
Unguarded Hearts- A Grumpy/Possesive Bodyguard Romance

After Wrenley Callison catches her costar-boyfriend in bed with someone else, her only plausible choice is to leave L.A. and join her friend, the newly married Duchess of Aurelia. Living in a castle with the new royal as well as her husband, the Prince, should be exactly the getaway she needs to figure out her life. However, what she doesn't account for is a certain bodyguard who seems to despise her from the first night they meet. If that's not enough, her slowly changing feelings for the grumpy protector are sure to make things more complicated. Matteo Wright is a pretty simple man. He likes control and structure and doesn't exactly enjoy when either of those things are messed with. The man lives his life for his job, which includes protecting the crown and his best friend who wears it. What he doesn't need is some American actress who likes to push all of his carefully planned buttons. Especially with the way he starts to crave the extremely irritating woman in a way that's surely not healthy and the exact opposite of controlled.

Soph278 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Chapter 12

Wrenley's POV

So, I'm sneaking out of the castle for the rest of the day. By sneaking, I mean away from the guard who likes to know about all my whereabouts. I've told Hannah, and I'm sure she'll pass the information to Phillip, but Matteo is busy with figuring out security for the coronation. Hopefully it stays that way.

This morning and last night in the tent were unexpected, or at least my feelings were in those moments. I know by now that I'm attracted to Matteo. I mean lets just be honest because there's no use in denying it, he's a good looking, grumbling, overprotective man, that belongs in one of my books. However the moments I've spent with Matteo so far, have usually included arguing and me leaving our conversations feeling  annoyed and flustered.

Sure there's a spark, but this morning there was more than that. Earlier waking up in his arms, I felt.. safe. There's some people that just feel very right to be around, as if your soul is saying, "Hey this person should be a part of your life." It's something I've only ever experienced in the platonic sense, and it was nothing compared to that gut feeling I had in the tent today.

It makes no sense, I barely know him and usually peaceful isn't what I would use to describe our "relationship". Let's just say that even with our first civil conversation, and my serious attraction, this morning left me spooked. Which then lead to an argument, and me kicking somewhere that I really should have nothing to do with. Yet now I'm thinking a bit to hard about.

After leaving the tent, I avoided Matteo like the plague and we fortunately left the campsite shortly after. I could feel his never ending stare through the car ride, but as soon as it ended, I hopped out, and he was called away for guard duties.

It was a couple hours where all I could do was stew and overthink in my room. A long time staring blankly at a wall, until I realized it wasn't doing me any good. Which lead me back to the capital town of Aurelia.

Thankfully, there's a back exit I was able to take, away from all of the excited citizens waiting outside the castle. Hannah also made sure I had a driver who would bring, wait, and report back if I didn't return to the car. Other than the kind older chauffeur, that I left to sleep in a shady parking spot, I've been alone.

Walking now for about an hour, I've been able to visit quite a few of the little shops. Most of the owners are people whose families have had these businesses for many generations. They were all extremely friendly and loving of the country that they got to call their own. There were also some who were supportive in me taking some pictures and captioning the small company. I of course, respected the no photo sign. However when I asked, a lot them were open to it, as long as I bought something and they could see the post.

I figure a few more travel spots might not be bad to share. Especially when being here hasn't felt like anywhere else I've ever traveled to. Maybe it can renew that hope in magic for my followers, just like it's been doing for me.

However, as lovely as my outing has been, one thing keeps worrying me. Well, besides Matteo.

I feel like I'm being followed.

Of course going out of the palace a day before the coronation, I knew I'd have to be careful. Which is why I'm wearing large sunglasses, a hat, and keeping my head down as much as I can. I was hoping with this, no one would recognize me for any reason. Whether it be acting or my affiliation with the crown.

The simple disguise has actually worked pretty well overall. Yet, I've noticed for every shop I've entered, the same man has followed me in or waited outside. He himself, has his face hidden by a large hat that's pulled down, but I know it's been that man every time. Am I just being paranoid? Or do I have a right to be nervous?

After leaving the last shop, I decide I'm going to go to the cafe before I get a ride back to the castle. I think it's better to be somewhere a little more populated. Meaning if that man follows me, I can feel safe confronting him.

Heading in to the cafe, I notice that the man is still about 2o feet behind me. This allows me to go and sit at the table, while waiting to see if my suspicions are correct.

