
Unguarded Hearts- A Grumpy/Possesive Bodyguard Romance

After Wrenley Callison catches her costar-boyfriend in bed with someone else, her only plausible choice is to leave L.A. and join her friend, the newly married Duchess of Aurelia. Living in a castle with the new royal as well as her husband, the Prince, should be exactly the getaway she needs to figure out her life. However, what she doesn't account for is a certain bodyguard who seems to despise her from the first night they meet. If that's not enough, her slowly changing feelings for the grumpy protector are sure to make things more complicated. Matteo Wright is a pretty simple man. He likes control and structure and doesn't exactly enjoy when either of those things are messed with. The man lives his life for his job, which includes protecting the crown and his best friend who wears it. What he doesn't need is some American actress who likes to push all of his carefully planned buttons. Especially with the way he starts to crave the extremely irritating woman in a way that's surely not healthy and the exact opposite of controlled.

Soph278 · Urbano
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27 Chs

Chapter 9

Wrenley's POV

I can't stop staring at him. The man who is usually dressed in his guard uniform is now wearing a tight black shirt and form-fitting jeans. Both of which fit him like a freaking glove. I feel like a little stalker, but apparently not stalker-ish enough to look away. Lets just hope I've suddenly become good at being subtle and he doesn't notice.

We've been sitting in this off-the-road-jeep for about an hour, slowly making our descent deeper into the woods. I'm excited to see our destination and I've loved seeing nothing but trees greeting us as we pass by. What I don't love is that my eyes keep falling to the man who's sitting next to me. Rather than take in the scenery or even read the book I brought along, my focus is on the other person in the back seat.

The completely educational read I have with me is an intriguing Alien Why-Choose Romance. This would be the sort of book that would normally have all of my attention. Yet, I haven't even been able to read a single page on this trip. What the heck is going on with me?

I look over to Matteo again, only this time he's already staring over. Being caught, I quickly look down but can still feel his eyes on me. Those eyes must stick like glue, because even after several moments, they still don't go away.

"Stop watching me, you creep," I whisper, trying to not sound like I've been repeatedly doing the same.

He just smiles which is pretty unfair from how good it looks on his face. Good thing for my sanity it's not directed at me too often. He then whispers back, "Sorry I was just returning the favor."

Well, I guess he noticed me. Now he's probably noticing how my face is starting to burn a bright shade of red. I quickly look at my book and pretend to be reading it. I know I can argue with this man like there's no tomorrow, but right now I'm feeling a little flustered. I don't think a heated argument would help that.

I keep pretending to read, and the car is quiet besides Phillip and Hannah's chatter coming from the front. Then Matteo asks, "What are you reading so intently over there?"

"Nothing," I say and quickly shut my book. What I said is technically true because I haven't even been reading. It's not the reason I said it though. I am in no way embarrassed about my book choices but I don't exactly want to explain this one to Matteo.

Too bad for me, Hannah overhears the conversation. "Is it the alien romance you were talking about earlier," she questions with teasing in her voice.

"Alien romance," Matteo and Phillip inquire at the same time.

"Um yes, that is the one I'm reading at the moment," is all I respond with.

"What is the book about again," Hannah continues while trying to act all sly. She knows what the book is about. Even if she didn't, I'm quite sure Alien romance is pretty comprehensible.

"You know... human girl and aliens find out their mated. They travel along the the other planet and do mated things. Just the usual stuff," I explain, my voice getting a little higher at the end. I want to know why I'm so nervous when I usually love talking about my books. A good guess would be that it has to do with the man next to me.

Phillip, sounding a little surprised, asks, "She mates with an alien?"

I then say something I could have left out, "Actually she mates with three aliens." Why did I add that? I don't know.

"Three," Matteo asks. I just nod my head but say nothing more. I feel like this book isn't that crazy and that we should really just drop it now. Matteo not agreeing with my thought, continues, "Why don't you read the page you were on? I'd love to know more about this Alien romance."

He's smirking which tells me he does not want to know more, he probably just wants to make fun of me.

I look down and silently read some of the page I have bookmarked. Yah there is no way in heck I'm reading that out loud. I just respond with, "No, actually I'm al..."

