
Unguarded Hearts- A Grumpy/Possesive Bodyguard Romance

After Wrenley Callison catches her costar-boyfriend in bed with someone else, her only plausible choice is to leave L.A. and join her friend, the newly married Duchess of Aurelia. Living in a castle with the new royal as well as her husband, the Prince, should be exactly the getaway she needs to figure out her life. However, what she doesn't account for is a certain bodyguard who seems to despise her from the first night they meet. If that's not enough, her slowly changing feelings for the grumpy protector are sure to make things more complicated. Matteo Wright is a pretty simple man. He likes control and structure and doesn't exactly enjoy when either of those things are messed with. The man lives his life for his job, which includes protecting the crown and his best friend who wears it. What he doesn't need is some American actress who likes to push all of his carefully planned buttons. Especially with the way he starts to crave the extremely irritating woman in a way that's surely not healthy and the exact opposite of controlled.

Soph278 · Urbano
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27 Chs

Chapter 21

Wrenley's POV

We've been out here on the boat now for a couple of hours and have caught about three fish total, including the first one I so badly handled. I realize that the peace of sitting out on the water is most likely what draws Matteo here more than anything. That's why, though this time has been filled with revelations on our past or different parts of ourselves, it's also been spent in serene type of silence. One where we've both been allowed to simply take in the world around us.

We spend a couple of very peaceful hours out here before Matteo suggests that we start paddling back to the surface. It's still light out, but the sun has been making it's descent over to the west side of the sky, slowly transitioning afternoon into evening.

Matteo first tries to paddle with me still on his lap, because according to him he's quite comfortable, but it's just a bit too complicated. Moving away, I check the time on my phone, realizing we still have time for some fun before a not very thought-out surprise is coming. I don't really think Matteo is the type to like surprises, and this particular one does have the chance of making me look like an obsessive stalker. But I had a signal on the boat, and spontaneity kind of won out over thinking it through.

When we arrive to shore and he pulls the boat up, I start to put all the fishing gear by a small table near us. Then when it looks like Matteo's moving to the car to leave, I grab his hand back and start flopping off my shoes. He gives me a 'what are you doing' look, but that quickly changes when I resolve myself of my shirt, followed by my shorts. Now I would say that his look is quite ravenous and his feet are moving very quickly toward me.

I want to make it very apparent that I have a swimsuit on right now and am not just checking off my bucket list item of skinny dipping. However, with the way he's looking my body up and down, you would think otherwise.

"What are you doing," his voice turns a little husky as he goes to grab on to the bottoms of my bikini.

The color red always has a good chance of fading me out but the dark crimson of this suit does not have that issue. It also makes my smaller upper half, well frankly, look quite a bit more perky. That's something Matteo definitely seems to be noticing.

"We're going to have a swim. If you're up for it," I tell him as I pull from his grasp and run into the water. I thought about being seductive while entering, but once my feet touched the cold water I had to run around to get used to the low temperature.

Looking back, Matteo keeps his eyes on me as he starts throwing his shoes off. There's been a couple of times Matteo has looked at me like a predator, this time seems more intense. Watching him slowly unbutton the pretty floral shirt he's wearing is both extremely attractive and torturously slow. He drops it and as he looks at my practically slobbering expression, he smirks and walks forward.

Still with that slow stroll that shows nothing but power and control, he reaches and picks me up in a way a catholic priest might when he's about to baptize you. The hold should have showed me exactly where his mind was going.

"Hmm it doesn't look as if you're swimming yet," he says lowly as he starts to wander into deeper water. For some reason my only thought is about how much of my skin is touching his. How as soon as he grabbed me, the freezing water felt like it heated about a hundred degrees.

Those thoughts are quickly forgotten when he sinks down, taking us both below the still very cold lake. He doesn't hold us under, but just the feeling of my now damp hair, is enough to get me out of the little trance I went into.

"Matteo," I shout while his large laughter fills the air. He wipes the hair that's now sticking to my face but I simply push his hands and then get out of his hold. I was going to wait until I got used to the water to start a war. However, he already threw the first shot and I'm not about to back down.

