
Unknown Gift I Got In Fictional Universe Made Me OP!

He always had a truly terrifying luck around him. However one day, he died saving a child. However that wasn't the end. Since his death was not something the universe expected, it gave him a chance. He is allowed to choose or random choose one gift. and got one extra as a service. After he randomly chose one, he was sent to the universe of anime and movies. there he saw that his gifts are.... _______________________________________ The characters from each anime and movies are not mine. I'm just borrowing them for some fun. Also, he sometimes go to other universe to pass the time during each world main events. It won't be the worlds given below. Though if you have any recommendations, just comment the latest chapter! Though I won't be using their characters that often, they will still be in the story. Thanks for reading! _______________________________________ World's : 1.) One Piece (Currently!) 2.) Tensura 3.) ??? 4.) DxD 5.) ??? Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from these anime,series or movies. The only thing I own is my own characters, (OC)

Mad_Crazer · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
61 Chs

Chapter - 25 [ #V1.8 : Danmachi : Humiliation! ]

One month passed by. In the last month, Tatsuya and Lina joined dungeon exploring. As for Miyuki, since she expressed her disinterest in going to the dungeon, Ash offered that he will train her which she accepted. But sometimes she will go to level up.

He taught her some new spells he created. While he was training her, the others reached floor 25 of the dungeon in just a month. After leaving almost all the enemies to Ais and Flare, they quickly reached Level 4 and 5 respectively. Due to Tatsuya's leading skills, analytical, and strategic skills, he was able to take them till 25th floor.

While he left them to enjoy and get stronger, Ash was now being helped by Miyuki who for some reason began to see him as a parent like figure.

May be due to helping them, or giving them happiness, she began to see him like that and also respect him like her brother.

And he didn't denied them. Although he doesn't have to age to be called a father which he mentioned, he said it is fine if that's what they want to consider him as but he also requested her to call him brother if it is fine with her. She accepted. She just wanted to give him a respectful place in her heart.

Ais as always slept together with him making Orna, Flare and surprisingly Lina jealous. He knew about Orna and Flare. But he didn't expected Lina to feel that way about him. He knows she liked Tatsuya a little. But knowing she can't win his heart she must be trying to escape from her feelings.

So he invited her to a date in the coming days. Hearing his invitation, Ais and the other two also demanded a date for themselves. He accepted it.

Returning to the main issue, Miyuki was doing his hair perfect for a meeting.

"How is it, Ash-niisama?"

Hearing her new way of calling him, Ash smiled happily. He was happy to get a sister.

"That's perfect. Thanks Miyuki."

"No, no. There is no need for that all."

He smiled widely and asked a little teasingly,

"So, how is it going with Tatsuya ~?"

This made her red with embarassment. She began to hit him in the shoulder. He chuckled and waited.

"It's going... okay... I mean, Tatsuya-san's emotions just returned a month ago. So, he is also a lot shy. But unlike I expected, things are going perfectly."

Although they were siblings, their feelings couldn't be denied. Ash also accepted it like it is nothing. And he was happy to see them enjoy their time together.

"That's good. I have planned your marriage. But not here. When we go to a certain world, we will do it luxuriously."

Miyuki blushed again and ran off with a smile. Ash chuckled and left the Eternal Manor to meet someone who invited him.

It was indeed a goddess who he already met before. It was Freya. She found out about his Familia and tried to charm Raven and Tatsuya. But thanks to his blessings, it was ineffective. And Ash who sensed this appeared in front of her and asked what is she doing. To his inquiry she invited him to a tea and said will talk there.

'Let me see what will the goddess of beauty and sex will do when I'm angry...'


In the highest floor of Babel Tower, in front of Freya's room, stood a man. He was Ottar, the king. His body trembled slightly to the presence he felt. Then that person appeared in front of him with an overflowing amount of murderous aura.

It made even him to tremble non-stop. Even so, he stood in front of the room.

Seeing Ottar, Ash snorted and ordered,

"Move from my way, brat."

His words held authority. But Ottar stood there like a stone. Seeing he will not change his mind, Ash was about to force the man, but a voice said,

"That's enough! Let him in, Ottar."

Ottar moved away from the door. Entering the room, Ash closed it startling Ottar. But he couldn't do anything as his whole body felt stuck.

Inside the room, Ash saw Freya wearing her usual revealing clothes and smiling at him. With his masked face and cold voice, Ash said,

"Quite a bad boy considering you groomed him, Freya."

Obviously he was talking about Ottar. Freya only smiled in response. She stopped Ash not because she was afraid of him, but fearing that her dignity will be questioned.

He snapped his finger and a throne materialized behind him. He sat on it majestically earning a frown from the goddess. But he ignored her feelings.

"Now, shall we talk?"

"What are you talking about?"

Seemingly feigning like a fool, Freya asked him. Ash snorted and said,

"I don't care what you think or do. But, I'll give you a warning. Don't even think about gazing upon my family. If not, you will regret it."

Her eyes looked straight at him and with an arrogant face, she said,

"I can't promise that. After all, no mortals belong to a specific god. If he/she likes me, then they can choose it freely."

She released her pressure as if trying to scare him. But making her look surprised, Ash continued,

"Then, let me ask you this, Freya, Goddess Of Beauty, Love, Sex and Pleasures. The 'Like me' you mentioned is because of your charm. So, like you, if I can control your little boy outside, will you be fine?"

At this, her whole aura exploded as if trying to crush him. But he too released his own aura nullifying her in response.

Her eyes widened in shock and fear. His Aura was even stronger than the pressure emitted by Uranus, one of the primordial god in creation!

'How is this possible!? There can't be another god of this level here!'

Especially if Uranus could sense it. But Ash answered her as if reading her mind,

"Uranus won't sense me. We are in a complete different dimension. It's just you and me."

Her fears began to rise. Then she said,

"I will accept your condition and will also compensate!"

Ash removed his pressure and nodded.

"It's good that you accepted the condition. As for compensating me, what can you give me?"

At this, her face turned sultry, as if everything that happened was a dream.

"How about I give myself to you~?"

Her thinking was simple. If she can't charm him, then dominate him using her techniques as a goddess of Sex.

But spitting in her face, he asked,

"Are you serious? Why would I want to have you, a slut who sleeps with whoever you finds interesting? At first I thought I should give you a chance. But that doesn't seem to be possible anymore. I don't need your body. And I don't need anything from you as well. Just keep your promise."

With that said, he was about to leave. Freya was obviously felt her pride being torn, but she held it back and asked,

"Wait! I showed you a basic manners but why are you even not showing your face?"

He looked back and said,

"Because you are not worthy of it."

He said and teleported outside the room. He looked at Ottar and said,

"You better not make me angry. Not to mention your goddess, even if Uranus comes, I can destroy your entire familia. You hear me?"

Without even hearing his response, Ash teleported back to his Manor.

Inside the room, Freya was biting her one fingers in frustration.

'Who was he?! I never heard about someone so strong! Forget about what he called me. I'm proud of my divinity. But his last words truly hurt me! He said I'm not worthy to see his face!? Me, the goddess of beauty!?'

No one in the entire Eden would have thought that the goddess of the strongest familia of Orario has been humiliated. And probably no one will.