
Universal Power System

By the year 2350, Earth was quite different than the futuristic dystopia that was imagined by scientists and comic book authors alike. With greed and corruption more rampant and powerful than ever, human beings were on the brink of ending humanity itself with countless wars and skirmishes. However, before such a tragedy could become a reality for Earth, an unexpected visitor saved humanity from the brink of self-extinction, one who was suffering from the devastating effects of their own extinction event. Humanity had been searching the cosmos for signs of extraterrestrial life for several centuries now, but they didn't expect was to be discovered by an alien race first who were known as the Yalhvi. The Yalhvi were a supernatural race capable of manipulating elements and using other abilities, something that was only considered Sci-Fi up to that point. After suffering from a similar fate in their home world which ultimately led to the destruction of the whole planet, the remaining Yalhvi swore of violence as they scoured the galaxy in search of another suitable planet to call home. A historic peace treaty was forged; granting the Yalhvi residence on Earth. In exchange, the Yalhvi shared their knowledge and revealed the secrets behind their supernatural abilities. With this newfound understanding, humanity slowly began awakening its very own extraordinary powers. Many discoveries were made and humanity advanced forward at an exponential rate. With the help of the Yalhvi, many more secrets were found and questions answered. Humanity expanded its reach much farther than the solar system, finally making contact with dozens of other species within the galaxy and establishing connections, greatly improving their technology thanks to Yalhvi's architecture and design. However, once again humanity fell victim to greed as they didn’t heed the warnings that Yalhvi had given them. Slowly, a hierarchical system emerged, where the strong reigned supreme and the powerless were oppressed. Wars erupted once again, this time posing an even greater threat than nuclear warfare, threatening to destroy all this great progress and risk the very survival of the human race once again. Amidst the chaos, ten courageous warriors arose, standing united to end the devastating conflicts that plagued their world and achieve some semblance of peace. *************** “We welcome humanity to the beginning of a new year and a new century. May we continue to flourish and make many more advancements in the coming years! Here’s to making more cherished memories in 2600!” As the holographic image of a spokesperson projected across Emerald City, announcing the arrival of a brand new year, a young boy named Mako walked through a dimly lit alley, his discontent brewing within. "Humph! Another year of happiness reserved for the privileged and wealthy. For us, it's more of the same," Mako muttered to himself as he continued walking through the alley. Little did he know that a new enemy was about to reveal itself, threatening the destruction of the entire Milky Way Galaxy, and with the dawn of this new year, a path would unveil that destiny had intricately woven for him to become the one who would either save the galaxy or lead to its destruction if he were to fail. Amidst the struggles and injustices, Mako's role in shaping the future would be the key to the survival of trillions of living beings, challenging the oppressive forces that sought to maintain control over everything. *************** If you like this novel then please consider adding them to your Library! Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/unPfQYTKw2 Follow me on Instagram: @the.real.kingu

KingU · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
338 Chs

The System

Mako noticed that there was something behind the mirror. It looked like some sort of a lever, but that didn't make any sense why would a random lever be hiding behind his bathroom mirror?

Amy Grey was his grandmother, and she was the one who took care of Mako during his childhood unfortunately, she passed away when Mako was the age of 14, and ever since Mako has been living in the house alone.

He had inherited the house which belonged to her grandmother which was actually built by her father alongside a small amount of money that she had in her savings.

It was incredibly rough being all alone in the world at just 14 years of age, but Mako had to be brave as the teachings and lessons of his grandmother kept him going through the years with the old folk of Bird's Eye Street also coming to visit every once in a while to make sure he was okay.

Mako had never seen anything wrong with the house other than the fact that it was a bit secluded from the other residential areas and was closer to the forest near the outskirts of the city.

This was why Mako was so surprised to see a secret lever behind the now-broken mirror. His hand was in a lot of pain due to the glass cutting it all over and he was covered in blood, but he didn't care about it right now as he was too curious to see what was the purpose of the secret lever.


After flipping the lever, the mechanism behind it started to make mechanical noises akin to giant gears turning.

Suddenly the whole wardrobe behind Mako which had all his clothes started to move toward the left-hand side of the sink, revealing a narrow passage that had stairs leading down somewhere into the darkness.

'What the hell is this!?' Mako said to himself as he couldn't help but question what he was seeing.

'Maybe I finally got brain damage from all that beating... or maybe I am just dreaming.' Mako thought as he decided to pinch himself hard, but to his surprise, he didn't suddenly wake up.

"HOLY S***! This is real!" He exclaimed.

Mako soon realized the situation he was in, a passage leading from his house to who knows where.

Mako had a sense of foreboding and caution, but also a sense of excitement and curiosity.

After staring down the dark passage for what looked like ten minutes, his curiosity got the better of him and he decided to make his way down the stair of the dark passage.

Going down the stairs, Mako could constantly hear water dripping, weird squeaking from within the wooden walls, and the sound of his footsteps echoing back to him, but he didn't get scared as he was committed and determined to find out where the passage led.

Eventually, the stairs finished leading down and led Mako into a small room the size of a garden shed. There was a singular light bulb that had just enough light to barely light up the room.

Multiple shelves had an assortment of different things such as some old rocks and other things that were covered in dust. In the middle of the room was a small chest the size of Mako's palm sitting on top of a pedestal.

Mako was amazed to find such a room underneath his house filled with an assortment of different weird items on the dusty shelves and a miniature chest in the middle that Mako thought was some sort of treasure and decided to open it without any caution.

The chest had no lock but it still won't open. Mako was only using one hand as his other one was still injured, but he still used all of his strength but the chest did not budge. 

