

a sudden dream woke ELLA up with gasp , a sudden breath left her mouth. it all felt real . why did god have to choose this path for me . whenever his eyes met his , a sudden pain she felt and him too made them both left vulnerable . she left all behind to live in orphanage, she made her heart like stone no emotion could hinder but she was pretty soft for one those who loved her....... she choose to not have deep connection anyone again but ALICE , who was known for his nobility who was nowhere to be seen near girls . a mystery surrounded him shaked her mind world completely. a memory in her eyes kept him closing down all the distance between them which made her doubt her mind.

athelast_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Bonds and Laughter

One bright morning, as Ella made her way to the academy's library, she stumbled upon a scene that elicited a chuckle. A group of mischievous squirrels had managed to sneak into the library and were now engaged in a comical dance, darting between the shelves and knocking over books.

Amidst the laughter that erupted from onlookers, Ella joined in the mirth. Professor Emerson, who happened to be nearby, wore an amused smile as he said, "It seems our furry friends are eager learners as well."

Ella laughed, her eyes sparkling. "Indeed, Professor. They're clearly determined to broaden their horizons."

As the day progressed, Ella's studies continued to challenge her. In Professor Larkin's class, she found herself grappling with intricate mathematical concepts. She glanced at her friend Isabella, who was equally befuddled. Isabella gave a mock sigh and whispered, "Who knew numbers could be so rebellious?"

Ella stifled a laugh, nodding in agreement. "Indeed, they seem to have a mind of their own today."

Their shared laughter lightened the atmosphere, and as they tackled the mathematical conundrums, their camaraderie grew stronger.

During a break between classes, Ella wandered into the academy's courtyard, where she encountered a group of students engaged in friendly banter. Among them was Lucas, a charismatic and witty young man with a penchant for storytelling.

He noticed Ella and flashed a grin. "Ah, the newcomer! Join us, won't you? We're sharing tales of our hometowns."

Ella smiled and took a seat, intrigued by the prospect. " i don't know much about my past " saying while pointing to her injury . she didn't want everyone to know about her past________.

As weeks turned into months, Ella's friendships deepened. She grew close to Isabella, Lucas, and even had friendly interactions with the library's quirky caretaker, Mr. Montague, who always seemed to have a book-related quip at the ready. he was librarian , ella made a close bond with him to have easy access to library

One particularly eventful day, Ella found herself in a botanical class led by Professor Aurora. The class was tasked with identifying various plants based on their distinct aromas. Ella's keen sense of smell served her well, and she was quick to name each plant correctly.

Professor Aurora, a vibrant and vivacious woman, chuckled. "My, Ella, you certainly have a nose for this!"

Ella grinned, taking a playful bow. "I suppose my nose is well-versed in the language of flowers."

In the midst of these light-hearted moments, Ella's studies continued. She excelled in certain subjects, earning the respect and admiration of her peers and instructors alike. Professor Emerson, in particular, praised her analytical thinking and dedication to learning.

However, not everyone was won over. Professor Astrid, known for her strict demeanor, maintained a critical eye on Ella's progress. Her rigorous standards tested Ella's resolve, but she faced the challenges head-on, determined to prove her capabilities.

One day, as Ella was engrossed in a fascinating discussion with Isabella about ancient civilizations, Professor Emerson approached with a twinkle in his eye. "I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. Perhaps the two of you would enjoy joining our History and Archaeology Club?"

Ella's eyes lit up with excitement. "Absolutely! We'd love to be a part of it."

As the academic year continued, the academy's divisions were not the only things evolving. Ella's connection with Arkin remained a quiet undercurrent in her daily life, sparking curiosity and intrigue.

One sunny afternoon,

ella was muttering to herself " it took me a moth to get to know about things here and making friends , now i should work finding about this empire"while Ella was engrossed in a book beneath the shade of a tree, a gentle voice interrupted her thoughts. "I see you've found solace in the pages of knowledge."

Startled, Ella looked up to find Arkin standing before her, a faint smile on his lips.

Ella returned the smile. "Indeed, Lord Arkin. The world of books holds a certain kind of magic."

Arkin chuckled. "It appears that we share a similar appreciation for the enchantment of literature."

as our conversation flowed naturally, we weren't still looking into each other eye. while tellinh him story from novel. Amid the discussion, Ella's laughter rang out as she recounted a particularly humorous scene from a novel.

Arkin's laughter joined mine, the sound blending harmoniously with the rustling leaves. "It's refreshing to see you laugh, Ella."

valor who just standing just few step from us with finley noticing them keenly " when did he knew how to laugh?"

As the sun began its descent, casting a warm glow over the courtyard, their conversation came to end . its time time for him to go. they bid farewell again without looking into each other eyes. arkin was about say something" you know___________nevermind . see you later.

here ella was left confused " what was that".

on the way to the room , i was only thinking about survival" after the orientation , i will go herbal medicine class , then i will have no time to search about here, i must have to ask for position in library " with determination in my mind ___________a month was passed.