
Unguarded Hearts- A Grumpy/Possesive Bodyguard Romance

After Wrenley Callison catches her costar-boyfriend in bed with someone else, her only plausible choice is to leave L.A. and join her friend, the newly married Duchess of Aurelia. Living in a castle with the new royal as well as her husband, the Prince, should be exactly the getaway she needs to figure out her life. However, what she doesn't account for is a certain bodyguard who seems to despise her from the first night they meet. If that's not enough, her slowly changing feelings for the grumpy protector are sure to make things more complicated. Matteo Wright is a pretty simple man. He likes control and structure and doesn't exactly enjoy when either of those things are messed with. The man lives his life for his job, which includes protecting the crown and his best friend who wears it. What he doesn't need is some American actress who likes to push all of his carefully planned buttons. Especially with the way he starts to crave the extremely irritating woman in a way that's surely not healthy and the exact opposite of controlled.

Soph278 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Chapter 20

Matteo's POV

Working out front today feels like a punishment even more so than usual. There's not as many people compared to a few days ago, but I have much less patience for the small amount that are here. It seems that working every day for the past few years is finally starting to take it's tole, or maybe there's just finally something I find more important.

"You look positively thrilled to be here," Samson quips as we walk the grounds. I was smart enough to get over my previous grievances after the ball, and forgo the firing and sending him away. For now at least.

"Positively," I mutter sarcastically. I honestly don't have any want to answer him more than that.

Wrenley is probably the only one that could make this enjoyable. I'm sure if she were here, she would be looking at each visitor and making random guesses about which one was a trained killer. Last night she told me that I was very brave to deal with assassins all day, especially with my lack of fighting skills. My explanation of my very real skills, and our country's strong lack of assassins, was cut off as soon as I mentioned the first part. Apparently, she didn't need to hear lies.

Samson gives a slight chuckle, "Matteo, I don't know why you do this when you clearly don't like it. Even before Wren, you didn't exactly enjoy your job or the people that you had to deal with."

"Because I'm good at it and Phillips needs someone he can trust," I answer bluntly. Samson is rarely the one to ask personal questions, I'd like him to remember that's why I can stand him.

"I hear you sir, but theres a lot of trustworthy men on this team. I don't think Phillip would be upset with you if you decided to not do it any longer. It's almost that time where the position for the security chair representative is open to change. We both know you already do half that job and it would suit you a lot more than this," he continues, and I nod my head, motioning that the discussion is finished.

I'm quite aware that it's the end of the term for the lazy old man who doesn't do his job. As far as I know, he's running for it again with no big competition. That position is a lot less time, no interaction with fans, and only a limited amount of energy spent dealing with the guards. It honestly sounds perfect, and that's without adding in the fact that I really enjoy the process of coming up with the security details.

Even so, it's hard to not ignore this opportunity as I have the countless other ones that Phillip and my parents have brought up. I don't like the thought of me not being around to guard and making sure people stay in line. There's always a need for someone to take the unenjoyable job of keeping everything and everyone together. If I start going after what I want, I fear the chaos and the results that my self-serving choice could bring. Still, the thought of switching jobs has been popping up a lot more recently.

A sound comes from my phone, bringing me out of my thoughts, and reminding me of the one form of selfishness I don't mind taking part in. Hoping the message is indeed about Wrenley, I check to make sure my surroundings are clear, before looking down at it.


Stop bothering me. She is doing great and you can ask her about it later. Let me pay attention to my meeting.

I guess he's finally noticing the multiple texts I sent out, inquiring and later on threatening about the meeting. I honestly would be in that damn room if I didn't have to deal with guard duties or the worry that it might make Wrenley more nervous. I didn't like the self doubt I saw on her face today, and I will get rid of just about anyone who might make it pop up again. Including the arses that usually take up those meetings.

The fact that all Phillip can give me is that short text doesn't make me feel much better. I'm almost tempted to try and switch duties to be near Hannah, so that I can question her instead. I'm somehow quite sure that the questions she's surely asking about today, won't go unanswered. What a biased prick my best friend is.

As I look up to see Samson wearing a knowing grin, I know I'll just have to wait. Phillip said she was doing good which is all I really needed to hear. Wrenley's quite capable of taking care of herself, I may enjoy stepping in so she doesn't have to, but my interruption isn't needed. Well, sometimes it is, but that's more in serious safety matters and she'll never be without me on those occasions. She knows what will happen if she is.

