
Unguarded Hearts- A Grumpy/Possesive Bodyguard Romance

After Wrenley Callison catches her costar-boyfriend in bed with someone else, her only plausible choice is to leave L.A. and join her friend, the newly married Duchess of Aurelia. Living in a castle with the new royal as well as her husband, the Prince, should be exactly the getaway she needs to figure out her life. However, what she doesn't account for is a certain bodyguard who seems to despise her from the first night they meet. If that's not enough, her slowly changing feelings for the grumpy protector are sure to make things more complicated. Matteo Wright is a pretty simple man. He likes control and structure and doesn't exactly enjoy when either of those things are messed with. The man lives his life for his job, which includes protecting the crown and his best friend who wears it. What he doesn't need is some American actress who likes to push all of his carefully planned buttons. Especially with the way he starts to crave the extremely irritating woman in a way that's surely not healthy and the exact opposite of controlled.

Soph278 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Chapter 15

Wrenley's POV

"Chris," I ask as I turn around to look at the man I have no interest in seeing again.

Once I turn, I see a man in his mid twenties with blonde hair and blue eyes. He has a face that his fans and most of the world  would call conventionally attractive. A lot like a model or maybe a Barbie ken doll. However, it's doing nothing for me right now.

I haven't even picked up his phone calls. One because he didn't deserve it, but two because I wasn't sure how seeing him would make me view myself. Even before the cheating, I'm not sure he ever made me feel confident in who I was and I simply allowed it. Now that he's standing before me, I have no worries that I'll be able to send him away without any negative impact on my end. 

This has a lot to do with me knowing my worth but it's also due to the man who still hasn't let go of my body. Yes Matteo, whose looks rival any others I've ever seen in my life, but are also the least interesting thing about him. He has shown me just how strong I can be in our many arguments. I can hold my own and I have the right to.

Not to mention that in the short time since meeting him, he has kicked everyone else out of my thoughts. The insecurity that Chris caused feels insignificant as I look at him and fight the urge to look at the guard, who has now grown quite tense.

Speaking of said guard.

"Chris," Matteo growls as he too turns to look at my ex. "You're Chris," Matteo asks him. He's then gives  me a look of "Really this guy?"

I'm not sure how much he knows about Chris besides the fact that I used to date him. However, his demeanor seems even less happy than I am right now.

"Yes, and you are," Chris asks in a condescending voice. One I sadly realize I may have been at the other end of one too many times.

Matteo takes a threatening step forward, "The man who's going to enjoy kicking your pathetic little ar.."

"Ok," I cut in, laying a hand on Matteo's arm. We are not going to do the whole macho thing right now. Not when I have a feeling it will leave Matteo with a bruised hand and Chris with a broken face and a terms for a lawsuit.

I look over at my ex, "Chris if you want to talk, lets go do this privately." This was a pretty big day for Hannah and Phillip. I don't need him ruining it.

Looking around, I can see that their eyes and some of the others are already on us. In fact Hannah's glare almost matches Matteo's. I need to put an end to this.

Thankfully, Chris nods his head.

Giving my attention back to Matteo, I tell him, "I'll be back. Why don't you go talk with Phillip or your parents for a little bit."

From the look on his face, my decision isn't making him too excited. "Are you joking with me right now? This prick doesn't deserve to be speaking to you. You definitely aren't going anywhere alone with him," he grounds out, moving in front of me.

I smile at his protectiveness that has become quite predictable. Knowing theres no way I'm getting around him, I reach both hands up to his face and try to keep his attention on me. "Matteo I need you to trust me. Have I not shown that I can handle myself? If I can deal with you, than I can deal with this silly inconvenience," I tell him softly, yet with resolve.

He sighs and moves his hands above my own. At first I think he's going to move them away but instead they press down, keeping them on his cheeks. "Wrenley, I don't want you to get hurt. Why do you even need to talk to him at all," he questions with wariness.

"I have to make sure he doesn't bother me again and you have to let me do that. This isn't a battle I need fought for me, I just need your support as I handle it myself. Okay," I ask in a way that only leaves room for one answer.

