

a sudden dream woke ELLA up with gasp , a sudden breath left her mouth. it all felt real . why did god have to choose this path for me . whenever his eyes met his , a sudden pain she felt and him too made them both left vulnerable . she left all behind to live in orphanage, she made her heart like stone no emotion could hinder but she was pretty soft for one those who loved her....... she choose to not have deep connection anyone again but ALICE , who was known for his nobility who was nowhere to be seen near girls . a mystery surrounded him shaked her mind world completely. a memory in her eyes kept him closing down all the distance between them which made her doubt her mind.

athelast_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs


The old man cleared his throat with a low "ahem" before speaking. "So, you did notice!"

Arkin snapped out of his daze as Sage's voice called to him, belatedly realizing he had been staring in her direction.

Sage chuckled softly, his eyes crinkling with amusement. "Let's talk while taking a stroll."

Arkin and his aide followed Sage's lead, walking beside him.

"noticed ?" Arkin , curiosity piqued. "She doesn't seem like she's from around here, considering her demeanor and the way she's dressed."

Sage cleared his throat before replying. "I believe she was seeking shelter and ended up here by our carriage."

Arkin furrowed his brows, deep in thought. "She appears to be a fine young lady, aside from her injuries."

"Due to her injury, I decided to let her stay here," Sage explained, his tone thoughtful. "I'll be making inquiries during her enrollment."

Arkin's eyes widened in surprise. "You're considering enrolling her at the academy?"

Sage chuckled, offering Arkina warm smile. "Yes, if she's interested. I've asked Elsa to inform her. Her room is conveniently close to the academy dormitory, and she seemed curious."

A shadow passed over Arkin's face as he continued to ponder Sage's decision. (Is history about to repeat itself?)

Ella's POV:

As I ran, the distance between us finally allowed me to catch my breath.

Amidst my internal turmoil, a voice called out from behind, breaking through my confusion. "Ella! Ella, why are you here? I've searched everywhere looking for you."

I slowed to a halt, inhaling deeply to steady myself. "Nanny, the bustling crowd overwhelmed me because of unfamiliar faces, so i was founding a quieter space."

Her reassuring grip on my shoulder grounded me. "Ah, I see how it could have felt isolating."

With a gentle smile, she took my hand, guiding me toward the dining hall. I glanced back briefly, my thoughts still tangled in the encounter that had just happened with him.

The place where dining was set was beautiful with high ceiling and chandelier hanging from it. The place for many peoples and it look like some sort of gathering .i prompted a quizzical look towards nanny.

Understanding my unspoken inquiry, her smile remained genuine. "A modest gathering has been arranged for newcomers such as yourself. An opportunity for everyone to acquaint themselves."

Nanny Elsa, the head of the orphanage staff, introduced me to the other members. In this hall, only staff and young children filled the space, as I was the sole adult among them in yesterday's arrivals.

, I found myself near the point of being unable to move.my tummy was full now. A soft laugh escaped Nanny Elsa's mouth. Taking my hand once more, she led me outside for a leisurely stroll.

During this stroll, my curiosity welled within me, yearning to be voiced.

Once again, Nanny Elsa astutely interpreted my unspoken desire, offering a gentle prompt. "Go ahead, ask away."

My inquiry centered on the enigmatic name of the place. "What is the significance of 'House Xander'?"

Nanny Elsa took a moment to clear her throat before delving into an explanation. "Allow me to provide a concise overview. Xander is the family surname that holds sway over this realm."

"The reigning empire is ruled by Andrew Xander, with Empress Estella Xander as his wife." Her narrative continued, eyes flickering with historical insight. "Among their offspring are two sons, Edward and Arkin. While both bear the mantle of crown princes, it's Edward who stands as the favored heir to the throne. Arkin, a crown prince as well, directs his passion toward military endeavors. However, Arkin is not a biological heir, but rather someone whom to our emperor and empire is indebted" so you better no say any careless word.

As Nanny Elsa's words flowed, a chill swept over me, my heart pounding within my chest. Empire, majesty? what the hell is nanny speaking a fairy tale?—was I ensnared in a passage of time? Was this reality or the fabric of a vivid dream?

Nanny Elsa's gaze shifted, softening as if sensing my inner turmoil. "Take care with your words, for you now stand within our realm—an empire."

"Tridentum Empire"—those two words, uttered with grace, sent ripples of disbelief through my being. just hearing the name she could not even pronounce correctly she faints on ground.

Overwhelmed, I clutched my head, grappling to fathom the enormity of my circumstances. Dizziness enveloped me, and then, darkness.


slowly her eyes ELLA realised a similar ceiling , she jolted and sit up straight.

Elsa" you finally woke up. "

Ella faking to smile" am i still here . nothing maybe my injuries making me weak ". she gets up making her way out

Elsa questioned "where"

she answered "to get some fresh air" and mumbling to herself also ' and putting myself to reality '

ELLA was deep in thought . ELSA Interrupted her "since now you somewhat know the place . you should meet higherups. besides your room this building is academy exit where all study and learn.

you can enroll yourself here . now excuse me dear i have some business to take care of .

ELLA talking to herself while grabbing her hair she sat against the pillar" what the hell is happening here. empire? what ? where i am.

{her eyes were about to cry. } well i was the one who wanted to somewhere far.

she was again in deep thought " tomorrow i have to find what type of place is this.
