

a sudden dream woke ELLA up with gasp , a sudden breath left her mouth. it all felt real . why did god have to choose this path for me . whenever his eyes met his , a sudden pain she felt and him too made them both left vulnerable . she left all behind to live in orphanage, she made her heart like stone no emotion could hinder but she was pretty soft for one those who loved her....... she choose to not have deep connection anyone again but ALICE , who was known for his nobility who was nowhere to be seen near girls . a mystery surrounded him shaked her mind world completely. a memory in her eyes kept him closing down all the distance between them which made her doubt her mind.

athelast_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs


At just 18 years old, they say these years are the best in a human's entire life. We call it "youth," a time that grows and changes much like passing seasons. We smile like spring, with some of us playing in the rain while others shed tears.

i felt like always running from things where the moment it gets hard.

eventually when i started to move on leaving everything behind.

Then, on one rainy day, as I moved forward and began taking life more seriously, tragedy struck.

i was as usually waiting for lights to go green so i can take train from subway. everyone was busy on their phone, carrying laptop. these generation is all about technologies. they prefer phones rather talking with someone .

in this bustling world . we all got lost , who were we actually are.

as I was crossing the road near my house when a car hit me. In that moment, I felt like I was flying, my body going numb. As the rain fell, my blood mixed with it, creating a surreal scene as I entered the very "dark room" I had feared.

Life is full of events that eventually shape us. My tears mixed with the raindrops on my cheeks, disappearing into the downpour. Strangely enough, that rainy day had always been my beloved season. The melancholic feeling it brought was profound.

And so, my life transformed into an "event" that defined me, that shaped who I am today.