A minute later, I hear the door open and what would you know, Mr. Stalker comes walking in. He goes and sits down at a table in the corner, with his head still down, but I swear that he looks in my direction. Is this all a big coincidence? Something's telling me it's not. Deciding to move my self appointed table, I pick up the menu and head over to the man.

"Hello there, care to tell me why you've been following me around," I ask, as I sit in the seat right across from him. I'm really hoping that he was in fact following me, otherwise this might be a little embarrassing.

He looks up, and I'm quite surprised because I recognize that face staring back at me. With my voice filled of bewilderment, I ask, "Samson, why in the world have you been following me around all day?"

"Did you really think Hannah would let you walk around Aurelia with no protection, Wrenley," he asks as if speaking to a five year old. I guess it was a little surprising that Hannah agreed so easily.

Our discussion is delayed as the waiter comes for our orders, but when he steps away, I'm back to hounding my friend with questions. "Is there a reason that you followed me like some weirdo, instead of just joining me," I question.

"Right, well Matteo told me that if he saw any more of us two together, I could go ahead and give him my resignation letter. I figured that at least this way, there would be some space between us," he tells me with a small smile. I have to roll my eyes at the nerve of the supposed head guard. I mean honestly he likes to think I act crazy.

"I'm kind of surprised he even told you to guard me. He really doesn't seem to like you very much," I think out loud. From every time I've been with them, Matteo has seemed to be threatening Samson and, or, his job.

"Well... to be honest, he doesn't know I'm here. Hannah was the one who insisted on your guard, since Phillip and Matteo were busy. I actually don't even think he knows you're out of the castle. I'm sure if he did, I wouldn't be the one with you right now, guard duties or not," Samson remarks.

"He would not. Why do you keep acting as if there's something more going on between him and I,"  I ask a little annoyed. This isn't the first time he's made a comment like that. I'm pretty sure he's not some sort of mind reader, so what is the man going off of for his assumptions.

"Wren, I've worked with Matteo for the past five years, and I've actually been his right hand man up until this point. Thanks for that by the way," he pauses giving a teasing expression. I don't know why he's trying to blame me for Matteo's behavior.

"Over that time, I've never seen him act like this with someone. My boss doesn't really love being social with people, outside of Phillip. He's kept to himself and hasn't put himself into any situations that don't concern the job. Yet, from the moment of the tent fiasco, which yes the whole castle has heard about, he can't seem to be left out of any situation that involves you," Samson tells me, losing the teasing lilt and becoming serious.

"I'm sure your mistaken. I mean if anything, I think I just upset him and he's not quite sure what to do with me," I reason. Sure he likes to give me those heated looks but they're also paired with ones of pure irritation.

"Oh he doesn't know what to do with you, but I'm pretty sure it's because you've made him feel things that he's not quite used to. I also don't believe those emotions are just summed up to anger and annoyance. And though I haven't known you for a long time, I don't believe those are the entirety of your feelings either," he confronts with a knowing look in his eyes.

Samson's right, I mean of course he's right, but it's not exactly what I want to hear right now. This is another reason I went out. I'm sure if I stayed with Hannah, she would be telling me the exact same thing. I don't know if Matteo has any real feelings for me but I definitely have started to grow a few for him.

"You may be right, at least about me. Still, I don't know if it's right to do anything about them. It hasn't been terribly long since Chris, and I don't want to get hur... I mean Matteo.... We wouldn't work out anyways," I poorly attempt to relay my fears to the man, who probably doesn't need to hear them.

"I barely met that lad in America, Wren, but it's safe to say that he didn't deserve you. I find you to be quite the delight to be around, and though Matteo is the opposite of a delight most of the time, he is one of the best men I know," he reassures me with his usual Samson kindness.

"Really, even if he's threatening your job every time you're together," I ask trying to make light of what he's saying.

He gives me a small smile, "Yes, even then, because his obvious jealousy is clearly due to how he feels about you. Which seems to be a lot, might I add."

I swallow at Samson's sincerity. He really believes in what he's saying. "Why are you telling me all of this," I ask, a little confused on why he is bringing all of this up.

"Well for one, it might make my job more enjoyable if Matteo wasn't so grumpy all the time. And two, I think you both deserve to be happy. Which would likely happen if you put the arguing aside and decided to put that energy into something a bit more fun," he ends with a cheeky smile.

My face reddens at the last part. "Samson," I warn in a whisper.

