day 2 of tournament.

The people qualified from the 1st day of tournaments that are going to fight are

• Maya vs nami

• Harvey vs Carlos.

• Danny vs Tagero

• Taguchi vs kisumatsu

• Kai vs oregi

• Janaki vs Justin

The first match is between Maya and nami!

Both of them comes to the battleground.

" The first round of today's match will start!"

The announcer announced with a cheering and energetic voice which made the crowd go energetic too.

Maya and nami stood facing each other at a distance.

"Now... FIGHT!!" The announcer announced.

Both of them started going at each other.

Nami tried her hardest but lost to Maya's ultimate -whisper of sansevieria.

She advances to the semi-final!

The 2nd round is between Harvey and Carlos which Harvey won and didn't even need to use his ultimate in that match. Carlos was defeated by his combination of smoke bomb and haze attack.

The 3rd round was an interesting one. It was between 2 of the class strong guys. Danny vs Tagero!

The 2 of them got to the battleground one after another.

Tagero was tall and had an athletic build with a killer eye and straight hair.

The referee shouted saying " Start the fight!"

Tagero ran fast towards Danny. He used his skill running combo and began hitting Danny with a series of martial art combos while running and pushing him back.

Danny was blocking the hits but was pushed back from the force of its hit. Tagero saw an opening and kicked Danny right in the face and sent him flying, crashing the wall.

Tagero kicked the ground and a big piece of ground broke and came flying up. He kicked it like a football and sent it flying straight towards Danny.

Danny saw it incoming and dodged it fast. The broken piece of ground crashed against the wall and busted into pieces.

The crowd went wild. The announcer's reaction was wild as well.

Danny looked at tagero and rushed towards him. He clenched his right fist. A red flame came from his hands. He used his skill tempest fist.

He was so fast that tagero didn't have time to react and got punched in the face straight. Tagero was also sent flying, crashing over the ground and rolling 3 times and crashed against the wall.

Danny again used his tempest fist and rushed towards Tagero but this time tagero was ready and saw Danny and used his other skill boxing combo.

He dodged the punch which straight hit the wall and made a big crack.

Tagero punched Danny in the face like a boxer. He continued his punch 10 times. A straight jab, uppercut, left hook, right hook.

Danny caught the fists of tagero and wiped his nose which was how bleeding.

Danny used his other attacking skill super cut. He first gave a flying upper cut which made tagero go airborne and then in the mid air gave a straight jab and dashed towards him in mid air punching him towards the ground.

Tagero took a heavy damage. He had wounds and blood over his body and face. Danny was about to punch from the air to the ground but tagero dodged it and Danny hit the ground which made a bigger crate.

Tagero crouched down and gave a high kick to Danny sending him mid air. Tagero was ready to use his ultimate Air to ground smack.

Tagero jumped in the mid air doing a spinning heel kick to Danny sending him more higher. He did it one more time and almost reached the roof of the tournament building.

Tagero kicked the air and dashed above Danny and grabbed his dress from back and with full force smacked him towards the ground.

The impact from hitting the ground was so big that it created a earthquake like effect in the tournament building.

Everyone thought Danny was done for.

Tagero jumped back to the ground safely not attacking Danny further thinking he had defeated Danny.

He went near the I cleared dust and sweeped it away with his spinning kick only to see no one in the dust.

Danny was behind tagero. Tagero knew it but was late to react. He used bus ultimate in tagero the dragons fist.

A dragon like apparation appeared around Danny. He pulled his fist all the way back and punched with full force.

Tagero took the punch in spine and was sent flying towards the wall again. He broke his spine and crashed the wall.

This time he didn't get up from the ground. Danny was breathing heavily with blood and would all over the body. He also collapsed in the ground, making the audience wonder who won.

The ref counted till 10 to see if someone gets up.











Both of them was still on the ground and the result was a draw but both of them can't advance to semi final as both of them lost.

The medical team rushed in and took the 2 injured bodies back to the back stage.

Everyone applauded and gave respect to both of them. The 2 of them gave a intense and great fight.

Everyone in the backstage were also wowed by the fight. This was the 1st time they saw a match end at draw and both do not advance.

There were 3 more matches left.

Taguchi vs kisumatsu

Kai vs oregi

Janaki vs Justin.

The semi-final will have a triple threat and a 1v1.

If the fight is crazy like this then this time the overdrive school students may qualify for the worlds.

" Harvey, you saw that fight right." Don apostle from called Harvey from his phone.

" Yes don apostle it was magnificent indeed. Both of them looked like a winner. I also have to have a will like them."

" Don't worry you will have the will and you will qualify for the worlds. Until then take care."

The calm was cut off.

" Yes, I will and I will avenge my parents by killing that bastard koro hakura!"

Sorry, I couldn't upload in time. The network was not good. I will upload a extra chapter in next update. Thank you!

Zukashi_zunocreators' thoughts