He's quiet for a moment, staring at my eyes so hard that I feel like we're having a contest. "Okay," he grumbles out.

"Okay," I question again with happiness.

He gives me a dirty look, "Yes ok. Just don't be too long or I'll come find you both with a lot less politeness than I have right now." I roll my eyes at the fact he's implying he now or has ever been polite.

Seeing my eye roll, he squeezes my hand and uses it to pull me closer. "I'm serious. I have no problem getting rid of this shite for good and I'm sure your best friend would be all to happy to help." I shake my head with a smile knowing he's probably right. I'm honestly surprised she hasn't come over yet.

"Don't worry I'll be quick," I tell him and then pull his face down to give him a quick kiss on the cheek.

Very quietly, I hear him mumble something like, "I think you missed."

"What," I question.

"Nothing," he answers and kisses one of my hands that are on his face, before letting go of them. He then adds on, "We need to talk once you handle this, okay?"

I nod dropping my hands, "Ok." I then step around him to walk towards the man who's giving me a look that's filled with contempt.

As I reach Chris, he goes to grab my hand. I don't think so. Quickly moving it out of his reach, I keep walking towards the door.

From behind me I hear Matteo threaten, "Try to touch her again and that will be the last idiotic choice you make." Oh god. I quicken my steps, hoping Chris will follow me instead of arguing. He must be at least a little smart because he does and soon we find ourselves alone in the hallway.

As the doors close, Chris again tries to move closer to me than what's comfortable. Simply putting my hand out in a stop gesture, I step away from him. "What are you doing here," I get straight to the point. I want to know how he even got in here but that's honestly more discussion then I care to have with him.

"Oh come on, is that really how we're going to treat each other? Where's the sweet girl who was always bubbling with joy to see me," he attempts to lighten the tension. That sweet girl has had a reality check, idiot.

I can't help the scoff that comes out of my mouth, " Where do you think she is, Chris? You cheated on me."

He sighs and an annoyed look comes across his face. "Wreny, I said I was sorry. It was a small mistake that won't be made again. I mean how much more time do you need to get past it," he whines, sounding exasperated.

Goodness I feel like I'm dealing with a toddler right now. Instead of arguing about the small mistake with a man who is now seeming to be a bit of a narcissist, I try put an end to this.

"Months ago when I walked in on you, I thought I made it clear with my words and actions, though few, that we were over. Later when you went to tabloids and started claiming "heartbreak", I thought my lack of response was another sign. Then I think the last clarification you really should have needed were all of your calls getting declined and your number being blocked. I don't want to be with you, I won't be changing my mind about it. You should move on and I'd like if you left me alone," I say, finally standing up for myself.

I thought about being passive aggressive with my words, but why should I? I just want to be left alone, I might as well be completely transparent with where I'm at.

"Really your done with me," he interrogates, surprised by this possibility.

"Yes," I nod my head. Is that not what I just said?

"Is it because of the man you were dancing with? The one that looks to need some anger management classes," Chris questions.

Knowing that trying to defend Matteo will get me no where, I reply, "No it's not because of him."

He's part of the reason I'm facing the problem head on but he isn't the reason I'm not letting it back into my life.

"Really? I saw the way you were looking at each other," he scoffs.

"Yes, really. I simply don't want to be with you, that was something I decided before I met him. I wont' lie to you and say there aren't' any feelings there because there are. They just have nothing to do with my decision," I respond, getting really tired of this conversation.

"So your choosing him over me? The guard," he questions the last part in disgust. I feel like we are going in circles and I'm done.

"Why do you want to get back together Chris? I mean honestly, one thing I have learned by being around that guard is that you and I never had much chemistry above friendship. It didn't give you any right to cheat on me but it's obvious that you weren't happy or fulfilled in our relationship. So why are you being so persistent," I inquire, starting to be a little suspicious of this whole situation.

Again he tries to move closer to me but the look in my eye must stop him. "Oh come on, we've known each other for so long and we were good together. Don't you remember how all the fans thought of us as some sort of power couple. I mean think about the offers we were both getting for work whenever we would simply make an appearance in public or post a romantic picture. We were obviously doing something right," he tries to persuade me.

