
Universal Hunter

In a world shaped by interdimensional portals and the emergence of superhuman abilities, everyone aspires to be a 'Hunter', someone who takes down monsters and conquer dungeons. A young prodigy named Issac, a standout student at Regalia University, wishes to be a hunter like many others. But when his trusted mentor and confidant, Head Alchemist Ian Bhryne, mysteriously disappears, Issac finds himself entangled in a web of secrets and perilous intrigue. Strange events and unforeseen circumstances begin to unravel the carefully woven fabric of his reality. Each step further unravels a labyrinthine conspiracy, hinting at a dark truth—one that threatens not only the lives of those within the university's walls but the delicate balance between worlds.

ThunderWarlord · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
33 Chs

Questions And Answers

Issac's footsteps echoed with a mix of unease and curiosity as he cautiously approached the table once again.

His hand trembled slightly as he reached out, his fingers carefully clasping the letter nestled next to the vial. Drawing a steadying breath, he read the words aloud, his voice filled with a blend of confusion and intrigue.

"Congratulations... you've been invited to... The Alliance Guild...?"

The words hung in the air, swirling around Isaac like a whirlwind of possibilities. He gazed at the letter in his grasp, silently trying to make sense of it. He turned it over and over, examining every crease and curve, as though he was trouble comprehending the message that was written on it.

'An invitation letter?' A wry smile tugged at the corners of his lips, the irony not lost on him. 'More like a demand letter..' He thought to himself as he placed the letter back inside the box. That's exactly what this so-called invitation felt like; a twisted command that left him questioning the intentions behind it.

His attention then shifted to the vial of potion nestled within the box, and he raised an eyebrow, his mind whirling with thoughts and theories. With cautious deliberation, Isaac withdrew the vial from the box, scrutinizing its exterior and the contents within before returning it to its place with a sigh.

'There's no doubt about it. That's definitely the potion we created...' Isaac's conviction solidified, and the pieces of the puzzle began to align in Isaac's mind. Their client, the one who had requested the human experiments to Mr. Byrne, who had not only provided them with the formula for the potion but had also obtained the necessary materials, was undeniably linked to this inexplicable invitation. And he was most likely linked to the Alliance Guild.

Isaac's mind raced with theories, each one more perplexing than the last. 'Maybe he owns the Alliance Guild or something…' He thought to himself, trying to find reasons as to why a guild would try to recruit someone by threatening them. 'Maybe he wants to keep me close? To keep an eye on me? To prevent him from divulging the secrets of their experiments?'

Isaac's mind raced, and the more he delved into his thoughts, the more he realized that absolute certainty eluded him in this perplexing situation.

Isaac retrieved his phone and dialed Mr. Bhryne's number once more, yet the call remained unanswered.

"Shit!" Frustration surged through him, and he cursed under his breath, biting his lip in anxious contemplation.

His gaze shifted to the box resting on the table, uncertainty clouding his thoughts, leaving him at a loss for the next step to take.


The pungent aroma of burnt noodles filled the air, the acrid scent mingling with the brewing storm within Isaac's mind.


The next day.

Regalia University.

"Hey, Issac!"

"What's up Issac?"

"Hey man, what's up?"

As Issac made his way through the bustling campus, familiar faces greeted him with friendly smiles and casual greetings, expecting the usual exchange. However, this time, Issac's responses were laced with a touch of unease, a subtle deviation from his usual warmth. He quickened his pace, as if hoping to avoid prolonged interactions and keep his guard up.

'If they know my address, they surely know I attend Regalia University too…' This realization etched itself deep into his psyche, intensifying his wariness as he navigated through the university hallway, his goal firmly fixed on reaching his classroom while minimizing any unnecessary interactions with fellow students.

In Isaac's mind, the disturbing possibility loomed large: hidden among the sea of university students could be undercover operatives, skillfully disguised, silently surveilling his every move. Though he recognized the tinge of paranoia in his thoughts, he couldn't dismiss the tangible probability that such a scenario could indeed be unfolding around him.

"Hey, Issac!" A familiar voice sliced through his ruminations, causing him to startle and redirect his focus. Melina Koerner stood before him, radiating an infectious cheerfulness.

"Oh, hey, Melina.." Issac greeted Melina with a weak smile, his mind already searching for an exit strategy from the conversation. "What's up?"

"Oh, nothing much..." Melina's voice trailed off, her sheepish demeanor betraying a hidden motive. "I was on my way to class and saw you. That's all..."

Issac mustered a brief response, his desire to escape the conversation palpable. "Ah, right," he uttered curtly before setting off, his pace quickening. "Well, then... I suppose I'll catch you later."

