
Unguarded Hearts- A Grumpy/Possesive Bodyguard Romance

After Wrenley Callison catches her costar-boyfriend in bed with someone else, her only plausible choice is to leave L.A. and join her friend, the newly married Duchess of Aurelia. Living in a castle with the new royal as well as her husband, the Prince, should be exactly the getaway she needs to figure out her life. However, what she doesn't account for is a certain bodyguard who seems to despise her from the first night they meet. If that's not enough, her slowly changing feelings for the grumpy protector are sure to make things more complicated. Matteo Wright is a pretty simple man. He likes control and structure and doesn't exactly enjoy when either of those things are messed with. The man lives his life for his job, which includes protecting the crown and his best friend who wears it. What he doesn't need is some American actress who likes to push all of his carefully planned buttons. Especially with the way he starts to crave the extremely irritating woman in a way that's surely not healthy and the exact opposite of controlled.

Soph278 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Chapter 25

Wrenley's POV

When morning hits, the soreness that's between my legs almost makes me regret waking up with Matteo two different times last night. Almost.

Clearly not that much, because as I use the shower to get ready for today, my body instantly get's excited when hearing the door open. Matteo, of course, comes in, rubbing his eyes of sleep until they settle on me. Slowly, he slips the one item of clothing off his body and his own excitement is being shown off.

The only thing separating me from jumping him is a see through shower door, and I don't think it will be between us for long. Not what I should be focused on before my meeting this morning but it is a lot more enjoyable. Especially with the nerves that have been slowly building up in my stomach since the time I woke up.

Today's outcome has grown in importance to me over the past few weeks. I've found my love for marketing the small country and I think it's actually making a difference. The capital city has had a 15% increase of tourist travel in the past month. That's without the commercials and larger form of advertisements the rest of the marketing team is working on.

Of course we can't be a 100% sure it's a result from my page, but with the data we've collected,  it's about a 99% possibility. It seems I've found something I really enjoy and I'm not half bad at it. I just need the rest of these business owners to view things the same way and hopefully agree in assisting me to continue.

In the time that I run through some of the many possible scenarios of how today could go over, I hear the glass door open, then feel a body right behind me. "Can I help," a rough voice asks while arms wrap around me.

Since Matteo so carefully did my hair last night, I have that up and out of the way. Really, I was just about to wash off some of the things that happened after our bath and let the water wake me up. "You do seem to be the reason I need one, so I don't see why not," I tease.

"Really? I seem to remember someone trying to wake me up with their mouth on my d..," he starts.

"Ok. Ok," I cut him off before he can say anymore. I'm still not sure if I find more pleasure or embarrassment in his dirty talk.

When his hands start to take over for mine with the soap, I soak into his hold. Then when my hands give him the same treatment, I don't stop him as he loses control and pushes me against the shower wall. I let him very forcefully get rid of all of those nerves that were piling up in my head.

It works well. Definitely something I would recommend as a natural stress relief.

Afterwards as I begin to get ready, eyes can be felt on me the whole time. Instead of going back in the room while I do my hair and makeup, Matteo takes a seat on the toilet. Not going or anything, just sitting down and watching me.

Those eyes become even more intense as I start to change, but he thankfully keeps his hands to himself. "Shouldn't you be getting ready," I ask him, knowing that we only have a little time before we leave.

"I'm comfortable," he replies, and I kind of think part of him is just staying here to keep me company. He's pretty good at reading people and right now my emotions seem to be screaming "deer in headlights." Or deer before she's about to purposefully walk in front of the headlights.

When I'm finally ready and Matteo get's dressed, he stops me right before we're about to leave. "You're walking with your head down," he says as he tips my chin up and holds it there. Then giving me a very quick kiss on the lips, he reaffirms, "Much better. You've worked on something that you should be proud of. I don't want you acting otherwise."

Ughh he's right, I've done enough hiding myself the past few years. I'm excited to show people what I've come up with, and that means I can't be lost in my head while I do it. Time to shut out those nerves and enjoy today for what it is, my real life book character moment. One of many to come, if being with Matteo has taught me anything.

Looking up into a pair of very supportive eyes, I agree, "Thank you, you're right. I've loved what I've had the chance to do these past couple of months. I should be confident in that. And I've also really appreciated you being at my side through everything. Matteo I love y..."

