

a sudden dream woke ELLA up with gasp , a sudden breath left her mouth. it all felt real . why did god have to choose this path for me . whenever his eyes met his , a sudden pain she felt and him too made them both left vulnerable . she left all behind to live in orphanage, she made her heart like stone no emotion could hinder but she was pretty soft for one those who loved her....... she choose to not have deep connection anyone again but ALICE , who was known for his nobility who was nowhere to be seen near girls . a mystery surrounded him shaked her mind world completely. a memory in her eyes kept him closing down all the distance between them which made her doubt her mind.

athelast_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs


a sudden knock on door woke her up but her body was saying otherwise cause it was still full of pain that made her wobbly get on her legs as she groaned" who could be this early?"

Dragging her feet, she stumbled halfway, gripping the corner of the bed for support, before finally reaching the door. She cracked it open slightly, peeking out to see who it was.

in a half awakened condition she mumbled " who is it?"

it was one of the orphanage helper who had escorted her yesterday.

yes? mam . she answered

"Oh, dear, I hope I haven't awakened you. Have you unpacked your things?" The helper's concern was evident.

'stuff!? little silly my mind realizing just now . her mind was completely sinking now (I have nothing to wear or spend) The thought echoed within her mind . ' i have nothing to unpack mam' she answered with a faint smile.

"my guess was right cause i didn't saw anything with you last night . so i brought couple of dresses you can try out and have breakfast with al of us outside after few hour ."

"Thank you so much. I appreciate it. ," Ella managed to smile before gently sending the nanny away. As the door closed, her expression turned from gratitude to tears, she buried her in the pillow. 'I have nothing here. What am I going to do? How did I overlook something so crucial?

Collecting herself, she straightened up, clenching her fist. " now we are here I need to explore and find some work here."

However, her resolution was short-lived as she collapsed into a squat,"ouch ah ouch " the pain in her body suddenly overwhelming her.

After a refreshing bath, she unfolded the clothes the nanny had provide.

ELLA stretching her eyes " i knew they had different clothing style. but i am not used to long gown . after some thinking a bulb light in her mind " maybe we can do some modifications"

she carefully altered the dress in a way to make it split like slit dress and did some stitching to made it fit well.

" looking herself in mirror . now its commendable she nodded herself in approval. but her bandages on thighs and hand were still there"

Dressed and determined, she headed outside. Unlike the previous evening, the surroundings were bustling. However, the noise gradually subsided into hushed whispers as people turned their attention to Ella. A lady with long hair and striking brown eyes, dressed in a unique brown slit dress, caught their gaze. Her braided hair and the slit in her dress exuded elegance. The four piercings on her ear and the glinting nose pin added to her allure.

"Dear, you look beautiful. I hardly recognized you with that cloak yesterday. Are your injuries better now?" the nanny inquired.

"Yes, they've improved thanks to the ointment you provided," Ella replied, managing a small smile.

"Us too," two young men chimed in simultaneously, their eyes avoiding Ella's as they blushed.

"Oh, you're the one who escorted me. Thank you for the comfortable ride," Ella said with gratitude.

The young man cleared his throat awkwardly. "You're welcome."

The interaction continued, and the atmosphere lightened as they exchanged pleasantries. The nanny soon suggested heading to the dining hall for introductions and a tour.

"Shall we go to the dining hall? I'll introduce you to everyone, and then we can explore the place," the nanny offered.

Ella's smile beamed as she responded, "Sure thing!"

({In her mind} Well, I'm starving from yesterday. I'll inquire about work and the tour after breakfast.)

ELLA noticed there were some youngster who were wearing some sort uniform she wished to ask what it is for but she thought of asking about that later.

They proceeded toward the dining hall, Ella's anticipation growing as she looked forward to a new chapter in her life.

As they walked, the nanny hesitated. "Actually, I have some errands to run. Would you mind waiting here for a moment, dear?"

Ella nodded, and as she waited, her excitement mingled with curiosity.

ella just walking back and forth out of boredom. but at that instance she was about turn.

suddenly her shoulder brushed against a man's arms and that their faces turns towards each others in an instant . he who was dressed in royal blue commendable formal dress with black cloak and hat looking no mere person but a noble.. A SUDDEN NUMBING PAIN SHE FELT IN HER HEART.

as their eyes locked pang of pain surged within them both. A lone tear escaped Ella's eye as she struggled with the remnants of her injuries .

but what is this pain? he was about 6 feet tall person that she feeling like squirrel . but he had such broad shoulder that a shirt or cloak couldn't even hide his collarbone .he was covering his eyes with black hat wearing cloak but somewhat strangely enough he was looking familiar to my heart.

it was such a familiar agony that i never felt.


firstly he thought when he turned that she was a mere worker. but when his eyes catch sight of her. a strange lightning aura was around her. as his eyes laid on that person eyes behind that lightning.

the guy saw her dark brown who shined into brown color due the ray of sun .ALICE EYES widened when they caught each other stare seeing a lone tear falling down at that instant her iris changed into crystal purple was so mesmerizing yet so deep and lonely ,there was something that made his heart ached when he saw those purple eyes but why this pain is feels like familiar to me so fathomless . he kept his hand on heart lowered his face so nothing can see behind that hat as .

(Yet, there was a familiarity in this pain—an inexplicable connection that resonated deep within.

him (in pain)- eh! he raised hand to reach her .at the moment he wanted to grab her.


Then, an unexpected cough cut through the moment, breaking their gaze.

a weak stumble like a old man voice come from behind calling for that big guy.

" oh christ!! ALICE you are here finally" i can just recognize you from behind.

ELLA clasped her mouth with her hand and ran away.

she turned her face facing opposite to him. so he did to answer

it was the same old man who allowed her stay yesterday . his demeanor was solemnity and his eyes were beaming out of happiness.

he greeted the sage with a pleased face" how are you sir. sorry for delay in my visit ."

no no i know you had some business' in southern empire. the travel itself was so long. so how much it had take to do work i can understand . so everything is settle down or not?

it is all well . i reported it all our king. so you brought back all the child ?

yeah due to malfunction in dimension. we had trouble but we brought all back very well.

Alice's gaze flickered back to Ella, their eyes locking once more. The pain remained, but it was layered with a curiosity that defied explanation.

SAGE ( clearing his throat , noticing alice looking in ELLA way) ahem "so you did notice?