There it is. There's the reason.

I don't know if a manager told him this or he came up with the idea himself, but it's clear that he thinks getting back together is going to help his career. Truthfully when cast members date, or appear to be dating, it creates publicity. Fans watch the show as the characters fall in love and it makes them pretty excited to think that the actors fell in love at the same time. It's a smart move and I'm beginning to wonder if that's all it ever was to him.

"So it's for your acting career? Does that really sound like a good enough reason to be with someone," I ask him, wondering if he's actually that callous. I enjoy fake dating tropes but we dated for three years and I wasn't ever aware that it was anything less than real.

He rolls his eyes at me, "It's not the only reason. Besides don't act as if your career isn't important to you too. Think about when you finally leave this little country and what you're going back to. Wouldn't you like to be in a good place for booking jobs?"

The truth is, I don't know what' s happening next. I took a trip to Aurelia with a one way ticket. Even if I do leave, going back to the LA scene doesn't sound super appealing.

One thing I am quite clear on is that I won't be going back to him. Not to a man who loved to put me down, not to one that cheated on me, and not to one that's only reason for being together has nothing to do with love.

"Leave Chris. I don't care what you do to get back publicity, make me the bad guy if you want to, but leave. I'd also like for you to stop contacting me unless you want some legal actions to be taken. I wish you luck with your future in acting, I just won't be apart of it or your personal life," I finalize to him, before turning around to go back inside.

"Wren," he tries, but I've already spent enough time dealing with behavior that's below me. I'd like to go back inside and enjoy my night. Especially before my protector decides that I've been out here too long.

As I walk through that door and it closes behind me, I gain a smile at being finished with the Chris chapter for good. Then as I spot my friends with a certain body guard, my smile grows larger at knowing what the chapter led me to.


Matteo's POV

Is she planning on staying out there forever? Patience has never been one of my virtues and I don't think it will suddenly become one in this situation. The only reason I've been able to keep myself from going out there is because I want her to know she has my trust. But damn even that reasoning is running thin.

"Matteo, she'll be fine," Phillip tells me, seeming to sense my uneasiness.

After Wrenley walked away, I decided to go over to him and Hannah, hoping for a distraction. Hannah of course berated me for not following and tried to go after them herself. However, after some explaining and a bit of arguing, she agreed to stay and we changed the topic. Well they changed the topic, I've been pretending to listen as I watch the door.

"I know," I tell him, looking away from the door. Hannah and him both give me sympathetic looks.

Suddenly a forced teasing look comes over her eyes as she states, "You know your mom seemed to really like Wrenley. She said that you had some good taste."

That does capture a bit of my attention.

I had trouble keeping my eyes off of my little trouble maker all day. She always looks good but that black dress, lets just say it suits her very well. It would probably also suit her well when it was being ripped off but this is not the time or place to think of that.

Nevertheless, I was watching every step as she went to talk to my parents, and I knew then that she had found a way to infiltrate every damn part of my life. My mother kept giving me mischievous looks while they were talking, and I couldn't even be mad about it. My father and her probably noticed what every other person has, I'm fucking obsessed.

"She's right," I grumble as I smile at the fact that my mom approved of her.

Hearing the doors open, I look over at the door to see the supposed tasteful woman finally walk through. She has a smile on her face, which is beautiful, but a little concerning since she just was just talking to the arsehole. Nevertheless, as she looks over and catches my eyes, her smile seems to triple in size. I don't think I have anything to worry about.

She walks up to us, and before I get the chance to hold her, her best friend steals her into a hug. Strike one Hannah. Phillip sensing my glare, barely holds in laughter as he pulls her into a side hug just to spite me. Having enough, I simply grab her by the waist and pull her into me. With Wrenley's back pressed against my chest and my arm wrapped around her front, I finally regain the peace I only seem to get around her.

