
Uninvited, A Vampire Becomes Part of My Youth

Hikigaya Hachiman always considers himself to be different from others because of how he views the world. He professes to be a genuine person as he doesn't hide behind a mask. Deep down, of course, he knows he is just afraid to form a meaningful relationship; traumatized by what happened to him and unable to move on. What will happen if Hikigaya Hachiman truly turns into something else that makes him different from others? How will he view the world now that he is not something he used to be? Can he accept himself? How will his change affect the people around him? "So... I am a Vampire now?" --- Disclaimer: Yahari Ore no Seishun Rabukome wa Machigatteiru belongs to Wataru Watari. I am just a mere fan who can't help exploring the possible scenarios that each character could face and how they will react.

Frona_Gorgophone · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
73 Chs

He Expectedly Doesn’t Like Formal Events

Up to 20 advanced chapters on Patreon: Fiction Haven


"Hikigaya-kun, why did you adjust to my level?" Meme-san asked calmly.

"I just returned your consideration. You lacked the intention to kill, so I couldn't bring myself to get serious. I couldn't risk catching you off guard and killing you. Kiss-Shot wouldn't be able to stop something that happens faster than you blink," I explained.

"That's true," Shinobu affirmed.

Meme-san chuckled and then kept his daggers somewhere in his clothes. He wiped the blood dripping down his nose before massaging his bruised chin. When he deemed everything was fine, he walked to me with his hands in his pocket. His posture was lax, but I didn't let my guard down. He stopped in his tracks, looked at me wryly, and then sighed in defeat.

"A cautious one, aren't you?" he remarked with a chuckle, no longer causing my instinct to flare.

"I am annoyingly observant, many people say," I replied, relaxing slightly. "So, what do you find interesting?"

"The fact that a creation thrall like you can use Vampire Arts."

"Creation thrall?"

"A Vampire that used to be human. They only inherit the Vampire's immortality but not their Arts."

"Shinobu talked about that once," I remarked. "I am special, so? Am I going to get a prize or something?"

Meme-san chuckled wryly and then shook his head. He muttered about what a troublesome person Shinobu had brought. If Shinobu heard it, she chose to ignore it. She walked up to me and then asked how it was fighting with a Vampire hunter. I told her it felt like fighting against myself, causing her to chuckle. She said that all Vampire hunters relied on strategy just like me. On the other hand, Vampires relied on their instinct and that was why she called me unique.

Of course, given Meme-san's statement, what made me truly unique was not how I fought but what I was capable of doing. I didn't know the significance of my ability and nor did Shinobu. She just told me I was an odd case and that was as far as she could tell. She also told me that some Vampires might take me under their wings if they knew I was previously human but guaranteed it would never happen because they didn't want to make an enemy out of her.

Meme-san invited us to the living room and told us to wait as he scrambled to get his suitcase. He returned not long after and then opened the suitcase before us. I didn't expect to see all kinds of weapons inside. There were blades, guns, and a mix of the two. They gave off the same feeling Kokorowatari did but weaker. None of them was comparable to the daggers that Meme-san used though.

"How could you get this through the airport?" I asked curiously while wondering if Vampire hunters had a specific privilege given to them by the government.

"You need special weapons to hurt Vampires. These weapons are made of a Vampire's heart and consume Vampire's hearts to get stronger," Meme-san explained. "They can't be detected by any type of scanners."

"Did you make them?" Saki asked.

"No. In Japan, we call Vampire-killing weapon makers blood forgers. They are highly sought after by hunters and Vampires alike. Hunters want them to make their weapons and some Vampires want to kill them. That is why they are hard to find."

Meme-san took out a tanto and held it in his hand. He showed it off to us, letting us see the blade shine as it reflected light.

"High-ranking hunters and Hellsings do everything they can to hide and protect blood forgers. If you want to forge a new weapon, you need to call a high-ranking hunter and then let them deliver your materials to the blood forger. It will cost you a fortune also, so most hunters only have one weapon that they will pass down to their children or carry to their graves."

"Did you steal all of these or are you rich?" I asked, causing Meme-san to smile somberly.

"I rarely use these weapons as my daggers have always been enough. I got them from my predecessors and they have been passed down like a family heirloom." He paused and then a sad smile decorated his face as he looked down at the weapons. "These are merely collections. A reminder of how many brothers and sisters I have lost."

I winced at what I had just done. I wouldn't have joked about how he got these weapons if I had known it was going to be a sensitive topic. Heck, I wouldn't even ask. He noticed my guilt and waved it off with a goofy smile. He said that he had moved on, so I shouldn't be concerned. I would have believed him if I couldn't see the well-hidden pain in his eyes.