The extremely rude brute grabs the book before I even finish speaking, and starts looking over the page. His eyes become large in surprise, as he takes in what I'm sure is a fun introduction to extraterrestrials. After a minute he looks at me with a heated expression, "You enjoy reading this?"

"Yes," I answer quietly as I'm sure my face heats for the millionth time.

"Hmm," is all he responds with as he hands my book back. What that means I have no idea, but as his fists clench while he looks out the window...I think that somethings are better off unknown.


We've finally reached the place we are going to camp and it is absolutely beautiful. Green fills the world around me with a small crystal blue lake a few miles away. It should be daunting, being surrounded by nothing but nature as far as your eyes can see. Instead, it seems to bring comfort and that flicker of excitement and wonder. 

Hannah and Phillip are eager to go on the canoe they brought along so we decide to start at the lake. As Matteo helps them with the boat, I'm walking along the shore and notice a cave on the opposite side. The cave looks to cover both land and water, and seems large enough for a group to easily walk into.

I don't think my curiosity is going to let me just leave this cave alone. What if it's some sort of portal to the fae world or another entrance to Narnia? I mean is it unlikely? Yes. Impossible? I don't think so.

"Hey you guys, I'll meet you back here in a little bit. I'm going to go explore the cave over there. See if I can find any magical creatures," I tell them as I start my journey towards the cave. I'm mostly kidding, but I feel like theres always that need for a warning. Just in case I don't come back somewhere because I got transported into another universe. Hannah's pretty used to it by now.

I hear a mix of 'sounds good' and 'be careful' from the two royals. There's also the sound of Matteo's voice saying something quieter to them that I can't quite make out. Then Matteo asks, "You want to go by yourself?"

"Well that was the plan. It's pretty close and I know you guys wanted to head into the water," I explain to him. I'm feeling a little confused as he leaves the canoe to walk closer to me.

"No, you're not going over there alone. In fact knowing you, you probably shouldn't be going anywhere alone," he tells me bluntly as he reaches my side.

"Umm excuse me, but I'm perfectly capable of handling myself. I'll be going if I want to," I reply a bit affronted. He may unsettle me but I'm not going to let him tell me what I can and can't do.

"Let me make myself clear, if you're going somewhere then I'm coming with you. You won't be alone, so let's start walking," he finalizes. Why did that sound like it meant more than just today?

"You know if you wanted to come, you could've just asked," I tell him with a smile as I lead the way to the cave. I guess those are the only words I could come up with after what he just said.

Matteo gives an unimpressed look in response and follows me without saying anything more. Our walk there surprisingly consists of a comfortable silence while we both appreciate everything around us. Once we reach our destination, I'm definitely glad that I decided to come.

There's a small pool of water inside that looks more silver than blue. Further in, the surrounding rocks are almost awe-inspiring as they cancel all of the outside noise. It's like being in your own little world and I live for those type of experiences.

I start to walk forward to go further in, but Matteo catches my arm and puts himself in front of me. "Just let me go first, we don't know if it's safe to walk in here," he says before slowly walking forward. I don't think his apparent worry over me is needed but it is kind of nice.

As we begin to walk, I can see that it gets a lot darker. There even seems to be some bats in the top corners of the rocks. You know what bats mean. "Matteo," I utter.

"Hmm," he asks without looking back.

"Do you think there are vampires in here," I ask, only partly kidding. I mean I wouldn't be surprised if vampires were real, and lived in this cave, but I doubt Matteo would agree.

He looks back at me, "Are you serious?"

I just nod my head.

"No Wrenley, I don't think there are vampires in here," he responds as if its the most obvious answer. Well that was kind of rude. He then asks, "What's your obsession with all the ghosts and supernatural nonsense?"

I don't even have to think before I answer, "I like believing in magic."

He looks at me as if asking to expand.

"The world can be both extremely harsh and quite dull at the same time. Sure, there are good things too, but sometimes it's nice believing in a small amount of fantasy. I think that's why I became an actor, so I could escape the real world for a little bit," I tell him, although not sure I fully believe my statement anymore.

I still think fantasy and imagination is a needed essential to life. It's just that acting has started to feel like an agreement to pretend there's magic more than to actually believe in it. And before the past few months, escaping was becoming how I lived rather than an addition to the life I was living.

