
Uninvited, A Vampire Becomes Part of My Youth

Hikigaya Hachiman always considers himself to be different from others because of how he views the world. He professes to be a genuine person as he doesn't hide behind a mask. Deep down, of course, he knows he is just afraid to form a meaningful relationship; traumatized by what happened to him and unable to move on. What will happen if Hikigaya Hachiman truly turns into something else that makes him different from others? How will he view the world now that he is not something he used to be? Can he accept himself? How will his change affect the people around him? "So... I am a Vampire now?" --- Disclaimer: Yahari Ore no Seishun Rabukome wa Machigatteiru belongs to Wataru Watari. I am just a mere fan who can't help exploring the possible scenarios that each character could face and how they will react.

Frona_Gorgophone · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
73 Chs

Ebina Hina, Too, is Rotten (3)

Up to 20 advanced chapters on Patreon: Fiction Haven


Getting over my daze, I blinked my eyes and then smiled awkwardly at Hikio. He merely quirked an eyebrow and helped me stand up. Letting go of me in the next moment, he joined Oshino-san and Kawasaki-san who were looking at him with an insincere smile. I sighed as I looked at his distancing back and then immediately berated myself for it.

That's someone's boyfriend you are looking at. Besides, you already have Hayato!

"Are you all right, Yumiko? What happened?"

Speaking of the devil… "I am fine, Hayato. I just tripped over the stairs and Hikio helped me."

"Glad to hear that."

Hayato looked around and then his eyes immediately lit up when they landed on Kakeru. I was not quite sure where Hayato stood, but he was definitely involved in the whole mess. I quirked an eyebrow when he returned his gaze to me, causing him to smile wryly. He then motioned toward Kakeru who was approaching Hina.

"Why don't we join the others?"


We walked to Kakeru who was already talking to Ebina. That guy couldn't be any more obvious with what he was doing. He was talking differently from usual with her. I pitied Hina for having to act oblivious to that. We passed Hikio and his group. I noticed his gaze flicker to us for a moment. At the same time, a frown marred Hayato's face.

"Why don't we look around?" Hayato suggested.

"That's a good idea, Hayato-kun! Let's see what this village has to offer!"

Hayato immediately left my side and stood beside Kakeru. Hina immediately came to my side and smiled at me. She looked no different at a glance, but I could see her relief. Hayato took the lead, prompting us to follow after. He quickly occupied Kakeru's attention, making him forget Hina entirely.

Uzumasa Village is a theme park built by Toei Studio. In other words, what we found in the village had everything related to Japan's most popular aspect, Anime. A lot of people may deny that they are not Otaku, but the sight that Uzumasa Village has to offer will still make them excited. I am not an Otaku, but seeing the Mecha from Neon Genesis Evangelion still made me quite giddy.

"Hikki, let's take a picture here!"

A familiar voice made me turn my attention from my phone to the side. I saw Hikio, Yui, Oshino-san, and Kawasaki-san looking at the Mecha in fascination. Well, in Hikio's case, he was looking at it in appreciation.

"The last time you said that, you were the only one who got to take pictures."

"That was because other people wanted to take pictures too!"

"That's my point, bird-brain. You took too many pictures."

"I will take one— two photos!"

"That's a red flag."

"I swear I will take no more than two… each pose!"

Yui and Hikio were bickering with each other. As usual, Hikio was bullying Yui for his amusement. She always realized it late that Hikio was teasing her. Even as she did, she never got mad. Like Kakeru, she also couldn't be any more obvious about her feelings.

Taking Yui's phone, Hikio lined the girls before the Mecha and took their pictures from various angles and poses. He looked like a photographer who knew what he was doing. When he was done taking pictures, I turned my gaze away. I didn't want them to think I was looking at them, even if that was the case.

Hina was busy taking pictures of the Mecha and Kakeru was busy fussing over the Mecha to Hayato. I realized that I hadn't taken any pictures yet, so I pointed my phone's camera to the Mecha. Before I pressed the button, someone's hand covered my camera.

"Do you mind taking our picture? I am going to take your pictures too later."

The familiar seductive voice that made my spine tingle every time I heard it caused me to look up. I met Hikio's stoic look and couldn't help but blush slightly. I probably made quite a weird face since he quirked an eyebrow. I got out of my stupor, cleared my throat, and then took his phone.

"You better hold on to your words," I grumbled to hide my embarrassment.

"I rarely break my promise. I am a gentleman, after all," Hikio returned sardonically.

I snorted and then told Hikio and his group to line themselves. Hikio stood in the center. Oshino-san wrapped her arms around Hikio and leaned intimately on him. I didn't want to sound jealous, but I thought the pose was a bit excessive. Kawasaki-san and Yui awkwardly stood on each of Hikio's sides. That was until he wrapped his arms around their waist.

I looked at Hikio with an unamused gaze.

