
Unguarded Hearts- A Grumpy/Possesive Bodyguard Romance

After Wrenley Callison catches her costar-boyfriend in bed with someone else, her only plausible choice is to leave L.A. and join her friend, the newly married Duchess of Aurelia. Living in a castle with the new royal as well as her husband, the Prince, should be exactly the getaway she needs to figure out her life. However, what she doesn't account for is a certain bodyguard who seems to despise her from the first night they meet. If that's not enough, her slowly changing feelings for the grumpy protector are sure to make things more complicated. Matteo Wright is a pretty simple man. He likes control and structure and doesn't exactly enjoy when either of those things are messed with. The man lives his life for his job, which includes protecting the crown and his best friend who wears it. What he doesn't need is some American actress who likes to push all of his carefully planned buttons. Especially with the way he starts to crave the extremely irritating woman in a way that's surely not healthy and the exact opposite of controlled.

Soph278 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs


Matteo's POV

"Are you sure she doesn't have any idea," I ask the couple for what's probably the millionth time this morning.

Phillip sighs in exaggeration, but Hannah just gives her ever so patient smile, "I'm sure, Matteo. She would've been questioning me about it if she did."

I take her word and hope she knows her best friend well enough to be right. That Wrenley isn't hidden in the garden somewhere, evilly laughing while we set up this tent.

Tonight is about to be a big event in both of our lives and I would like that fact to stay a surprise to her.

"Besides, she wouldn't ever suspect you'd send Samson to distract her. That right there probably threw her off track of anything you could've had planned for tonight," Phillip adds in, attempting to be helpful.

I roll my eyes at the situation I was forced to be put in. He's right, no one would suspect me of sending Samson to spend time with her. I think Samson's jaw even dropped when he found out his role in today's plans. It eventually closed in annoyance when I gave him rules and expectations he needed to follow, but that initial surprise was still there.

The ding of my phone brings me to see that he's at least following through on one of those rules. His reagular check in on her safety has definitely given me peace of mind. The few pictures he snuck were also a definite plus and a good reminder of why he deserves his new role as head guard.

Checking to make sure that Wrenley still hasn't ran off into nearby woods, I see that his next text is a little different than the rest.


Your girl and I have reached the castle, boss. I'm about to lead her outside.

"Shite guys, they're here," I panic a bit, looking at the tent and lanterns surrounding us. The olden metal lights surround the tent in a a circle of yellowish gold. They also multitask in providing warmth so that Wrenley isn't freezing to death like the last time we were in a tent. Not that I mind having to warm her up if needed.

Night is also just about on us, with the sun descending over the western part of the forest. Meaning that except for the fact it's not two in the morning, it aligns with Wrenley and I's first meeting. Hopefully, tonight will be a lot less chaotic than the previous time.

"Ok, everything looks ready to go Matteo, we're going to go now," Hannah whispers to make sure the new arrivals won't hear. They have another part in the plans later on tonight, but for this next step, I wanted to be alone with Wrenley.

As my friend gives me a good luck pat on the back, his wife takes his hand, and they head in an opposite direction of the approaching voices.

Moving to stand in front of the tent, I wait for the girl who's voice is slowly starting to fill up the surrounding area.

"I loved that little restaurant, Samson. Thank you for taking me there, I'll have to add some of the photos to the page," Wrenley praises in excitement.

Her page, which has grown over 2 million in the past year, would be a perfect place for the restaurant I had Samson taker her to. The historical and almost supernatural theme is right up her alley, and seems what she likes to capture the most. Though it seems from my time of traveling around Aurelia with her, she gets enthused about experiencing and capturing anywhere.

We've been to over 50 places in the last twelve months, some only a short distance and some a little farther. Wrenley's excitement hasn't lessened once, and it's easily washed off on me as I've explored new parts of my country.

However, my favorite part is just getting to see her as much as I do. Only working a couple of days a week, with a few meetings now and again, has it's advantages. My parents joke that they have their son back, and I guess, in a way, I have my life back. One I get to live in which ever way I choose to, as long as it has Wrenley in it.

"Of course, Wren, I knew you'd like it. I'm glad it gave you some inspiration for the page," the snake tsk's in a humorous voice. He knows I'm listening to them right now and he seems to love helping my girl in pushing all of my buttons.

Wrenley giggles before asking another question, "Will we be long outside? I'm excited to have Matteo try the food we brought home for him."

"You're already trying to get back to him, aren't you," Samson goats in a knowing voice. I smile at the thought of that. Of course, she misses me.

"Well that, and I want to see his reaction to the frog legs...What? What is that," Wrenley abruptly stops talking about feeding me a damn amphibian as she notices my setup.

I give her one of the pretty smiles she likes, which comes easy when she's looking at me with those wide eyes.

"I guess this is where I leave you, Ms. Wrenley," he remarks before leaving a kiss on her hand.

Grunting at him, I leave thinking of ways to get him fired for another day.

Wrenley smiles at me as I somehow only manage to stare at her and her summer dress that hugs her nicely. I do however, notice the moment her eyes turn from excited to a little mischievous.