Very different from walking into parts of Aurelia and having something real to love. This cave for instance, forces you to appreciate both what you see and what your brain tells you could be hiding in the dark. My imagination gets to play, but it's used to enjoy what's in front of me and not for taking a never ending break from reality.

When silence continues from the man walking up ahead, I decide to take a few pictures to distract myself. This is a place definitely worth sharing with others. Hopefully there's not a sign hiding in here about "No Pictures."

Finishing up, I glance back at Matteo and his eyes are still taking me in. It's the sort of look that says "I'm reading your soul, theres nothing you can do about it." Or who knows, maybe he just has to poop and doesn't know how to tell me. That would be more comforting.

Wanting to distract from my over sharing, I add, "Plus I mean who wouldn't want to meet a vampire." The statement sounds forced, more so after the pause from my last words. Still, he gives me a comforting smile, like he knows I'm trying to get out of sharing any more vulnerability.

Then he just comments, "I'm not sure anyone would be excited to run into a vampire. Well, besides you and that Bella girl."

Oh my goodness, did he just reference what I think he did? I look at him with a little surprise and new found appreciation.

"What? My mum really enjoyed the movies when I was growing up," he answers too quickly to be fully honest. Yah I'm sure that his mom did.

"Right," is all I say, and he shakes his head while walking further into the cave.

The cave at this point is so dark that it's starting to become a hazard. The only form of light is coming from the small parts of sun that break through cracks on the rocks. It's definitely not much to go off of. As much as I love it in here, I'm thinking it might be safest if we start to turn back.

The next step of mine confirms that thought because I end up tripping on a rock, falling forward right into Matteo's back. I grab onto his arms to steady myself and may or may not give them a second squeeze. Seriously, does he fill up his sleeves with rocks? His muscles are like 5 times the size of mine and I thought I was doing alright.

"If you're done feeling me up, I think we might want to start heading back. I'm not sure it's very safe to continue further," Matteo says teasingly but with an undertone of his usual arrogance.

I treat his arms like they're made of fire and take my hands away as quickly as possible. I think I hear a small chuckle, but I'm not sure as I've already turned around. "Right, Hannah and Phillip are probably worried I've gone and got myself possessed again. It's best we get back to them," I reply heading back out of the cave.

He then has to go and unsettle me further. To put himself back in the front, he grabs on to my hips and moves right, freaking behind me. Then, after too long of a moment, Matteo maneuvers himself ahead by using his grip and brushing our bodies together.

Maybe he really is made of fire because I feel like there's two burning hand prints left from where he touched. Why am I reacting like this? I seriously need to get it together.

While I'm thinking, Matteo tells me something I don't comprehend. "Huh," I respond.

He just chuckles the same way he did earlier, before repeating, "Is that some sort of inside joke or do all of you truly believe that you were possessed?"

I can't help the smile that comes as I think of one of the greatest pranks I have ever pulled. "Can you keep a secret," I whisper to him even though we're in a cave.

He says a hesitant "yes," like he thinks I'm weird. Whatever Matteo, the smile growing on your face indicates otherwise.

"Well, I was never actually possessed. Not that ghost possessions aren't real, I've seen the conjuring enough to know just how real they are. They happen all the time Matteo... Anyways, mine wasn't, but Hannah and Phillip don't know that," I tell him as my smile has turned from happy to devilish. I probably do look possessed right about now.

We've begun walking forward again so I can't see his face. However, the reluctance in his voice is clear as he asks, "What did you do Wrenley?"

"Hannah, Phillip, and I headed to this haunting tour through Salem Massachusetts last year around Halloween. We got to see multiple places that had ghost sightings or spots where important deaths had happened. Afterwards, they were going to spend the week with me at my apartment in Los Angeles. I ended up getting a little idea," I begin, and smile when a knowing look comes across Mateo's face.

"I decided that I would start acting weird, especially at night. I also flickered the lights and missed with the faucets when they thought they were alone. Then I acted full out possessed and hired an actor friend to play a priest for a fake exorcism. To make it more believable, I even got Chris to hide in my apartment and electronically mess with all the appliances during the grand 'expulsion of ghosts'," I continue, but my smile automatically drops as I mention Chris.