"You really want to go," I ask standing far enough away so he can't grab me. Then with all the power I have, I start pushing water at him. The water may be reaching up to my chin but that will not stop me from taking this man out.

Matteo looks quite unamused at our distance, and also seems to be wondering just how sane I am. "Wrenley I would stop," he warns as my feet start getting into the action, making a water fall cascade down his body.

My response is to kick a big blob to the center of his face. "That's it," he growls and launches after me.

I'm embarrassed to mention that my next sound is a very high pitched squeal. I thought he would splash me and quickly get tired, making me the winner. Coming after me with that strong imposing body, was not something I was prepared for.

I swim around for a little, still trying to splash and create a defense for myself, but soon enough his hand grabs my foot and I'm being dragged through the water towards him. This just feels unfair.

When I'm all the way into his chest, he holds me similar to before and moves my body in a way that suggests it's seconds from launching into the air. I start to try and word my way out of this, "Matteo Buddy." Ohh not the right word to say, I have to cling to his body as he tries to let me go.

"Beautiful man of mine,"  I correct and he stops trying to throw me off of him for a moment. He gives me a look as if  I should continue. "Gorgeous, dashing Matteo. Why don't we call this a game? You clearly won. Please don't throw me."

He raises his eyebrow and I kiss the part of his chest that's in front of me, "Please." His mouth breaks into a smile and his eyes look a little conflicted.

Deciding that this is a tactic I would quite enjoy myself, I start to make my way up his body with my mouth. Each kiss that's brushed across his skin is followed by a whispered plea. His body starts to lose one type of tension while a gaining a new one, and as I reach his mouth he moves me so we're both vertical again. No longer is he holding me like he's about to throw me into the lake but rather like he won't be letting go anytime soon.

I cling onto his waist with my legs as his hand finds my barely covered butt, squeezing roughly. Then both of our mouths part as they start to find a harsh rhythm with each other.

Losing my breath, Matteo moves away from my mouth and starts to move his lips down my own neck. If my lips on his body were used as pleas than his lips were more of a brand. When he finds the sweet spot on my neck, he focuses on it, letting the rest of his mouth join in. Teeth lightly bite down, before a tounge brushes the sting away, and then the cycle repeats.

A deep groan vibrates across my skin as his mouth starts to move even further down. That sound, as addicting as I know it will become, brought my brain back to reality. I'm starting to lose control with wherever this is going, and not only is it not slow but it will also be quite a compromising situation when the surprise gets here. Continuing for a few more moments, I let us enjoy each other a little more before I get his attention, "Matteo."

"Hmm," he questions while keeping up his pattern with his mouth.

"Matteo," I almost moan out as I grab his hair and pull his head back. He looks back at me me with dark but curious eyes. "I think we should stop for now," I tell him almost saying it as an apology.

His eyes still stay a bit heated, but automatically he raises his head and stands up straight. "Ok," he answers as his hands move to the top of my bikini and fix the fabric that was starting fall to the side.

"Thank you," I respond a little guiltily, knowing that starting a kiss in our position wasn't exactly the smartest decision. Not when we both react the way we do to the others touch.

He grabs my chin and he scoffs, "You never have to thank me for respecting your wishes, alright," he questions authoritatively. I nod and he lets go of my chin, but not before giving my lips a quick peck with his own.

Looking to see that there is still no one at this lake but us, I try to think of a friendlier activity to fill up our time. A thought comes to me, making me smile, "Do you want to play mermaids?"

Matteo lets out a heavy sigh and looks up to the sky, before he replies, "Sure Wrenley. Teach me how to play mermaids." I smile at the fact that he didn't even question if I was being serious, he just said yes.

He lets me down and turns away to seemingly adjust himself, then turns and looks at me expectantly.

Fifteen minutes later, Matteo is following me in the water with his legs completely together and his arms in a diving pose. I'm yelling about the treasure that I see as Matteo is shouting that we must've found Atlantis. About five minutes ago, his sarcastic replies and slow movements turned into a more genuine behavior. I think he is getting pretty into the game.

That of course, stops as soon as a male voice shouts, "Son, why are you swimming around like a disease ridden dolphin?"