As she's about to get to me, the crazy woman states, "Excuse me, sir, what are you doing here? You can't just put a tent up on private property."

My lips curve in amusement at her reminder of one of the first things I said to her. "What if I promised I knew someone who lived here. Could I stay then," I ask, playing along with her words.

Walking closer to me, she does a mocking scoff and sticks her hip out, "Surrre. You want me to believe that you know the king and queen?"

"I do in fact, but I was actually talking about someone else. She's about 4 feet tall, beautiful, and extremely crazy. In fact, you might also expect to see her trespassing among places she's not supposed to," I taunt in a round about way.

"I am not crazy or 4 feet tall, Matteo," she defends, but her smile stays in place.

Knowing how I want the next part to go, I start inching towards her until no space is dividing us. Close enough that it's practically impossible not to reach any further and touch her, which I plan to be doing a lot of in a moment.

Then continuing on with the 3rd person talk, "She's also the most important person in my life and the woman I plan to join with in all of her adventures, criminal or otherwise. The woman who makes me want to have more than one expression on my face. The one who taught me what it meant to actually to live. The woman who's already my whole world and who I've been dying to give another title to."

Wrenley's eyes are starting to have a shine to them as she seems to come to a realization of where this is going.

Bending down on one knee, I get out the ring I've been impatiently holding onto for a while.

Then with dry eyes and a voice I will forever swear isn't shaking, I finish, "Wrenley, I promise to forever love you the way you deserve and to constantly be the safe place where you will feel free to be yourself. And even with my disappointing lack of supernatural abilities, I will always find ways to fill every single one of your days with magic. Will you do me the highest honor of marrying me?"

There's a moment filled with silence and the most amount of nerves I've ever experienced, before a choked out "yes" comes from her mouth. Then my girl falls to her knees in front of me, and gives me a kiss that's only interrupted by her tears. Moving to sit, I hold her and wipe some of the drops that have fallen on my fiancé's face.

"You are my magic, Matteo. Loving you, and being loved by you, it's been the realest magic I've ever had in my life. I'm glad you decided to keep me forever," Wrenley says as she rests her head on my shoulder.

"Oh, that was decided a long time ago, sweetheart. I was just waiting until I knew you'd say yes. That way I wouldn't have to go about chasing you down in order to get the ring on your finger," I tell her honestly. I think part of me without knowing, chose her for me that first moment we met and argued in this place. I sure haven't been the same since.

"Well, I really appreciate how patient you are with me Matteo, but I think you know how I feel about the chasing," she whispers close to my ear. Then before I know it, she's jumping up and running into the small tent behind us.

Quickly following my future wife as fast as I can, I stop and admire as she dives into the make shift bed.

Slowly moving down on top of her, I take her dress with me as I move my hands up her body. Then as I taste the mouth that was made for me, I grab her left hand and slip the ring from the box onto her finger.

"There we go, now my ring can be on your finger as my fingers get the privilege of being inside you," I comment while my fingers start to rise up her soft thighs.

"Matteo," she chides with a little embarrassment. Her words and reddened cheeks always seem to rebuke my dirtier words, but the wetness I've just reached tells me otherwise. Similar to how she likes to act exasperated at my teasing but her eyes light up in excitement every time I join in on her games of banter.

"What love? I'm just calling it like it...," I start, getting cut off by a god awful attempt at a roar.

Wrenley, who's hands were starting on my belt buckle, moves to push herself up.

"Matteo was that.." she starts and gets cut off by a better, but still horrible, recreation of Bigfoot.

Remembering her words whispered in the tent, I thought it would be a fun addition to the night. I didn't realize that not only should Hannah and Phillip leave acting to my fiancé, but the idea was more of a cock block than anything.

Looking over at Wrenley, I see her animatedly watching as large shadows appear outside of the tent. Then when the groans and growls continue, she looks over and smiles at me.

"Bigfoot, Matteo! Bigfoot's here," she says in a loud, awed tone.

Then in a much smaller voice, she remarks, "I can tell Hannah's voice from a mile away, but they think they're doing a good job, Matteo. Thank you for doing this. You... You get me. I can't wait to be your wife."

"God Wrenley, I love you, and I love the sound of that last word coming out of your mouth," I proclaim after hearing the emotion in her voice. Wife is going to be added on to the list of nicknames, because that word with any sort of reference to Wrenley, is one of the greatest things I've ever heard in my life.

We spend the next thirty minutes oohing and ahhing loud enough to be heard by the "Bigfoots". Well Wrenley does, and I add in whenever I get a pointed look.

Then when they finally leave, I show my soon to be wife how happy I am that she said yes. It's a long show of appreciation, and it will continue on to tomorrow, the next day, and every one after.

I found myself again in the woman next to me, and I'd like  to think that in return she's found a safe place to be herself in me. That's some thing I'll feel grateful to appreciate for the rest of our lives.

And that’s the end of Matteo and Wrenley’s story, I hope you liked it!

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