It's sort of unfair that he still gets to be a part of my good memories when he's now a part of some of the worst. Although, I guess looking back at it, his attitude after the prank almost ruined the memory all together. Sometimes rose colored glasses really do change things until they're taken off.

I try to make sure my difference in mood isn't noticeable as I say, "So that's why they mention a possession. Because as far as I know, they think there really was one. However, I will say theres a little regret over that prank because of potential karma. Maybe you're right with quitting the haunted museums."

I think the enthusiasm in my voice may have had a minuscule change, but I don't believe it was super noticeable. Yet, when I look towards Matteo, I'm not so sure. I have to be imagining that his posture has just gotten much more stiff.

"Who is Chris," Matteo asks in deep, kind of scary voice. Ok Batman.

"No one," I lie. "Why do you ask?"

"Sweetheart, you sounded excited and even a little evil when you were telling me about your prank. But when you mentioned his name, your whole demeanor changed," he expresses what I was hoping he wouldn't notice.

I realize that we're now near the entrance of the cave, but Matteo has stopped walking. Instead he's looking at me and moving closer.

Stepping right in front of me, he bends down so we're pretty much face to face. This man really has a problem with personal space.

"So I'm going to ask you again. Who. Is. Chris," he questions lowly.

I think I let out a little gasp at that. This is way too much like one of my books and it's giving my brain bad ideas. "Um Chris he's... an ex, that's all," I try my best to answer.

Matteo's eyes seem to go cold when I mention the word ex but I can't really tell with the limited amount of light in here.

"Hmm, and is he the one who was calling yesterday at lunch," Matteo asks, still breaths away from my face. I really don't like this intimidation technique he has going on. It's like he knows that he's making me flustered. Not very fair if he's doing it to ask personal questions.

"What? Matteo why does it matter if he was or not," I question back with attitude. I mean honestly, why is he asking anyways? I'm surprised he noticed yesterday, even if Hannah did point it out.

Matteo responds by moving his face even closer so I can practically taste his breath. Ok now there's some really bad ideas running through my head. "Answer the question," he whispers quite threateningly.

Oh, he's just being a little bully now and I will not be putting up with it. Instead of answering, I press my finger to his chest to move him back. Of course, he doesn't move a single inch but that doesn't matter.

"First of all, don't get in my face buddy it's not nice," I say as I have deja vu from the night we met. By the scowl on his face, I think he liked the word buddy even less than he did ex.

"And second of all, it's honestly none of your business. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go back to Phillip and Hannah," I say and step to move right past him. Thankfully for him, he lets me go without a fight.

I walk out of that cave as fast as I possibly can to get distance from Matteo. I can't help but think of how every conversation with him always seems to leave me feeling the same way. It's not annoyance if that's what you're thinking, though there is a great deal of that as well. It's more of something I can't quite name or am too scared to.

One thing I'm sure of is that the feeling enjoys our little arguments. More so, if it results in us getting as close as we just were. In fact, that part of me wouldn't mind us getting closer, way closer and more handsy than either of us would appreciate.

Whatever the emotion is inside me, it needs to die and be buried in a deep, deep hole. And that's exactly what I hope to do, hopefully I have a big enough shovel.


Matteo's POV

Being out on the water fishing has always been a way for me to clear my head. My dad brought me and Phillip out to the lakes all of the time growing up. Phillip's father also joined along until his untimely death several years ago. After his parents death, my own stepped in for Phillip and let him know he had a family with us. Regardless of his royal status, he truly is like my brother and I know they see him as a second son.

We still go fishing with my dad, but if I'm being honest, I hardly make time for it anymore. Phillip, and now Hannah, regularly join him and always extend that invitation to me. Yet my reply stays the same, "maybe another day." Head guard doesn't allow a lot of free time, not if I want everyone kept safe.

I think the fact that I said yes to this trip, was a pleasant surprise to the couple who is practically family. However, right now they both might be second guessing their excitement. What, with me and Phillip sitting sulkily on a boat and the latter being nowhere in sight.

Little miss buddy left the cave, strode over to Hannah who had finished boating, and told her they were going to go on a small walk. She than expressed to Phillip and I that we could find our own thing to do because we "weren't invited."