Aww yes, the questionable surprise.

I may have first texted Phillip a picture of Matteo with his fishing pole and asked if he and Hannah wanted to join us in a little while. It seemed like fishing was a thing between the two, and I thought that it might be nice for everyone to show up and do something that he enjoyed. Maybe prove to him just how appreciated he is by the people in his life. It's something that he seems to forget.

However, that got me thinking about his father, so I asked Phillip if he thought Matteo would like his parents joining us. Phillip responded yes to both, and then forwarded the message to his parents without another word.

And that's how I now have Mrs.Wrights number. It started with texts about me finally getting her baby boy to spend time with his parents. Then ended with her letting me know that they would be getting some food, and let us have some alone time, before showing up as a surprise. Obviously I wasn't going to tell her she couldn't come, but I won't lie that I'm not nervous about how this is going to turn out.

Matteo has never even officially introduced me to his parents and now here I am texting back and forth with his mother. That's weird right. It's disrespectful of potential boundaries and I'm completely ready to leave if he wants me too. Still, I hope that he at least stays with his parents and friend. It seems like he's not quite believing of the amount of love they have for him and how it has nothing to do with his job title.

As his parents followed by our friends walk on the sandy gravel towards the lake, they all have a little laugh while looking out at us. I glance over to Matteo, who quickly drops to a standing position in the shoulder length water. His eyes show surprise as he watches the newcomers, and then he turns his head over to me. His eyebrows quarrel in on themselves in a confused expression, until they even out and his eyes become warm. Not with the fiery passion I'm used to, but something that seems much softer.

"Another surprise," he asks, referring to coming here earlier today and now with his parents showing up. He walks over to where I'm floating on the water so that his words are heard only by me.

I sigh looking away from him, "Bad or Good? If it's bad feel free to get mad at me. I was hoping it would be an exciting revelation but it's kind of creepy. And if we're having complete honesty, I've been texting back with your mother while we were on the boat. I should've asked or at least told you. I promise it was from a good place, but..."

"Wrenley," he says as he grabs my hand.

"Yes," I ask hesitantly.

"Be quiet for a moment," he lightly commands and I nod my head in acknowledgement.

I expect him to start yelling at me for being a weirdo or atleast argue a little about boundaries, which would be well deserved, may I say. I'm however, surprised, when after a moment of hesitation, those arms wrap me up in a hug and hold me tight enough to be almost uncomfortable. Almost. "Thank you," he whispers in my ear.

"Thank you? You're not upset? Mateo you don't even like surprises. And this one was thrown at you with no warning while we were playing mermaids," I whisper back, but mine is more of yelling sort of whisper.

He laughs and then squeezes me a little bit, "Wrenley I thought you were going to be quiet for a second. But to answer, no I'm not upset. Even if you did get me into your mermaid game without any warning of potential company. Even though you were secretly texting my mom who has called me over ten times the last two days about bringing you over. I'm not mad."

My breath comes out in relief as he goes on to say a little more, "And to be clear, I don't hate surprises. At least not these kinds. How could I when everything with you has been the best sort of one? Thank you."

My arms which had been a bit weary to hug him back, hold on to him tighter than he is me, "Of course Matteo. Though you should know Phillip was the one who really made it happen. I just threw the idea out there. The rest of the people that care about you were the ones who pulled through."

Letting go of him, he follows a few seconds later, but keeps my hand in his as we walk out of the water. "Don't you worry, I'll make sure to give everyone their due gratitude, Wrenley. Just as I'll show you mine later on. Now are you ready to officially meet my parents? I know it's not slow, but I would like to introduce you as my.. well mine."'

"Yours huh? That sounds pretty good to me, but we should stop making them wait. I think I can here Phillip and Hannah making up lies about us," I tell him walking a little quicker. I really can here some of Phillip words that sound like large exaggerations.

When we get on the sandy dirt, I look for my shirt and shorts, worrying it won't be the most comfortable sort of wet clothes. I didn't have to worry about that though, when a second later a shirt is being forced into my arms. Matteo grabs my clothes to put in my bag and then starts buttoning me up in his floral shirt. He takes his time, and I find myself quite happy with both the buttoning experience and the view of his chest while he does it.