"Anyway, Kawasaki-san, this will be your weapon," he said as he handed the tanto to Saki. "This one is around thirty years old. Strong enough to kill upper-middle-rank Vampires but still easy to control for beginners."

Saki held the tanto in interest before immediately dropping it in horror. "Eep! It just talked! I also felt something crawling up my hand. What is wrong with this thing!?"

Meme-san chuckled wryly. "Well, Vampire's hearts contain their souls. Although they have been reformed, the souls will remain. What you hear is the Vampire that used to own the heart, Kawasaki-san." He looked at Saki reassuringly. "Don't worry about the voice. It won't be able to hurt you. If you listen to it carefully, you can't even understand what it is saying. It is a young weapon, so the corruption is fairly light."

To hold a Vampire-killing weapon meant one had to be ready to be corrupted by the spirit of the vengeful Vampires slain by the weapon. While strategic thinking and physical training were important for Vampire hunters, they must learn to master their minds before handling a weapon. The weapon corrupted them as long as they were thinking of murder. They needed to have the right mindset to be able to handle the weapon: fight to defend not kill. Because of this, many beginner Vampire hunters killed their emotions.

As Saki only wanted to protect herself, she would be a good Vampire hunter. Her heart was already in the right place. That was the reason why she could even drop the tanto after holding it for a few seconds. Those who were too caught up in the thoughts of revenge wouldn't have been able to let it go. In short, Meme-san couldn't wait to train Saki.

"Do you also want me to take care of that matter?" Meme-san asked.

"No. Hachiman will do it himself," Shinobu replied, making me realize he was talking about the weirdo who attacked Saki.

"That means…"

"Yes. We will be attending the Morning Star's Gala Night."

Meme-san nodded his head and then said good luck to me. He encouraged Saki to hold the tanto again and Saki agreed reluctantly. She shivered when she held it again but then got used to the weird feeling. When she let it go, she said that she would rather not hold it. Meme-san merely laughed as he handed its sheath.

It was much to Saki's dread that she had to carry it home. She asked Meme-san how she would hide it from her parents, prompting him to look at her chest. A powerful slap later, he explained that Vampire-killing weapons could merge with the wielders as long as they made contact with the skin. Saki scoffed and told him he should have said that earlier, conveniently ignoring the red handprint on his face.

After deciding on Saki's training schedule, we bid Meme-san farewell. We took Saki to her home first before heading to Shinobu's apartment. I informed Komachi that I would attend a business-related event tonight. She told me good luck and also not to mess it up. I thought I had become dependable. Why is her confidence in me still so low? Of course, I knew Komachi was just worried. For that, I wouldn't deduct her Komachi points.

"Hachiman, your tuxedo is on the bed," Shinobu said as soon as I got out of the bathroom.

"First, why are you naked? Second, are you going to attend the Gala as Shinobu?" I deadpanned.

"First, I am wearing my bra and panties. Second, I am officially known as the cousin of Laura Orion," Shinobu returned nonchalantly.

The Morning Star's Gala Night was the Azel group's celebration party for their recent success in developing a new watch. Our company was invited to the party, so I had prior knowledge regarding the event. It was unexpected that the head of the Azel group was a Vampire but not surprising. What was surprising was the fact that he was related to the weirdo who attacked Saki.

"Don't we need to notify the representative of our company? I mean, they will be using the invitation," I asked as I was wearing my tuxedo.

"I am a major shareholder of Orion Inc. Why should I need an invitation to attend such a small event?" Shinobu replied dryly.

"All right, rich woman. There is no need to be so haughty."

"Anyway, help me zip this dress up."

"Aye aye."

I stood behind Shinobu and zipped the dress up. I was about to go back wearing my blazer when I was captivated by her white neck. We were already dating, so I found the courage to kiss it. Shinobu yelped cutely before asking me what I was doing. Instead of answering, I nibbled on her neck, causing her body to shiver.

"H-Hachiman, let's do this after the Gala," she said with a small voice, ears red from embarrassment.

"Aye aye," replied playfully.

Fully clothed, we stood before a mirror. I was wearing a red tuxedo with a red shirt, a black vest, and a pair of red pants. My hair was swept stylishly to the side with the aid of hair gel to keep it in place. I looked like a rich young playboy. On the other hand, Shinobu looked like a queen from the Victorian era with her black and red dress. She also donned some jewelry, making her look unattainable.

Satisfied with our look, we headed downstairs and left for the Gala night.


Honorary Mention:

Venerable Immortal Bowzer

Venerable Immortal Drowz

Venerable Immortal Funéral

Venerable Immortal Keksimus Rex

Venerable Immortal Orion

Venerable Immortal x_iLaggedOut_x