Putting my phone away, I look over to a man trying to sneak over one of the garden's gates with a camera. Fucking Hell.


Finally getting off my shift, I go to meet Wrenley in front of the entrance. Getting closer, I can see her standing there with a tank top and shorts that fit her arse very nicely. So much so, I look up, knowing that otherwise I'll have a problem concentrating. She also seems to have a large blue bag swung across her shoulder, though it hides everything that might be within it.

When she sees me, her eyes get happy and she starts to run towards me before coming to an abrupt stop. Suddenly, her hands go down to that nice arse in a protective gesture and she gives me a wary look. She must be remembering my words from this morning.

Smiling at her action, I innocently ask, "What are you doing? Not going to come greet me?"

She does this little sound with her mouth that is similar to air coming out of it, "What, of course I am. I just got some strong glute pain from all the killer workouts I get up too. In fact, it might be best if we just greet each other from far away. Like maybe some air kisses." That's when she then follows through in kissing the air and making a "Mwaa" sound, while still keeping her hands in place.

Getting closer to her, I grab her face and give her mouth a real kiss, before moving my hands so they are placed on top of her own. "Hmm I think workouts will soon be the least of your glute's problems," I whisper as she does a little shiver. After a moment of silence, I remove my hands and take a step away from her. "Well are we ready to go?"

She gives me a suspicious look that says she doesn't trust me. Again, she shouldn't. Nevertheless, after a moment, she nods her head while giving me another once over. "Actually you need less clothes," she says very nonchalantly, but a second later her words seem to hit her.

Smirking I reply, "Wow sweetheart, how forward? I think I really am going to like this surprise you have planned."

She shakes her head with that red glint still freckling her cheeks, "You know I didn't mean it like that. Just, it's going to be hot and you're in uniform, and that's not going to work."

Turning around, I start going up to my bedroom, "I'm sure that's what you meant. Why don't you wait here, I'll just be a second."

Suddenly running right up to me, she asks, "Actually can I choose it for you? I want to make sure you're prepared."

I take her hand and pull her up the stairs, "I have no problem with you helping me get dressed. As much as I'd rather help with the opposite, this will work for now."

This joking side of me is one that I had forgotten about for a long time. Now it seems to come out at every turn, as long as it can either turn her red or make her smile.

"Matteo," she chastises, but I can see a small grin.

Once we get up to my room, I direct her to my clothes and she starts digging through them. Pulling out a very ugly looking Hawaiian print shirt, she starts to look for some shorts. I'm quite sure that the shirt was a gift from my mother that I kept for feeling too guilty to give away. When she pulls out the bottoms, I immediately recognize them as my one pair of swim shorts.

"Wren those are for swimming. You might want to choose something else," I gently relay, not remarking anything about the shirt because she clearly likes it.

She gets an unknown glint in her eyes, "Are they? I couldn't even tell. Still, these will go perfectly with the shirt and fit great on that muscled behind, so maybe you can try them out. If you're cool with it, of course?"

Who am I to tell her no when she clearly thinks I would look good. Give her a good look at this muscled arse she likes so much. Besides, I'm sure the real reason for the strange look she's giving me will come out later.

I reach out my hands for the clothing, "Well if it goes with the shirt."

I quickly change into the clothes and we both head back down to the entrance. Getting into the car, I offer to drive but she quickly shuts it down, saying that it would ruin the surprise. I'm wondering what on earth would be her version of a surprise as well as what kind of driver she's going to be. I've heard some stories from Hannah that make me feel a little nervous as I finish getting settled in the passenger seat. Apparently Wrenley likes to imagine the road is a race track and that she's in competition for first place.

As we finally make it past the castle gates, and Wrenley starts quickly picking up speed, I understand the reason for those stories. "Phillip told me your meeting went well," I comment, while subconsciously gripping onto the handle bar at the top of the car.

She gives a smile, but thankfully doesn't take her eyes off of the road, "It went pretty good, a lot better than expected. I seemed to convince them enough to give social media chance. Only now I have to head up an official account for Aurelia and persuade the rest of the country's politicians and businessmen. All twenty regions."

Twenty regions of traditionalists who won't come quickly to the idea. I'm a little pissed that Phillip is giving her the responsibility to convince such a large group of very combative strangers. It's a lot to force upon someone.