Finally finished, we make our way over to everyone else. There are quite a few picnic tables that are surrounded around the large lake. Matteo's mom has chosen one of those and put different snacks and drinks on top while the others sit around it.

As we walk up, Matteo's father jokes, "Finally the lovebirds are here." Love? No, not yet.

"Hi dad,"  he says, giving him a pat on the back. "Hi mum," he then heads over to the woman who's smiling brightly at him, and gives her a large hug.

"Hello son, I see you're finally making use of that shirt I gave you," she says, motioning over to me. I'm guessing by that statement it's something Matteo may have not worn before. With his style, it's not very surprising.

"Hi Wrenley, it's good to see you again," Matteo's dad turns to me with a quick side hug and I reply the same sentiment back.

His mom then pulls me into the same type of embrace she just had with her son. "It's good to see you dear, and thank you for thinking of us today. I know both of us, especially his father, are happy to be here with him."

"Of course, I know he's also super happy that you're here," I tell her and then pull out of the hug.

There's always a sense of nerves when getting to know new people, especially if they could someday become a part of your family. However, the energy both of his parents give off have been nothing but positive, making the nervousness slowly fade away. Much different from the one other time I had to meet the parents. Chris didn't invite me out with his family much, but each time he did, I felt a bit unwanted. More like a fly on their food than someone their son was dating. It's just an interesting juxtaposition, or maybe not so interesting when you really think about it.

Walking around, I greet Hannah and Phillip, before taking a seat next to them at the table. The table really only has room for three on each side and I figure Matteo will want to sit with his parents.

I'm wrong. Matteo moves over to me and tries to scoot in to the small amount of space left on the bench. He even tells Phillip, who is sitting on the other end, to scoot the hell over. Unfortunately, Phillip quite literally can't and it only makes everyone start laughing.

When he realizes that it's not going to work, instead of moving to the other side, he just pulls me up and then sits me on top of him. I can hear a little hum of satisfaction come out of his mouth as he acts like his behavior is completely normal. No one else agrees with him, especially his parents who are looking like an alien has taken over their son's body.

"I see Phillip hasn't been fabricating the stories he was telling us," Mrs. Wright says with a surprised tone. Phillip makes a snort that sounds a lot like, "you think."

It's quiet for a few more moments of awkward silence before Mrs. Wright starts to show off the food she brought. Opening different containers, she advertises each dish specifically to Matteo, "It's been so long since you've been out here so I thought I would bring all of your favorite fishing snacks."

She starts listing them off and I can feel Matteo get exited, emotionally, until she drops the last dish which looks to be Dino chicken nuggets. "I couldn't forget these, Dinosaur nuggets seemed to always be your favorite," she says excitedly, but there seems to be a certain look in her eyes.

Matteo starts to grumble , "She is lying Wrenley. Mother they are not..."

I stopped listening when I heard Dino nuggets. Cooking isn't exactly my thing, so frozen food is definitely a staple in my diet. Dino nuggets have to be my favorite of any frozen meal because, well, the part of me that loved them as a child never really grew up. Not realizing my interruption of my seat, I excitedly question, "Dino nuggets?"

I hear a sigh come from behind me as Matteo asks, "You're a fan of them, Wren?"

Turning my head to look at him, I smiling voicing, "Yes. They're one of the few things I can make. Plus, who doesn't like having a full out prehistoric showdown with their food?"

Matteo's look which was previously embarrassed, turns to a smile, "Agreed but which dinosaur is the winner of that war?"

I scoff at him, because what a stupid question, "Obviously the T-Rex, Matteo."

He tugs on my hair as he rolls his eyes, "Obviously. Just testing you sweetheart." Then he turns his attention to everyone else, but specifically his mom, "Thank you mum, that was very kind of you to make all of my favorites."

His mom smiles a knowing smile and waves away his gratitude. Then we all dig in to the food as the sun slowly starts setting.

When the sky becomes darker, the sounds of bugs and small animals get louder adding to a nice ambiance for our conversation. Matteo is quieter than everyone else, but I realize from his posture it's a comfortable kind of quietness. He pipes in when he feels like it and his laughter could be both heard and felt several times, but mainly he listens to the loved ones surrounding him.