She looks up at me with amusement, making an attempt to move away. My response of course, is to tighten my hold which is enough to tell her she won't be moving any time soon. As she settles into my embrace, we all look towards the door to see if a certain someone followed her back in. Thankfully the doors stay shut.

Sophie moves her gaze to Hannah and Phillip as she sheepishly apologizes, "I'm sorry for bringing drama here on your big day. It should be all dealt with now."

"Don't be stupid. You didn't bring it, that ass Chris did. What did he want anyway," Hannah asks with a lot more disdain than her voice normally holds.

"To get back together," she comments, sounding a little surprised. Probably at the man's stupidity. My body can't help but stiffen at her answer, and I try my best to not tighten my hold on her even further.

"To what," Hannah laughs sarcastically. "What made him think that you would ever want to do that," she asks the question right out of my mouth.

"Well apparently he only made a small mistake and if I was thinking about our careers, I would realize that and get back with him. I don't know, it was just a lot of nonsense," Wrenley replies sounding a little done with the conversation.

"Small mistake? A small mistake? Is he still out there," Hannah questions, looking like she's ready to go out and fight the man. Honestly, I'm right there with her. The only reason I'm not talking at the moment is because she still feels tense and I don't think the expletives sitting on my tongue will help that.

"Hannah you are not going out there, besides he's hopefully long gone by now," Wrenley urges, but as soon as she's finished speaking the little fucker walks right back through the doors.

He gives Wrenley an ugly ass smirk before he walks up to a blonde haired woman, giving her a hug and a quick kiss on the lips. The woman looks to be one of the Aurelian nobility invited here tonight, which explains how Chris even got in here in the first place. I'll have to have a talk with my guards about doing better with keeping the scum out.

"What the hell," Hannah shouts as I'm already letting go of Wrenley to make my way over there. I found out pretty early on that I have no tolerance for Wrenley being hurt and too bad for Chris, that includes the emotions he seems to not give a damn about.

Before I can reach him, I feel a small hand tugging my arm back. My first instinct is to push it off but the tingly feeling lets me know exactly who it is, I can't brush her away like that . "Matteo please don't. He's not worth it," Wrenley pleads with me.

Looking down at her, I speak in a soft voice, "Sweetheart he hurt you and right now he's trying to hurt you again. I can't just stand by while that happens." I need Wrenley to understand that I respect and trust her to handle herself, but that the way he's treating her isn't right.

"But he's not. In fact he's pretty insignificant at this point. He's not worth the effort you're about to spend on him," she tells me and sounds like she's being pretty sincere.

"He's not, but you are Wren," I tell her, still feeling the urge to go break Chris's face. Give him a reason to be really concerned for his acting career.

"If the effort is for me than lets call it a night and go have that talk you mentioned. That is if your off guard duty. It's honestly been more on my mind than anything Chris has done," she convinces me. Damn it.

"Ok," I say, finally taking her hand off my arm to hold in mine. "Why don't you go say goodbye to Hannah and Phillip for me while I let Samson know I'm leaving," I urge. I know I can't leave without doing one more thing.

"Matteo," she says, not exactly trusting I won't head right over to Chris. She really shouldn't.

"I promise I won't hurt him," I respond sincerely. Deciding to believe me, she walks back over to our friends.

Going over to Samson first, who I may have somewhat made up with, I decide to catch him up on what's happening. As I reach him, he has a look of concern on his face, "I'm sorry I didn't see him, otherwise I would have gotten rid of him before Wren ever noticed."

Not knowing how he knows Chris, but deciding not to comment on it, I dismiss his apology. "Your fine, I just want to make sure your good if I leave for the night."

"Yes of course. You're technically off for the night anyways but we will be good even without you in the room," he smiles teasingly. I'm slowly starting to realize that things around here do stay good without me being on top of  them all the time.

"Good, call me if you need anything. And Samson..," I make my voice a little lower.

"Yes sir," he asks.

"Wait five minutes after Wrenley and I leave, then throw that prick out. Not just out of the room, make sure he leaves the castle, and then get him on a plane out of the country. Don't make a huge deal of it, just make sure he disappears," I tell him, wishing I could be the one to do it. I don't want it to be apparent, or to ruin Phillip's reception, but I want the man gone.