It felt quite absurd that something so small had been clamped down with so much force that it didn't even slightly move while Mako continued to try and open it.

After continuously failing, he decided to use both of his hands to try and to carefully open it because he would have a better grip on the box and see if he could find the trick to open the chest.

However, as soon as his bloody hand touched the chest, it instantly lit up. It was so bright that Mako had to close his eyes to protect them from going blind and that was when he heard a strange voice come out of the box.

[Blood Sample Found]

[Matching Blood Sample From Database]

[Match Found]

[Initializing System]

This was the last thing that Mako heard before he felt a cool yet burning feeling all over him, and that something was trying to forcefully enter his body as he could feel the movement of his every muscle and artery.

Not having the strength to fight back; whatever was trying to get in, made its way inside Mako's body, and he passed out the next moment it did.


After some time, Mako came to and found himself still in the same old dusty secret room he found at the bottom of the secret passage.

"Uhh....! How many times am I gonna get knocked out today?" Mako complained in a drowsy manner as he slowly got up while holding his head.

This was the third time today that he was knocked out, first by Bill, second when he collapsed on his bed as soon as got home from exhaustion due to walking home while injured and taking a healing pill, and finally now when he had opened the chest.

"THE CHEST! Yes, I opened the chest! where is it?" Mako now remembered what had transpired moments before he was knocked out.

He got up and searched the whole room, but there was no sign of the chest anywhere. This was quite confusing as how could a physical object vanish in thin air? The room was small enough for him to find it it fell down somewhere and Mako was quite sure that it couldn't walk up those stairs.

Mako was convinced that the chest was still somewhere inside the small room, and he decided to keep looking when suddenly he started to hear faint beeping sounds.

The room was starting to become more and more creepy, as there was no sign of a machine or a piece of technology in the room other than the light bulb that could produce a beeping sound and yet he could quite clearly hear a beeping sound.

Not sure where the beeping was coming from, Mako decided to ignore it and keep on looking for the chest. After about ten minutes, Mako was convinced that the chest was not in the room.

"We'll I guess I found another thing related to my socks, both vanish; one in the dryer while the other in a small creepy secret room in your great grandpa's old house." Mako made fun of the situation as he gave up, and decided to head back towards the bathroom from where he came, unsure what to make of the weird experience he had just gone through.

However, as Mako turned around to move toward the stairs, he noticed a faint blue light in the corner of his eye that was blinking.

"So you were doing all that beeping," Mako said as he reached out towards the wall to touch the light, but all he came in contact with was the stone brick wall.


Mako kept touching where the light was showing, but he always just touched the wall, and as he moved his head the light moved as well.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" Mako shouted as touched all parts of his face to see if there was anything wrong with him but that wasn't the case either.

"Is this thing inside my brain? But how is that even possible?!" Mako exclaimed as he started to panic, worrying that it was a bomb or some parasite inside of him and that he was going to die.

After constantly moving back and forth frantically, and trying everything that he could for the blinking light to go away, he finally decided to calm down and focus on the blinking light to see if there was anything on it.

As soon as Mako decided to focus on the blur-blinking light, it suddenly got brighter and brighter and started to expand as well. In an instant, the blue had covered everything in Mako's line of sight. It happened so fast that, Mako jumped at the sudden change, and landed on his butt.



While rubbing his butt, Mako slowly opened his eyes to see that a screen was being displayed in front of his eyes. Astonished by what he was seeing, he again subconsciously reached out to touch the screen but it was nothing but air.

"Right, don't touch, but think." Mako reminded himself and decided to access the screen through his thoughts.

[Initializing complete]

[Welcome, User]

A welcome message greeted Mako, and as he sent his thoughts to move forward, the screen moved too.

"Woah, so it really is operated through my thoughts." Mako realized as he went forward with the system's greeting messages.

Mako had never heard of the technology that can disappear once opened and be directly implanted in your brain which can be accessed by thoughts.

There were many advancements made in the technology sector with many different types of advanced AI, but this was on a whole other level.

After the system finished with those initial messages, five tabs were displayed in front of him.

[Profile] ⓘ

[Quests] ⓘ

[Skills] ⓘ

[Inventory] ⓘ

[Shop] ⓘ

All the tabs were greyed out except the one labeled 'profile', and after not being able to access any of the other tabs, Mako decided to open the profile tab.

[User: Mako Grey] ⓘ

[Health: 84/100] ⓘ

[Energy: 50/50] ⓘ

[EXP: 0/100] ⓘ

[Level 1] ⓘ

[Strength: 2] ⓘ

[Agility: 3] ⓘ

[Perception: Null] ⓘ

[Intelligence: 5] ⓘ

[Mentality: 2] ⓘ

[Stamina: 4] ⓘ

[Charisma: Locked] ⓘ

[Fortitude: Locked] ⓘ

It displayed all the different attributes of Mako, while some of those were locked others had a numerical value next to them.

'How the hell does this know my name, and what is this 'EXP' thing that it's talking about? Is this all a type of game? Am I dreaming? No way this is real, right?' A plethora of different thoughts were coursing through Mako's mind as he read all the different attributes of his current body.

Each attribute had an '' symbol next to it which indicated that it would reveal more information, but before Mako could read any of them; he noticed an envelope with a red dot on it near the corner of the screen. Intrigued by what it was, he decided to open that first.

[Notifications] ⓘ

[(1) Unread message]

[New video message]

"Hmm...., I wonder what this is about?" Mako's curiosity peaked as he sent his thoughts to play the video message.


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