After we're finished, his dad asks Matteo if he and Phillip feel like trying to fish a bit more just a long the shore. Matteo gives a look to check in with me and I practically jump off of him to send him right over. I love spending time with him but it's easy to  see the silent yearning in his father's eyes. This is something he missed with his son and I'm pretty sure Matteo did too.

After giving me a quick kiss on the forehead, he heads with his father and Phillip over to the water. Hannah and I scoot next to each other, and his mom brings out three drinks which look to have Margarita written on them. Looking over to my friend, I notice she has the same look of mischief and wariness.

Neither one of us can hold our liquor for anything. That was evident when I turned twenty one, three months after her, and we both ended up extremely wasted after two regular sized, but very colorful, cocktails. We were then kicked out of the bar when we started to go on one of the bar's vacant stages and sing all of the songs from Mama Mia. Of course, we only got through three before they kicked us off stage and one more on the floor before they kindly kicked us out. I don't blame them.

That and the vomiting session after, is the reason I've barely drank more than a few sips at a time since then.

Deciding that my tolerance has surely grown, I thank her and take one of the cans to open it up. It's definitely sweet, which is the same thing that got me last time.

"I figured I'd wait until they leave before bringing these out," his mom jokes as she takes a sip of her own.

As we keep on drinking, Hannah and I tell stories of our own childhood until Mrs.Wright begins to talk about Matteo and Phillip's. "They always were friends. Martha, Phillips mom, and I made sure of it, but they became more like family after her and Andrew's death. Phillip obviously went through a hard time, and to be honest, I did too, but Matteo was kind of the glue for us. He was there trying to get us out of our grief by doing anything he could. Once that boy decides he cares about you, he sure doesn't give up," she directs the last part towards me.

I give her a shy smile, "Yah, I've come to learn that. I hope you know that I'm not one to cast aside something I cherish either. In a short amount of time, Matteo has shown me just how much someone can really care. I'll do everything I can to show him the same back."

"I know that, Wrenley. My son wouldn't have acted like he did tonight if you weren't reciprocating the same back to him. In fact, he wouldn't even be out of that darn castle if it weren't for you. I'm well aware how much the job means, and though he may think I don't, I also know why it means so much. But all I want is for both my boys to be happy. Seeing him at the reception and tonight, was the first time I've seen it in what feels like forever," she continues as tears start to get in her eyes.

The drink and her tears are making my eyes also gloss, and from the corner of my eye, even Hannah has some sparkle. Hopefully the boys stay consumed with those slimy creatures for a while longer.

"Matteo deserves to be happy, and I'm lucky to be a part of it. I have to say though, hearing those words from you could also mean a lot. I don't want to talk about his feelings for his job, it's not my place. But hearing about your feelings toward it, and his happiness in general, would mean a lot to him," I say, hoping none of that came off offensive to her.

She looks at me and grins, "You're right. I'll make sure to take some time to talk to him. I've done enough of floating around the subject."

Then she takes a larger drink and lets out an unladylike burp. I really like this woman. "Well, enough with that. Why don't I show you the baby pictures I brought. I'll have to thank Phillip for suggesting it."

We spend what feels like the next hour drinking and looking at baby pictures of Matteo, as well as some of Phillip. Matteo was a cute kid, but they proved my suspicions right, that the glare he liked to give out was around since childhood. He was not a big fan of getting his pictures taken, even at age 3. My poor grumpy man.

When we are breaking out in laughter at a certain photo of Matteo dressed up for a school play, the men start making their way back towards us. "Did he choose this part or was he forced into it," I laugh out, referring to little Matteo in a sheep costume as his facial expressions screams murder.

"What do you think? His teacher had to call me when he refused to get into it. We had to force him in it with bribes of chocolate sundaes. Even that didn't stop him from running off during intermission and hiding until it was over," his mom giggles as she begins to open her third drink.

I've already started on mine and I can definitely feel the effect it's starting to have on me. I notice Matteo and the rest reaching us as his mom finishes her sentence.