At the same time, I have no worry about her skills to create this page and to get people on her side. Wrenley's mind is definitely creative and she's also great at unknowingly gathering attention on herself. It's practically impossible to not look at her and want to hear what she's going to say next. She's the perfect person to do this, even if the nervousness in her voice shows that she doesn't believe it.

"Aurelia is about to get a lot more tourism from what you're about to pull off,  Wrenley. I have no doubt in the social media presence you will create or your ability to persuade all of the old crones... Plus, it means I'll finally have to make some accounts of my own. I don't want to miss anything that you end up doing," I tell her, being quite serious. However, her response is a light giggle that immediately fills up the small SUV we're in.

"What," I ask her, not hiding the smile of my own. I would love to create an account and be the first follower on that new Aurelian page. God, Phillip was right about the whipped thing.

"Nothing, I was just thinking about the type of stuff that you would post if you had one. I don't exactly see you as the post everything in your life sort of guy, you tend to like your privacy. Shirtless mirror pics also seem a bit out of your character, though I'm sure none of your followers would mind that one," she playfully explains.

My grin grows wider at the last part, "Would you be one those followers?"

I'm a bit surprised at the enthusiasm of her answer,"Of course Matteo, I would be your biggest fan. I'd probably even save all the photos to my phone so I had them to look at whenever I wanted to."

Hmm, I might have to remember that. I would never post those, but there are certain pictures that I would have fun doing for her eyes only.

If I'm being honest on the posting subject, I'm not sure I would ever put anything up at all. I'd probably just keep a blank account unless Wrenley had an idea that she really wanted to do. I'm sure as soon as I created one, she would come up with something that would be mildly embarrassing for me to share. One that would surely bring her a smile, either from laughter or joy.

We spend the next part of the ride small talking, and I have to lightly applaud Wrenley on her driving. It feels unsafe at times, but she never does anything too dangerous, besides the few attempts to go twenty over the speed limit. I still plan on being in the drivers seat as much as possible, but I'm also no longer feeling the need to hold the handle bar.

As we get further into some wilderness like roads, I start to notice familiar areas. I realize that we're going the same way that I take to get to one of me and my fathers favorite fishing spots. I didn't see any fishing gear or boat attached to the car, so I'm sure it's just somewhere we'll pass on the way. Still, it has me wondering if Wrenley would ever go down there with me sometime. 

Some more time goes by, filled with some music and singing by the woman next to me, before we show up at the place I was just thinking about. This has to be some sort of coincidence.

As I go to open Wrenley's door, after giving her some grief when she tried to open it herself, I notice a two person canoe and fishing supplies over by the water.

"Oh good it's all here," Wrenley says as she steps out of the vehicle. I don't respond and stay still as she starts walking over to the gear. She planned this for me?

Noticing my lack of movement, she turns around, "It was kind of last minute, but hopefully this will be ok. Phillip said that all of this stuff was here and ready to use, but I'm sure we can run back if we're missing something..."

I'm still quiet for a moment, staring at her with what's probably a creepy amount of focus. In my silence, she continues, "Oh right, I should probably say what this is. Welcome to our fishing date. I thought you might like it, but your looking a bit weird, so I don't know. We don't..."

During her rambling, I've made my way over to her and cut it off with a kiss. It's quite a bit more sloppy than usual, but shite I'm also feeling more emotional. The fishing trip isn't the biggest deal, it's more so that she planned it for me. I know from our talks that she doesn't like fish and their affiliation to the ocean. I know this is no way her version of a dream date. It's been a while since someone has done something just to make me happy. Breaking off our kiss, I look down to see Wrenley's dazed look.

"Does that mean that you like it," she asks me a bit sheepishly.

Giving her a kiss on the head, I whisper, "Yah I like it sweetheart."

She smiles probably the sweetest smile I've ever seen, as she says, "Great, lets get this boat into the water. An adventure awaits us."

Shaking my head, I start to get everything ready and get the boat out onto the lake. Wrenley tries to help with her "strong muscles", but it's mainly me pushing it out as I tell her good job. Once we've made our way in the good sized paddle boat, both of us move the oars until we've reached the middle of the lake.

I can smell lake water, hear only the sound of the wind whistling through the trees, and see no one else but the woman in front of me. This is my exact definition of the perfect date.

As we start to get the fishing stuff out, I notice Wrenley already knows how to put the bait on. I become surprised when she throws out the fishing line of the rod perfectly. I didn't expect her to be so experienced at this, mainly because I didn't think she enjoyed it.