"Of course sir. I hope you and Wren have a good night. Treat her good," he says the last part a lot like a warning. Part of me wants to say she's none of his concern but I know he just has her best interest. I have to learn how to be less "possessive".

Deciding to just nod my head, I walk over to the man of the hour, making sure to keep my temper at bay. He's still with the woman and a few other people, so I pull his arm a little harshly to make sure I'm not overheard.

"Ouch," the twenty something baby whines.

"Shut up. Your going to listen and it'd be wise to not interrupt. I don't want to ever see you bother Wrenley again. That means phone, newspapers, and random stalking visits. I better not even hear about you anymore. If I do, I won't just be breaking all of your bones but I'll be making sure that your acting career is finished. Trust me with my connections and your acting skills it won't be that hard," I practically growl out.

His face is trying to hide his fear but he's really not that good of an actor. If I would've come out with my original threat of burying him in the ground, I'm sure he would have shite his pants. Pity I'm trying my best to respect Wrenley's words.

After a moment of silence, while I slowly tighten my grip on his arm, he nods his head. "Fine, just let me go," he grounds out.

"Good," I condescendingly reply before finally letting him go. Then as I'm walking away, I look back and tell him, "By the way thanks  for sending me what's probably the best thing to ever walk into my life. I'll make sure to treat her how she deserves."

Continuing my walk, I go towards the woman that's glaring at me. I reach her, giving a quick wave to Hannah and Phillip, before taking her hand. As I pull her out of the room she comments, "You said you wouldn't go over to him."

I open the door and  let her through before replying, "No, I said I wouldn't hurt him. And I didn't." Not really.

"Matteo," she warns.

"Sweetheart," I mock back. Then getting more serious I say, "When someone hurts you, they hurt me. I wasn't going to be able to not say anything. I doubt if the situation were reversed that you would be able to be quiet."

She goes silent, clearly knowing I'm right. I trust her to handle any situation herself but that doesn't mean she has to. What are "friends" for if not to have your back in situations like this. I'm almost 90 percent sure Hannah also made her way over to him as soon as the door closed behind us.

She rolls her eyes, making me wonder what exactly those eyes would roll for. "You're right, I would be the same way for you. In fact I might be a little worst, you'd probably be bailing me out of jail right about now", she says with her eyes getting that glint as she's most likely imagining the situation in reverse. I don't know if she's joking about that last part but it wouldn't surprise me if she wasn't.

She continues on like what she said is completely normal, "I guess I should also just get used to your protectiveness, it doesn't seem as if it'll be going away any time soon."

It won't ever be going away, but instead of saying that I ask, "Does that mean we're good?"

"Yeah buddy, we're good," she says with a smirk that she's trying really hard to keep hidden. She just likes to test all the buttons, doesn't she.

"Sorry, "Yeah who,"" I ask her, taking a threatening step towards her.

"Buddy," she comments with sass, crossing her arms over her chest. It's good to see that this Chris situation hasn't had much of an impact. She's right back to her usual behavior.

"Hmm," I comment before lunging forward to pick her up. "Soon your going to realize just how far I am from being your buddy," I tell her with a voice full of teasing, only my words aren't a joke at all.

She squeals in a high pitched voice that turns into a laugh. Shite that sound is angelic. "Matteo what are you doing," she asks, not even trying to get down. She probably knows by now that it's pretty pointless.

"Taking you somewhere that we can have that talk you've been so focused on. That ok with you," I ask, though I'm really looking for an answer.

As I start carrying her towards my room, she nods her head, before laying it to rest on me. "That's good with me, and I gotta say this transportation is much better than the over-the-shoulder. I could get used to be carrying around like this," she responds with a smile on her face.

A laugh falls from my mouth, "I'll have to hold you to that, Sweetheart." Before I can stop myself, I leave a light kiss on her forehead, to which she predictably blushes at. Yah, I could get pretty used to this too.

Bye Chris.. Bye Bye Bye

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