He gives me a kiss, stopping my words, "Save it for when the meetings over with. I want to hear you love me after congratulating you on your success. I want to hear it before I'm able to take you right back to this room and celebrate exactly what those words mean."

And we're back to the feeling in my stomach that has nothing to do with nerves.

I simply nod my head in agreement, thinking about later, and he backs up, giving me a kiss on the head. "Let's go love," he commands with a wink. With that the door is opened for me and we're off to the meeting.

Getting there and putting up finishing touches with Dean, I'm aware of every person that walks into the large room.

It's honestly more of a banquet hall than a meeting room. I guess it's a good thing that so many people are showing up, it means their willing to be convinced. Right?

I become surprised by a few of the next people to walk in. Two of them being my best friend and her husband. They both give me an encouraging smile before joining Matteo on the wall right behind me. I didn't know they would be coming, and I know that they didn't have too, but their familiar faces are comforting.

The other face I'm a bit bewildered to see, is Ms. Carlton. Her presence also wasn't required and I'm little weary from the unimpressed expression she wears walking in. Oh well, I'm already quite aware I can handle her and the distaste she seems to have grown for me.

A few grueling minutes later, each chair is filled and I can sense the eyes of over a hundred people on my back. Dean looks at everyone and then turns to me with the signal to start.

Taking a deep breath, I turn around and try to keep that confidence Matteo helped instill earlier. "Hello everyone, I'm Wrenley, the woman who's been hounding you with emails and minor threats to get here," I start, and one man who must've talked to Matteo, snorts.

The soon to be Security Head gains a smug grin as I go on, "I do promise there was good reason for all of that and for you to be here today. When conversing with your country's marketing team, I've learned the tourist situation has been in a very poor place for a while now. I also know that it took a detrimental hit to a lot of your businesses. I'm going to be going over one of the solutions the marketing team came up with to solve that."

Do I sound like the most professional professioner you ever did hear or what? Matteo's nod of approval tells me my formal attitude can definitely be noticed.

Continuing on, I prepare myself for disagreement, "Now before you all stop listening, I'd like to say that this will be a lot more beneficial and effective than you think. What I've helped plan is an official social media page for you're very media captivating country. And in order for this page to work, as well as get each of your businesses represented, it will need support from all of you. As well as your agreement for photos to actually be taken on the property."

Before I even finish my words, I hear scoffs from multiple places around the room. My sight isn't much better when it includes eye roles and quick looks at the door for chances of escape.

"You do realize most of us don't even have accounts, and for good reason. We don't need to lose all of our tradition by constantly changing things for pictures and the approval that comes with media," a weasel 50 year old looking man says. Maybe he's not quite a weasel, but he was the first to voice disagreement, so I can't help my new perception.

Though the man has a point, one that I hope to dispute in just a moment.

Not before, "Mr. Passum, is correct about the tradition. However, besides that, a lot of us also don't have the time for upkeep of a sight like that. In fact we wouldn't even know where to start." This comes from a man who's a bit younger, kinder, and not as weasel-ish.

Going into today, I was expecting exactly this form of unease. I know how traditional this country is and how important that is for them.

I hear a few other forms of protest, before I continue on, "I understand all of the concerns you have and I actually took that into consideration when coming up with the sight. Your country is wonderful, I mean it's actually a magical place to visit. Which I'm sure you all know."

A few proud nods are seen from the crowd. There we go, butter them up with some truth they already agree on.

"The pictures that I have taken don't change a single thing about that because there's no reason to. I wanted to show the world the authentic feeling of being here, and if you look up at these photos, you can see what I mean," I begin to start a slide show of different photos already up on the Aurelian page.

Pictures from the countries vast wilderness, to shops, to historical buildings, to different citizens who wanted to pose, all of these pop up on the screen. I like these photos because you don't just see them, you get the chance to be transported into the experience of the subject and the photographer. Being here has forced me to experience a lot of wonderful feelings that I'm not used to. I believe these pictures, in the smallest amount, do the same for others.