"You're pretty good at this," I comment in a questioning tone.

She looks over at me and does an actual hair flip, "I have many talents Matteo. If you need help throwing out your own line, you know who to ask." I bite my cheek, not knowing whether the urge to laugh or slap her arse is stronger. Looking at the much too sassy smirk she's giving me, I would say the latter.

"I'll keep that in mind," I reply with more heat in my voice than I intended. As I throw out my own line with almost as much skill, I move to sit as close as I can to her without making the boat unsteady.

She looks up at me with a shy smile, and after a moment, asks, "From your reactions and stories, this is clearly something you enjoy. What made you get into it?"

Smiling at the question, I tell her, "My dad. He would bring me and Phillip out to do this almost every weekend. It's one of those hobbies that just got passed down."

"Do you go with him much anymore," she inquires with some of that shyness still in her tone.

I can feel a bit of her hesitation that seems to come up when asking anything relatively personal. Maybe she's scared that I won't answer or that it means she'll have to reveal an equal amount about herself.

Through the small amount of time we've had, I feel I already know a lot about who she is as a person. However, I would really like to know what has and continues to make her that way, at whatever pace she feels comfortable. Hopefully being open with any questions she asks me will allow her to eventually feel safe to do the same.

"Not so much anymore. We still go every once and a while, but to be honest, I haven't made much time to do it. I did get to fish a bit on our camping trip, but before that it's probably been several months," I reveal honestly. I'm not exactly proud that it's been so long since I've taken my dad up on one of the many invitations he's given. Maybe it's time I extend one to him.

"Because of your job," she surmises, and I nod my head. "Are you happy with it," she then asks with what I'm glad to see is more comfortability.

I sigh, knowing I'm not sure about how I stand on that question. "I don't know. I do enjoy working in security, and having to boss people around isn't too terrible."

"Shocker," she teases and I nudge her with my knee.

Continuing, I state, "With that said, I hate the actual act of guarding. I don't like dealing with so many people and I don't fancy always feeling so alert. It's come to the point where I never can quite relax. I know I'm doing something good for the crown and for Phillip. I know my parents are both proud of me for how much I've given to their country and how it's also been a sentiment for their friends who have passed away... But no, I wouldn't say happy is the word I would use to describe my feelings toward the job."

Wrenley nods her head and is quiet for a moment, ruminating on what I said.

"You deserve happiness, Matteo, and to feel as though your wants matter. You deserve people doing things like today, but much more often. I'm sure your family and Phillip would be fully supportive of you choosing something for yourself. I hope you understand that," she responds as her eyes fill with a sincere determination.

Samson was saying the same thing earlier, and honestly, Phillip has brought job change up more times than I can count. I've always felt content enough with my work and I was satisfied with that for a long time.

Being around Wrenley, well content would feel like an insult to describe the way is is to be near her. Maybe this is something I need to think about instead of continuously shutting down.

"I'm starting to," I finally answer her, and she relaxes a bit. 

"Do you think that you are going to be staying in Aurelia for a long time," I add on, hoping the the answer is a yes. If it wasn't, I definitely would be having to consider quitting and then moving.

She nods her head, "Yah I would like to. I have found a sort of peace being here and I haven't felt anything calling me back to the U.S.. Well maybe some family but I can always visit just like I did when living in LA."

I get the largest smile on my face from her words. Not only does she want to be here, but she just let me in a little more without me even asking. Wanting to know some more, I entreat, "Are you pretty close with your family?"

I would love to know about the people who put Wrenley on this earth. Are they as crazy as her, or maybe the complete opposite? The only person I know about is Hannah, who is similar in some ways, but they are still very different people.

"I'm very close with my mom and pretty close with my grandparents and outer family. My mom is not quite as spontaneous, or quirky might be the right word, as me. However, we share a lot of the same humor and she is one of the kindest and most hardworking people you'll ever meet. She also recently got married to a man she met after I moved away. We aren't super close but he seems like a good guy. Um..." she stops, looking like she's wondering if she should continue.

I can tell openly talking about herself seems to be something she really struggles with. It has me wondering if that ex of hers ever made an attempt to learn about the woman he got the fortune of dating for two years more than he deserved. If not, it's another one of his losses.

I stay silent, letting her make her own choice, and I'm happy when she decides to keep going, "My dad wasn't really around. He decided to be with someone else and that included leaving behind the family he had already started to make. I really haven't talked to him much and I've come to be ok with it. However, I would say it's what first started making me turn to imagination rather than sticking with reality. Your imagination can't leave the same way."