Phillip didn't love that idea and neither did I. Still, for some reason he reluctantly agreed after hearing Hannah's reassurances. She promised they would stay close by and not be gone for too long. Well they've been gone almost an hour, that's about 45 minutes pass my limit.

It's funny the peace that I normally find in the quietness of fishing is nowhere to be found today. No, today I'd rather be hiking through the woods along side a crazy person. One who I can't seem to control myself around.

"You alright there mate? You seem to be thinking a lot harder than you usually do," the Smart Arse next to me says.

I flip him off and mutter, "I'm fine."

"Ok then. How about I ask if there's a reason why I'm stuck fishing alone with you, instead of with my wife...No offense," he voices with words that do indeed offend. Can't say I blame him when I feel the same way.

"None taken," I mutter. "And, how  should I know why that woman does the things she does? She's your friend."

Wrenley couldn't get away from me fast enough while all I wanted to do was get closer. I know I was being a bit pushy, but there was damn good reason for it. Any normal person would want to know who the hell Chris was and why his name seemed to make all the happiness drain from her voice. I have every right to be concerned.

Phillip lets out a breath of exasperation, before, "Right. Can I ask what you guys talked about for so long then? You know after you told her she wasn't aloud to go anywhere alone."

I look over at him and the prick has a damn smirk on his face, like he finds it funny. Maybe I shouldn't have said that out loud but I don't really like the thought of her going off by herself. Who knows the type of trouble she could get into.

"We talked about exactly what you would expect someone like Wrenley to talk about, Vampires and ghost possessions," I divulge, hiding a smile. It was interesting to see what those fantasy filled eyes made out of a large rock. I can't deny that her comment's make things a bit more interesting. That brings me back to the comment, or more specifically name, that has me and Phillip alone on this boat.

Being done not knowing the whole story, I say, "She also mentioned some guy named Chris. Do you want to tell me who he is? Then after that maybe you can explain what the idiot did to make her upset?"

Phillip sighs, "He's just an ex of hers."

"Yah, I got that much, maybe you could explain a little more," I snap. I'm quite sick of getting vague half-answers.

"I don't know all of the details, but from what Hannah said, he cheated on her back in Los Angeles. This was after they were together for two years and I think worked with each other even longer. Now he seems to be using tabloids and multiple phone calls to try and win her back," Phillip finally explains.

"It seems like the man is both stupid and unworthy of someone like her. Why is he thinking he would ever get a second chance," I question, because honestly what an idiot. I'm not vying for the position or anything, but if I was with someone like Wrenley... Let's just say I wouldn't mess up in the way this prick did.

Phillip's next answer doesn't make me feel any better, "Honestly, I don't think he's thinking too much about her at all. From the times we've talked to him, Hannah and I both doubted his sincerity. I kind of think he was just using the relationship to get attention and now he has to figure out how to keep doing it."

"Are you saying he didn't care about her at all," I practically growl. How does someone not grow to care for her? Especially after two years.

Phillip pauses for a moment, wondering whether or not if he should say anything. Then, "You said she told you about her ghost possession?"

I nod wondering why the change of subject.

"Did she tell you it was real or did she tell you the truth about her little prank," he amusedly inquires.

I blink, caught off guard that he thinks it was a prank. "What do you mean? Her ghost possession was very real. In fact they apparently happen all of the time," I lie, not sounding anything like my normal self.

I don't know if I even believe in all of that stuff, but Wrenley does. Who would I be to ruin something she was so excited to pull off?

"Oh, so you know the truth," Phillip says with a little smirk.

"If the truth is that a ghost went and took over her body? Than yes, I know," I claim with no sense of contradiction. Why I care about some stupid secret she told me, I don't know. I just know I'm not going to break it.

Phillip has this knowing smile on his face, that says he sees through my shit, "Mate, it wasn't. I admit at first her weird haunting behavior had us concerned. That concern quickly turned to amusement when she started messing with the house. It would be late at night and we would hear footsteps run right outside of our bedroom. The next thing you know, the sink in the neighboring bathroom would run, the lights would turn on and off, and there would be weird noises made outside of our door."

"These all seem like they could really happen," I argue. Honestly, it sounds pretty realistic to what I imagine a haunting would be like.