"What? Do your job, photographer."

It felt wrong to take the picture, but I did it regardless.


After a series of poses, the group decided it was enough. Hikio walked up to me, prompting me to hold out my hand.

"Thanks, Miura. Let me take your pictures?" Hikio said as he took his phone.

"Let's take a picture—both of us," I suggested.

"If you don't mind with a selfie, sure."

Hikio jabbed his thumb toward Kawasaki-san, Oshino-san, and Yui who were busy taking pictures with Hayato, Kakeru, and Hina. As I expected, they were still trying to get Kakeru and Hina together. I wanted to intervene, but I knew it wouldn't be wise. In the end, I settled with taking selfies with Hikio.

"I need to talk to you regarding your clubmates' behavior later," I said as Hikio pressed the shoot button and took our pictures.

"You are more perceptive than I thought."

"Hina is my friend. I can't help but notice what you guys are doing to her."


"I thought you were a stuck-up bitch. I am sorry for thinking that way." Hikio handed me my phone. I was about to snap at him, but the pictures on my phone took all of my attention. "You are a good person."

I looked up and met Hikio's light smile. Recalling the intimate pictures on my phone, I was forced to avert my gaze to hide my raging blush. Hikio chuckled deeply in amusement but didn't say anything. He walked to his group when they had achieved their purpose.

Hayato was about to take us somewhere else when Oshino-san suggested we should explore the place together. Hayato's smile faltered, but he accepted the offer regardless. During our exploration, Yui and the other girls did everything they could to put Kakeru and Hina together. They did it so sneakily that Hina didn't have any way to avoid it.

"Ah, a haunted house! Let's try it!"

We stopped before the building and stared at the entrance. Kawasaki-san didn't seem too excited about it but still vouched for Yui's suggestion. Hayato agreed with a laugh. He was about to approach Kakeru when Oshino-san pushed Kakeru and Ebina into the house and then dragged Kawasaki-san with her.

"Ahaha! I guess we are the only ones left!" Yui exclaimed, sneaking glances at Hikio.

Sorry, Yui, but I need this moment."Hikio, do you want to go together?"

Hayato looked at me with a startled gaze meanwhile Hikio quirked an eyebrow. A pang of guilt hit me when Yui looked at me with a disappointed gaze masked by her smile.

"Sure. Just don't punch me when the ghost suddenly appears before us," Hikio agreed easily, oblivious to Yui's disappointment.

"I am not violent!" I retorted indignantly.

Hikio looked at me up and down. "Sure."

"That doesn't sound sincere."

Hikio merely shrugged and smiled sardonically. Knowing how he usually teased Yui, I sighed in exasperation. Yui chastised Hikio for teasing me. Hikio bombarded her with witty remarks, causing her to hit him harmlessly. I chuckled lightly at the scene and then met Hayato's curious gaze. He didn't look jealous at all. It disappointed me slightly.

"All right, it's our turn. Let's go!" Hayato exclaimed.

"Let's go!" Yui resounded enthusiastically.

They disappeared into the haunted house. Hikio and I waited for a minute before following suit. The atmosphere of the haunted house instinctively made me stand closer to Hikio. I knew the ghosts were humans, but the thought of their suddenly coming out made me slightly restless.



The jumpscare came sooner than I expected. It caught me off guard, so I jumped onto Hikio and embraced him like he was my last line of hope. I realized what I did quickly. I looked up and expected him to shoot me a teasing look, but he merely patted my shoulder and said nothing. He let me down and we walked in silence for a couple of seconds.

"What are you trying to do with Hina and Kakeru? Don't you realize you are making Hina uncomfortable?" I said, forgetting my fear for the uncertainty (ghost).

"Tobe came to the club and made a request."

"For that reason alone?"

Hikio looked at me silently before replying. "We don't actively help Tobe. We only give a few suggestions and remove the intervening variables out of the way. What you have seen happen has been initiated by Tobe. The guy is working hard."

"You guys should stop. You are putting Hina between a rock and a hard place."

"Are you telling me to spite Tobe's effort? Isn't he also your friend?"

I felt attacked, so I stopped in my tracks and blocked Hikio's way. "That is not what I mean! Tobe is doing the wrong thing and you are supporting him. You are destroying our group."

"If it can be destroyed with a mere confession, then it should be."

The sheer conviction in his voice made my blood boil. How dare you dictate how we should nurture our group!? I was about to hit him when his hand landed on my head. My mind instantly went blank and I could only see him in my eyes.

"Tobe is strong and Ebina needs to be more straightforward. Believe in your friends."

It felt wrong, but I found myself agreeing with Hikio. Maybe, I shouldn't have looked into his domineering red eyes.


Honorary Mention:

Venerable Immortal Bowzr

Venerable Immortal JayJonnaJamison

Venerable Immortal Kkmoney

Venerable Immortal Solaz