As she started talking about her dad, her eyes stayed on the lake rather than on my eyes. It seemed to be too hard for her to talk about it while also looking at me.

Who could leave that woman, and much more how could they leave her when she was so young? She must've just had some bad luck with the men in her life, because I think anyone with a brain in their damn head would know to keep her.

I reach for her with the hand that's not holding my fishing rod, and try to get my thoughts out. Sadly, the words that come out of my mouth are, "Fucking idiot."

She looks at me with question, and I quickly add on, "Sorry, but he's a fucking idiot if he didn't look into those eyes, or see that bright smile, and know you're not someone to let go of. And no, I don't know how you were as a kid, but I'm sure that smile was something that you've always carried around."

Her mouth tips in the exact way I was talking about and it only serves to reaffirm my words.

I brush my fingers lightly over her lips, "Wrenley, you have had some bad experiences and sometimes there will be relationships, romantic or otherwise, that just don't work out. But let me be clear that I am not either of those. It's probably too soon to say, but I'm not leaving you until I die from one of the heart attacks you'll no doubt give me. Understood?"

She's dug her way under my skin, and though there's much more for us to learn about one another, there's nothing more that I need to know to decide that I want her to be in my life for the rest of it.

Wrenley nods her head with what looks like small tears sitting in the corner of her eyes, making it clear she understands. It seemed we both needed to hear a few things from the other today.

After our deeper discussion, we sit for a while in comfortable silence, until Wrenley's line begins to pull. She jumps up with lightning speed, and I have to hold onto both sides of the boat to make sure the quick movement doesn't tip us over. "Matteo, theres something there. What do I do," she asks, frozen now as she looks down into the water.

"Wrenley you have to reel it in,"  I tell her a little amused.

"Right. Right," she says, starting to turn the crank. She moves it the wrong way at first, but then realizes, and switches directions. I'm getting a little suspicious on just how much she knows about fishing.

When the fish gets all the way reeled in, it starts flopping on the line and Wrenley looks at it with bewilderment. It's quite clear she's not sure what to do. "Sweetheart you need to unhook it and put it back in the water. I'm guessing you're not wanting to keep it for a late lunch," I tell her and she makes a face that says obviously not.

Taking an audible deep breath in, she grabs the fish and then starts getting the hook out. I hear her whispering, but I quickly realize she's not talking to me, "I'm really sorry about this little guy. My friend over there was just joking about lunch. You'll be back with your slimy pals soon."

She continues to struggle, and knowing her devastation if she were to accidentally kill it, I move to help her. I unhook it before I grab the fish from her, and say, "Don't worry your friend, is here to help." Yah I caught onto her little use of that word. It looks like certain titles will have to change very soon,

As I throw the fish back into the water, I voice some of my thoughts, "Don't take this the wrong way, but have you actually ever been fishing Wrenley?"

She's silent before giving me a warning look, "Don't laugh at me ok."

After I nod and have some time to wonder what she's going to say, she continues, "I practiced this morning after the meeting, with a pole I found around the castle. I even watched this video that some guy named "Fish Daddy" made on how to bait a line and throw it out. Only after the first part, I didn't have enough time to finish the video."

She said not to laugh, and so that's what I'm going to do, no matter how much I might want to. It's strange how we can go from talking about family and jobs, to this. Stranger how I wouldn't have it any other way. "Why would you do all of that instead of just asking me," I question gently.

"I really wanted you to have fun today, so I felt that I needed to be somewhat prepared. Plus, I feel like you keep having to teach me stuff. I may have wanted to impress you with already knowing some of these skills," she pulls away to start sitting down.

Not letting her do that, I carefully pull her to me, and sit her on my lap with my own fishing rod between us. The actual rod.

I set her's gently down and then make sure we're enough in the middle to not create a problem with the boat balance. I begin to talk lowly in her ear, "Wrenley you impress me enough and, much like our sword fighting, I quite enjoy teaching you. When the next fish comes, we'll do it together. Ok?"

"Ok," she answers, leaning back into me.

Then after it's been silent for a small while, "Fish daddy really?" I snicker, and when a somewhat embarrassed laugh joins me, I realize I have found a perfect fishing partner. Experienced or not.

What would be a perfect date for you? I don’t think mine would be fishing like Matteo’s, but I could see the appeal.

Soph278creators' thoughts