"The mischievous laughter as she ran away, wasn't. Neither were those same footsteps running back towards our door as she started shouting, "Guys was it just me or did you hear something?" Matteo, this exact thing happened five nights in a row, we knew it's wasn't a ghost," Phillip chides.

By the end of his story, my face is in my hands and I'm hiding a large smile. God, this woman. Her probable insanity doesn't stop me from warning, "Keep this information to yourself, I mean it. Wrenley was pretty thrilled about the whole thing. I don't want you or Hannah to say anything that will make her feel differently."

"Don't worry, Hannah would never let me. That's why we still bring it up, because of how happy it seems to make her. We won't hurt your girl, Matteo," he promises.

I nod, agreeing with the statement. That's before realizing what he said at the end, and that I don't hate it. Even so, I gruffly reply, "She's not mine." It's true, even if I'm now starting to think that it wouldn't be terrible.

Phillip just laughs, "Right, you sound like you really believe that."

I let out a huff of exasperation, "How does this relate to Chris?" The reason we started this conversation was to talk about him, not what I may or may not have started to feel.

"Chris relates, because he was a right arse about the whole thing. He was a part of the fake exorcism that she planned at the end. If we didn't know about the prank before, we sure would have with how loud he was arguing," Phillip says, sounding more serious than his tone beforehand.

"What was he saying," I ask, knowing this man is already on a list he doesn't want to be on.

Phillip, almost sounding regretful, explains, "He was just dismissing her excitement as childish. As well as telling her to think of all the hard work he does the next time she asks him to hide in a closet for half an hour. Han and I got closer to the door to hear, and we could only make out a soft "I'm sorry" from Wren. His lovely reply was along the lines of, "It's ok, I know you don't think things through. You just need to grow up a little.""

Well, Chris is a goner. Was, when I knew she dated him and now definitely is after hearing about the cheating and fucking disrespect. Hannah and Phillip only heard one conversation, but I can almost guarantee that acting like that was a regular thing for him.

"Why would she stay with someone like him? And why wouldn't you and Hannah say anything? I thought she was her best friend," I spit out all at once. I'm feeling quite agitated that she could have been rid of this tosser a long time ago.

My best friend's face gets angry for a moment,"Careful Matteo. I know you don't like what you're hearing right now, but you will not be putting the blame on my wife. That being said, we did talk to her. She wasn't ready to hear it at the time. He had already been in her life a while, and she was also on a show with him. I think she just passed off the treatment as not a big deal and something that could be figured out."

I wonder if her way of figuring it out was to fade into acting and the escape she mentioned it brought her. I know all too well, how easy it is to get caught up in a job and let it become your whole life. Our reasonings may be different, but I understand, it's how my life has been for a while. It only makes me more angry that someone as vibrant as Wrenley was skipping out on life for so long.

Part of me is tempted to go and rip her a new one for ever believing her worth was so small. For putting herself in that situation, with that dreadful excuse for a man. Good thing my common sense knows just how well that would go over. It also pushes me to amend my previous statement.

"I'm sorry, I just really don't like the thought of her being mistreated like that," I tell Phillip apologetically. More like I absolutely hate it, but I don't need to give Phillip more ammunition.

Phillip nods understandingly, "It's fine, I can tell your agitated. But I think you need to look at why you're reacting the way you are." I'm quiet for a moment already knowing what he's about to say. "You like her Matteo," he continues.

"Phillip," I warn. I'm exasperated at the subject that's already buried itself enough in my thoughts.

"What? I've never seen you get as worked up about someone as you do about her. Whether its because you're arguing or trying to protect her, the intensity seems to be just the same... I think my buddy needs to admit he has a little crush," he tells me, saying the last part like a child hood bully. He's clearly just trying to rile me up, and its working. I think buddy has become one of my least favorite words.

"Enough Phillip, we're not in secondary school. Lets just drop this, now," I let out exasperated.

"Fine, I'll drop it, for now. Only because I think we've given the girls plenty of time to be on their own. I'm quite eager to go and find my wife, and I'm guessing you're eager to find someone as well," he grins, before starting to row back towards shore. A few seconds later, I join in because, yes, I've been wanting to go to her since she left.

Well things got a bit heated, didn’t they? Do you guys enjoy camping, or would you much rather be in a hotel with a bed and internet?

Soph278creators' thoughts