Quickly all three of us seem to be on the same wave length as we hide the cans under the table, not wanting them to know we were drinking without them. The other three are giving us a look of suspicion, especially Matteo who's staring me down and noticing my likely very flushed face. "Hello Handsome," I tell him, causing his expression to turn even more curious.

"Hello Sweetheart. What have you all been up to," Matteo asks, walking closer to me as I notice Phillip go over to Hannah and look under the table.

"Nothing Bahhhhhd," I say the last part imitating a sheep without meaning to, but it makes the other women and I go into a fit of drunken laughter.

He looks at me with pure confusion before he notices the pictures which are set on the table. His jaw clenches as he sees it and even more when Phillip and his father look and join in on the laughter. "It's not that funny," he mumbles, while glancing under the table after I accidentally kick my can over.

"Hey, I thought you were a cute little sheep. My little sheep," I relay and start to pet his head as he grabs the cans and starts to set them on the table.

"A ram, Wrenley, not a sheep," he responds indignantly, but there's a little smile. I don't think he's telling the truth, a ram has horns. However, I won't hurt his pride when he's clearly still caught up on the whole thing.

"Matteo mate, I don't know if you are going to get anything through to them. These two can't handle one drink, it looks like they were on their third," Phillip explains, moving to throw away all of the cans.

I completely forgot that he was also there on my twenty first birthday. He was the poor soul who had to get both of us home when Chris decided to stay at the bar. Yah, I'm aware of how red those flags were, now.

"If they're anything like your mother, than they are going to have problems walking straight. Lying about that sheep costume won't do you any use tonight," his father says as he starts to put all of the food and photos away.

"Alright, I'm going to start getting her home then. Save myself from the ridicule that I'm sure is coming from the rest of those pictures," Matteo tells them before he looks down at me. "I'm going to pick you up, ok," he says, asking permission in the Matteo way.

I simply reach up my hands in response.

Matteo then leans down to pick me up by my waist as he settles my legs around him. "Bye everyone," I shout and wave at them as a queen would. I mean I am friends with the king so I have every right to do that.

They all say bye as I rest my head on Matteo's chest which I realize still has no clothing on it. "Did you catch any fish," I ask him, catching sight of his chest and trying very hard to not let my impulsive thoughts win.

"Yah we all caught a few. My father got an especially large one that I think he was glad to have me and Phillip there for. I was happy to be there too, I need to make sure I don't wait so long to... Wrenley what are you doing," he stops his sentence, chuckling, when the liquor in my system wins. I couldn't stop myself from pinching the small nipple that was right next to my face. Or from pressing my finger on it with a "boop".

"Sorry, they caught my attention, but I was listening to you Matteo. I always listen to you. I'm glad you enjoyed today," I tell him, rubbing my hand over where I had just been irritating him.

"Phillip was right on the dot, wasn't he? You can't handle your liquor," he questions without needing me to answer.

"Just be glad I haven't started singing yet," I murmur as he puts me in the car and helps with my seat belt.

It's quiet as he walks around the car and throws the stuff in the back before moving into the driver seat. "I'm just glad that I get to be with you. I won't mind any singing you do and I won't mind helping with the alcohol that will most likely be making a reappearance later on tonight. You brought me here, you brought my family here, and you make me smile way too often. I think your safe to start singing some musical about sheep and no real annoyance could come up," he tells me without looking my way.

"That's good because I'm not planning on giving you up, even if you do get tired with me. I'm starting to think you're stuck with me forever sheep boy," I tell him letting out a yawn.

He smiles and pats my thigh, "Trust me I will be, love."

Love? Not giving me a chance to question him, he keeps going, "Now why don't you close your eyes. I'll let you know when we get back."

I hold onto the hand on my thigh and do as he says, slowly falling into sleep. Later in the night, when I wake up in Matteo's bed feeling sick, I realize he had no attentions of waking me. Then when he joins me in the bathroom and holds my hair while gently rubbing my back, I come to a greater realization. That he truly has every intention of sticking around.

Ok but can we all see Matteo secretly having a blast playing mermaids?!

Soph278creators' thoughts