"Ah, wait, Issac!" But just as he turned to leave, Melina's hand shot out and caught his, effectively halting his departure. Taken aback, Issac turned back to face her, mustering a forced smile. "Yes, Melina?"

"Well, uh, I was wondering if you have time after class?" Melina's voice grew soft, her cheeks flushing crimson. "You know.. with what happened to Mr.Bhryne and all, I'm assuming you're free now.."

"Oh, Melina, listen.." Issac was about to conjure up another excuse to avoid Melina's request when his eyes suddenly widened with shock. Acting on instinct, he leaned forward and grasped Melina's shoulders, causing her to flinch. With a mix of urgency and disbelief, he pressed her for clarification. "What did you just say?"

"Uh, ah- wh- what?!" Caught off guard by his sudden intensity, Melina stammered in confusion, trying to comprehend his reaction.

"Mr. Bhryne, Melina!" Issac pressed, his voice now tinged with desperation and a sense of urgency. "You said something happened to him. What happened?"

"Uh, well, he- he got transferred…? I think?" Melina responded with a perplexed expression, her confusion mirroring his own. "I happened to see them changing his name on the Alchemy department board when I walked past. Didn't Mr. Bhryne inform you?"


Issac bolted towards the Alchemy department, his footsteps echoing with purpose, leaving a bewildered Melina standing alone in the hallway.

"What in the world is going on?" A torrent of thoughts swirled through Issac's mind as he raced past his peers, fueled by a mix of worry and confusion. Despite the questioning gazes directed his way, he remained undeterred.

"Ah, Mr. Volante! Please refrain from running in the hallway!" Mr. Reid Henderson, a seasoned alchemist and one of the esteemed instructors in the university, waved his hand in an attempt to catch Issac's attention. As Issac finally reached the Alchemy department, his gaze was fixed upon the board that proudly displayed the names of the professors who formed the backbone of the department.

"He really did leave…" A hushed whisper escaped Issac's lips, barely audible amidst the bustling atmosphere. A look of confusion flickered across Mr. Henderson's face before it was swiftly replaced by a nod of comprehension, his eyes reflecting a glimmer of understanding. "Ah, you're referring to Mr. Bhryne, aren't you?"

"You know where he went, Mr. Henderson?" Issac's gaze shifted towards the alchemist, his eyes searching for answers amidst the labyrinth of questions that consumed his mind.

"You were undoubtedly close to him, weren't you?" Mr. Henderson nodded his head once again, emphasizing their connection, before continuing, "I know it may seem contradictory due to his sudden departure, but rest assured, he cared deeply about you."

"....okay?" Issac's eyebrows knitted together in a display of skepticism, uncertain of the intentions behind Mr. Henderson's words.

"I can see that you don't believe me.. But it is true! I'm not lying," Mr. Henderson reiterated, his voice laced with a hint of exasperation as he sensed Issac's skepticism. He let out a weary sigh, his gaze fixed on Issac's bewildered expression, before proceeding with a measured tone, "He explicitly instructed me to convey this message: he had a profoundly compelling reason for his departure, and he wants you to rest assured that there is no need for you to worry about him."

"He said that?" Issac's eyes widened in a mix of shock and surprise, his disbelief palpable. Mr. Henderson couldn't help but let out a snort of satisfaction, a smug expression crossing his face. "Of course he did. He's a genuinely good person, you know?"

As Mr. Henderson continued showering Mr. Bhryne with praise, extolling his virtues in front of Issac, the words seemed to blur into the background. Issac's mind had already wandered off, consumed by the weight of the information he had just learned.

'He told me not to worry?' Issac couldn't fathom that Mr. Bhryne had actually uttered those words to Mr. Henderson. How could he possibly expect Issac to remain unaffected after everything that had transpired? The events that had unfolded had shaken him to his core, leaving him teetering on the edge of uncertainty and unease. How on earth could he not worry?

"... And anyway, it was weird why he recommended that foot massage shop so much," Mr. Henderson continued, his words slicing through the air with a perplexing tone. Issac's ears perked up, his curiosity piqued as he fixed Mr. Henderson with a puzzled look. Without hesitation, he interjected, "A foot massage shop?"

"Exactly!" Mr. Henderson snapped his fingers, his voice resonating with exasperation. "It was peculiar, bidding farewell while promoting a foot massage parlor. And he kept mentioning some foreign guy, Jerrol or something. I can't recall the precise name, but apparently, he's a master at his craft. It was strange, really, considering I'm not a fan of foot massages. He knew that, so I don't understand why he insisted on telling me…"

Issac's eyes widened as Mr. Henderson's words fell upon his ears.

"Which foot massage shop was it?!" He interjected abruptly, catching Mr. Henderson off guard. "Huh? I believe it was called 'Chow's Foot Reflexology' or something of the sort…"