"As you can see, your country is really doing all of the work. I'm simply capturing the moment and I'm asking you to let me do the same with the rest of your land. I plan to take on all of the photo capturing and media management, ensuring your only responsibility would be to keep on running your businesses. I just need the permission to capture what you truly have going on here and the allowance to share it with people," I plead with an increasingly familiar type of passion.

Eyes still watch me with hesitance, but at least they're not looking towards the door anymore. It seems I've finally found the in for them to listen, and for the next hour, I milk it for all it's worth.

We go over the numbers including the page, new travel, and even business growth in the capital city. All of which is looking very promising, especially in the easy to read graph that Dean helped make. Every single number is rising, and I'm able to show the correlation of that to the page's posting and increase in followers.

There's then of course, some transparency with the captions, tags, and editing I plan on adding to the pictures. Everyone was a little confused on how the weird captioning about supernatural creatures and fairytale stories made any sense with the photos. Which is understandable, but the the responses from followers to those words were positive and equally strange. I think the results were enough for the business owners to be ok in trusting me with it.

The subject I decide to conclude with are more examples of the pictures I've been taking. I'm really hoping to show how much of their country is staying the same and not being changed for media. Looking around, the crowd seems to really enjoy a lot of the photos. A few even start quietly chatting with neighbors about their love for the places popping on the screen.

My personal favorite is a photo I have of Matteo at the parade. The one where he's looking directly into the camera with his signature glare. I added it in for fun, and that's definitely what it is to see Matteo's reaction of slightly tinted cheeks. It's a nice turn of tables from my usually reddened skin.

After that lovely photo, I finish up my presentation, "When you love the subject you're capturing, it's practically impossible to ever want to change anything about it. I have fallen in love with your country, as well as the things and people it holds. I promise to not change it into some sort of commodity, but rather give it the chance to be seen and appreciated by many more eyes around the world. Which will also hopefully give all of you the chance and financial opportunity to keep everything exactly the way you want it."

Everyone around the room has what I hope is a satisfied look on their face. As for the three in the back, they all have proud expressions that seep into my skin like a nice shot of dopamine. Especially from the man who looks like he's a mix of extremely proud and also very eager to get me somewhere alone.

"With that said, are all of you willing to forgo the no photo policy and allow a small amount of media into your lives? Not only for the success of this page, but also for what will hopefully be many more successes for your businesses. Whatever your decision, we are going to have a quick majority vote before you leave this room. I do hope you can see the benefits of saying yes, but ultimately, I will respect whatever decision you make," I finalize before moving backwards to let Dean be front and center.

He said that he would like to be the one to direct the vote, and I happily agreed. I don't think my voice would stay professional if they decide to vote against it.

Dean gives me a little smile, and asks, "All those in favor for keeping the no-photo policy and not allowing the social media page to continue any further. Please raise your hands."

A few hands start to raise, but I'm being very precise when I say a few. Hardly any hands are up, and none of them come from people I've particularly noticed during the meeting or who have even outwardly opposed to it. Alright, that looks pretty good, unless everyone else is simply choosing not to vote.

"All those in favor of allowing both photos and the page to continue to grow. Please raise your hands," he voices with more excitement than the first time.

What feels to be very slowly, nearly everyone's hand begins to raise. The man who has absolutely no resemblance to the weasel. Ms. Carlton, who's vote doesn't count but is still greatly appreciated. Then of course the people I love in the back, who are in the same boat as Ms.Carlton, but make me smile nonetheless.

They said yes.

"It looks like we have an agreement on the page and photos being allowed. Thank you all for coming and listening to the presentation. We appreciate the time you took to be here. Hopefully you....," Dean continues addressing everyone with their goodbyes. All I can seem to do is small unnoticeable dance in the background.

I get to continue sharing Aurelia, and finding the little pieces of magic that not only exist, but seem to work wonders. This small portion of the country has given me love and a new sense of belief in myself, I can't wait to see what the rest of it will do. And I can't wait to experience it with the man who is the single greatest thing this country has to offer. Sorry, Hannah.

I shout a bit of a loud "thank you", that startles people before everyone starts to get up and exit the room. Wanting to get to that celebration we discussed, I start making my way to the person who I want to share my success with.

