
Unknown Abomination

Morgan is pulled from death to a new world and given purpose to hunt down one man, it seems his missions are not over even after death. To earn his freedom he must accomplish one last mission but to do that he needs more power and to be able to manoeuvre his way in a new battlefield, a school for teens. As well as adapt to a brand new world filled with magic and other mysteries he had only read about when he still lived on Earth.

Jaegarjaquez · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Ripped from oblivion

The fury of a scorned woman ripped Morgan's consciousness from blissful and unforgiving oblivion. He knew he had died. He even remembered how. Yet he heard a sweet voice filled with restrained fury.

"Arise my son, you have slumbered enough." So he awoke but out of compulsion and not his own will. He stared, stricken by the beautiful creature in front of him. Even with her displeased countenance could not hide her other worldly beauty. Her olive green skin was not hidden by the little leaves and vines that stuck to her body, covering the private parts and only that. Deep, dark, luscious and green hair cascaded down from her head all the way to her chest. Pupil less emerald eyes gazed at the reborn soldier, glowing with eerie green light and illuminating just enough of her voluptuous body to make out its exquisite shape. No matter where he turned his head all he saw was impenetrable darkness.

"Do you remember your name?" She asked, her voice stern, yet caring. Morgan did remember, he could even recall much more of his life than he could back when he was alive before, so he answered.

"M-Morgan." His mouth dry, lips cracked and a splitting headache darkening his vision, yet he was still compelled to answer, not that he wouldn't just it would have been nice to have the option to not answer.

"Very well, Morgan. You will feel better momentarily so just listen for now. I have given a lot to create you. I have nurtured and cared for you for some years now. I have contracted a demon for his blood, so you would feed on it and gain demonic kinship. I have implored an angel for a capable soul from oblivion. Both these bargains have cost me dearly. I did my best to create a weapon eradicated long ago, consuming much of domain and those that lived within. With my limited powers I have managed to create just an imitation but it will be enough. It must be, for I have no more to give. So here you are Morgan, a little bit of demon, a little bit of angel, a big part me and some part your father, a human." She spat the last bit with burning fury almost shouting, her face turning into a terrifying, yet charming scowl. The demon implored me to remind you that as long you consider the sacred seven you will grow into your demonic powers. The angel on the other hand, was much more straightforward and said whenever you wish to know yourself and focus, you will. You should try that as soon as you woke up, so it said." With his headache now abating, Morgan could focus a little better and as soon as he focused wanting to know more about himself his status sheet appeared.

Name: Morgan

Level: 1

Race: Unknown Abomination ( Human/Angel/Demon/Nature)

Artefacts: Morgan's Cube

Effects: Bound to Sylva (Forest Mother)


Strength: 20

Agility: 20

Dexterity: 20

Constitution: 20

Endurance: 20

Intelligence: 20

Sense: 20

Wisdom: 20

Willpower: 20

Luck: 10

"Well, I'll be damned." Morgan mouthed as soon as he glanced at his status sheet. It was so much like those games and novels on Earth. He was a child soldier so he didn't get to experience those things as much, but later in his life he did consume them any chance he got.

"No, you will be fine." Answered Sylva, slowly and smoothly. Once he got his manners under control he asked.

"What should I call you? My lady." He added, doing his best to sound polite not that he had any idea what that sounded like around this part of the new world he was in now.

"I am Sylva, your mother." She answered with the same unshifting tone and smiled at the boy, that was now being gently pushed out of a wall of black vines. They were embedded in his skin, muscles and bone. Slowly they shifted and pulled away from him of their own will and to his surprise it did not hurt him as much as he thought vines ripping through his flesh would. A few moments later he stood on wobbly legs, shaking beneath him. He reflexively reached to grab onto anything to steady himself. Only to find Sylva's unshaking embrace, soft flesh gave way under his fingers and he felt smooth skins making contact with his own and felt warmth he never had before.

"Aren't you too old for this?" She asked in the same stern tone she had spoken this whole time and guided him to a nearby leaf bed.

"People are never too old to embrace their mothers." The boy answered smirking. He would do whatever was necessary just like he had done all his life. Morgan wasn't a bad man but a life time of killing had shaved his morals down quite a bit, as well as the bizarre situation hadn't helped. He knew he was bound to this creature he felt the strange irresistible compulsion to obey.

"Well, Morgan. I am glad you feel that way. I..." For the first time Morgan saw the woman's stern countenance break as she paused.

"I regret making you do this, and it hurts me. We Forest Mothers are kind and caring by nature. Ever... since that... man. " She trembled in fury and could not force the words out, while Morgan just sat and watched the woman. He felt her fur anger and frustration, but not just him. All around him he felt the leaves rustle, the ancient wooden branches that shaped the whole house creak and groan and vines lashed aimlessly in blind rage. Not just her house but the forest as a whole responded to her anger.

"Well that is why I created you, Morgan." The ex-soldier sat on the leaf bed and listened without making a sound and in full attention, ever the exemplary soldier.

"The demon I made a deal with, his brother is the headmaster of an academy, which I am told does not discriminate like the rest of the humans and accepts all kind of people, you will go there to learn of this world and grow in power. You will also be on the lookout for a man. Ever since he... deceived me... and... forced himself upon me. I have lost my compassion and I cannot be a Forest Mother without compassion, so I created you, Morgan. You will hunt down your father, for me."