However, my path is blocked by someone I don't quite expect and what's even more a surprise is that the person is wearing a small smile. "Ms. Carlton, it's good to see you here. Thank you for coming," I tell the woman a tiny lie that I hope sounds sincere.

Her smile turns a bit more sheepish and hints that she can see right through my words. "Congratulations Wrenley, you did well. I also may have realized something over these past few weeks and especially today durning your presentation. I took out my anger at that prickish ex of yours on you, I'm sorry. I look forward to seeing you in the next marketing meeting ," the very sophisticated woman states, and then turns for the door.

I gain a small genuine smile as I watch her walk away. Chris is like that old stinky shoe that everyone else realizes smells terrible, but you've become blind to. I'm glad that shoe is now long gone, and also that Ms.Carlton recognized the awful odor a lot sooner than I did. Even if it did leave for a bad first impression, it seems like there's many more encounters to come without anything else in the way.

Probably noticing that I stopped, a certain group of people meet me half way. Seeing them, my previous conversation is quickly forgotten. I look to Matteo who seems to be on the phone, though his eyes are on me as he speaks and listens to the caller. Hannah and Phillip however, crowd me and give a tight two-way hug.

"You kind of killed it out there, Ms.Marketing CEO," Hannah jokes as her eyes tell me how proud she is.

"I really am like the CEO now. You know what that means, next stop on my rise to power is coming for the crown," I tease, adding on to her words. I would never actually try to take over the country, even if an uprising does sound like a good bucket list item.

"With the way you convinced people today, I may just need to be worried about that. Particularly because the man who was supposed to stop that sort of thing, would now happily let you do it. I'm sure that Matteo would steal the crown himself if you asked him too," Phillip joins in as Matteo gets off of his phone call.

I look at the man in question, whose eyes spark with a surprised kind of excitement. "I suppose you're right, thankfully it's no longer in my wheel house. More of a head guard thing, Security chair members kind of enjoy making the plans and leaving it at that," Matteo quips as a way of getting his news out.

"What," I look at him with excitement. "You got it," I question and he nods his head.

"Of course you got it, how could you not? You talented, charming man," I ramble as I go in and give him a large hug.

"Are we talking about the same person," Phillip questions while I stay in Matteo's embrace.

I hear what's most likely Hannah hitting Phillip, as Matteo grumbles, "Shut up."

"Just kidding mate, congratulations. I'm glad you'll get some more time off to live your life, you deserve it," Phillip continues with sincerity and pats his friend on the back.

As Hannah also congratulates him, I try to get out of the hug, but those arms have once again turned into steel bars. Who would have know from first look that Matteo was such a cuddler? I sure didn't.

Looking up at him, I find his gaze already seared on me. "Are you happy with the job change," I ask him, wanting to make sure now that it's official, he still wants it.

His lips tilt in the way that shows he's appreciating something, "Am I happy?"

His question comes out in an incredulous tone, and I give a shy smile, hoping that's a yes.

"Wrenley, I get to do a job I enjoy and I have time off to live. And actually living sweetheart, wasn't something I realized I wanted until I met you. Now I get to join you in doing it all of the time," he speaks with conviction, but quietly so as only I hear.

Then a little louder, "So yah, I'm fucking happy."

I feel Hannah and Phillip look over at us with a smile and I'm pretty sure the latter shakes his head. "Yah," I ask more rhetorically than anything else.

Matteo's hold on me stays, trapping me with my front glued to his. However, his head starts to descend so that it's more level with mine. Then somehow pulling me even closer to him, he answers, "Yes, though I have a few ideas to make the moment even better. But what about you love? You did amazing up there. No surprise, but still I'm proud as shite at what you just pulled off...Are you happy with how it turned out?"

I nod my head for a few seconds, "Yes I'm really freaking happy."

This seems to be enough to convince a bit of unsure eyes into determined ones. Quickly after, his hand leaves my back to wrap around my chin. "That's excellent sweetheart, because I plan on forever trying to make you happy. In fact, I'm thinking of ideas even now," he quietly taunts.

I give him a questioning glance as I turn my attention to find my friends, who are probably feeling a little awkward at the moment. However, I barely get the chance to move my head, when the fingers on my chin brings my gaze back towards his.

"Like I was saying, maybe if my tongue was between your legs in celebration, it could add even more joy to the situation. After all love, I believe you deserve a little praise for what you just accomplished. And I also think you promised me some words, that would best be followed by the devotion I'm already planning on giving to your body," Matteo utters lowly in my ear.

The much-too-proud smirk on his face tells me he's enjoying my reaction to his words and the red tint they usually bring. Wanting to for once get the better of him, I quickly give him a kiss and pull away as he starts to seek more. I give him a genuine smile, "I love you Matteo. I'm in love with you. Have been for a while and I honestly plan on it staying that way for the rest of my life."

His smirk falls off at my sincerity, and turns into a wonder-filled expression that he only dishes out so often. Giving it a moment so he knows my words are truthful, I then let my smile turn the most innocent it can. "However, I think we have plans with our friends and I'm a bit hungry. I also think I might need to swallow down some food before swallowing or choking on anything else. You know what I mean," I whisper up in his ear, much like he did to me.

Seeing his clenched down jaw, I smile in victory and break out of his hold. Turning towards Hannah and Phillip, who are in their own heated conversation, I clear my throat. "Did you guys want to get some congratulatory lunch? Celebrate everything that happened today with one of the cool restaurants around here?"

It almost seems as if Phillip is about to deny my offer, but he doesn't get the chance to. Instead, I get to see his surprised expression from upside down while I'm being thrown over Matteo's shoulder. "We'll probably be meeting you both for dinner. If not it means we're still busy and don't want to be bothered. Excuse us," he says promptly, already on his way out the door.

I start laughing and try to stop so I can sound stern, "Matteo, what are you doing? That was an extremely rude way to treat your best friend, and you know I don't like being held like this."

He simply answers with a slap and words that contradict his actions, "I love you."

Hearing the direct statement gives me pause, but I'm confused on how that was an answer to my question. "I love you too, why can't this be said with my feet on the ground," I question and hide my face in the hallway. I'm not sure how much I want to see the business associates in this position.

Quickly spinning me so my legs are wrapped around his waist and I'm facing him, he continues, "I love you and you finally admitted to loving me back. Then you referenced taking my cock down your throat. Food and other people can wait, I don't plan on sharing any part of you for a while."

I simply stare at the man as we get into the elevator which is surprisingly empty. However, as my look only serves to heat up his own, I groan and hide in the side of his neck. Well yah, now food is pretty far from my mind too. What am I going to do with this man and his hypnotic brain-bending abilities?

Squeezing the bottom of my thighs, Matteo releases a deep breath and moves his lower body into mine. "I know love. We're almost there. I'll take care of that ache soon," he smirks, while I subconsciously grind into him.

Not one to go down without a fight, I move my body a bit more purposely and suck on his neck in a way that would make any vampire proud. Only stopping the use of my tongue and teeth, when I hear a "Fuck Wren," come from him.

Still with my eyes cast towards his skin, I comment, "I do hope with all those words you're spouting that you can follow through on those promises... buddy"

Why am I taunting him? Because it's fun and because he'll...

"Brat," Matteo whispers darkly onto the top of my head, squeezing me even tighter. I kind of love when he calls me that.

"What," I ask going back to innocent as I finally stare up. Ooohoo that look of his has reached a new level.

When the elevator door opens, he rushes us through the doors and towards our room. "Oh, it's a good thing this new room came prepped for that attitude of yours. Huh sweetheart," he questions in a very jovial mannered threat.

I laugh, even though I can tell he's completely serious. I'm sure we could have a field day in that room he upgraded to.

As we get in front of the door we're about to enter and most likely not have a thorough conversation for a while, I take one more moment to be serious. "I love you Matteo," I whisper with a toothy smile.

Matteo opens up our door, and though theres lust and dominance coming off him in waves, he gives me a genuine smile back. "I love you too Wrenley. So damn much," he utters, followed by a long and heated kiss.

Then walking and slamming the door behind us, he growls, "Now about those promises."

Matteo, being a man of his word, carries through on his vows. The man has always been very dutiful, but now those duties are to himself and my heart which he cheesily said he'd protect. And though I have no experience with guarding, I plan to keep and protect his with the same fierceness. This grumpy arsehole is mine and I don't plan on letting him go.

We’re close to wrapping up

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