"Teasing, but seriously just give the thought of starting something a chance. And if you do, tell him I'm the reason behind it. Maybe then he'll stop looking at me as some sort of threat. I'm honestly starting to be scared for more than just my job," he tells me, while wiping away fake sweat.

"Oh whatever," I reply, rolling my eyes. Matteo isn't that overprotective.

I'm about to say more when I hear my phone ding. I look down, expecting it to be something from Chris again, but instead it's from an unknown number.


Where are you

Well that's not creepyat all. I look up at Samson who has a knowing look on his face.


Um who is this?


The man you kicked in the dick this morning, sweetheart.

Now answer the question

Shoot!Shoot!Shoot!I don't think it's a good idea for him to know I'm out of the castle at the moment. Today was definitely not the best day to leave safety wise.

"Well that was Matteo. I think we better head back, because you're right he's a bit of a cave men when it comes to peoples safety,"I say, trying my best to not sound nervous.

Samson lets out a laugh for some reason, and comments, "I think it's less to do with safety in general and more to do with you".

I give him a glare and he stops laughing, "But you're right we should head back. You probably wouldn't think it at this point, but I do actually like my job."

Thankfully the waiter comes by with the food, and we ask for the check and some To-Go boxes. Deciding that it might be best if Matteo stayed unaware of my outing, I decide I'll give a little lie and rush back before he knows the truth.


Just with Hannah, but we'd rather be left alone right now.

Goodness, I hope Matteo hasn't checked with Hannah yet. I hit send, then me and Samson both get up and leave the restaurant. "How did you get here, did you drive," I ask, hoping his car is close and easy for him to find. It would make me feel better if I had someone to hide behind while going into the castle.

Samuel doesn't pay attention at first, looking at his phone with a bit of a grimace. Realizing I asked him something, he looks up at me, "Sorry, no I didn't drive. Another driver took me here, but it looks as if he was called back for some different work."

"Well I guess you'll be riding with me. Come on we better hurry," I tell him, while we make our way back to where my driver is parked. He hesitates, but I grab his arm and keep walking to the car, because we really have no time to waste.

I mean I'm not scared of Matteo but I don't want him worried. That's exactly what he would be with me being out in Aurelia, a day before the coronation. He would also probably be upset that he didn't at least know about it first.

We finally make it to the car, and thankfully Samson gets in with me. I greet the driver, give him some extra food from the diner, and politely ask if he could get us to the castle as fast as possible.

Looking down on my phone, I see another text from Matteo. It seems to be his response to me being with Hannah.


Hmm is that so?


Yep! For sure! That is very so!

Very so? Great job at being convincing, Wrenley. I look to see dots appear and disappear on the screen, before...


Alright Wrenley, I guess I'll see you later then.

Oh good, he must've not seen Hannah yet. Now if I can only make it back fast enough, I wont have to endure any arguments with Mr. Overprotective.


Matteo's POV

"Then we also have to worry about the press and getting them a good line of sight without compromising safety, and..." the chairman of security goes on. The man is technically one step above mine but the fact that I'm alway's doing his job, hinders my expected respect. Right now he's pretty much just reiterating what I've already talked about in my other 4 meetings today.

Everything will have to be top notch tomorrow, we get it. I'd love to be done now.

Besides the set up for tomorrow has been planned for almost a year, there's nothing too important to discuss anymore. I'm glad that this is the last one for the day, and then I'll be good until tomorrow morning.

During his dull monologue, my mind wanders back to the tiny woman who's probably causing havoc somewhere in the castle. I think that's the real reason I want to be finished so badly. Especially since, she was quite clearly avoiding me all morning. This will definitely be brought up when I find her after this meeting. It should be fun to see her flushed face as she denies the fact that, that is what she was doing.

"Did you need to know anything else before tomorrow," a voice asks while I'm still not paying any attention.

A throat clears from the same voice, before Phillip, next to me, whispers, "Mate."

I look up at the suited man who now has an impatient expression on his face. What does this guy have to be annoyed about? I had to listen to his hour long speech that held no new information. I lift my eyebrows, gesturing for him to repeat himself.

He rolls his eyes but repeats, "Did you need to know anything else before tomorrow? You know, since the safety of our future king relies on your job competence?"

This man isn't on a power trip at all. Part of me would love to voice who really has a problem with job competence, but that would only make this uneccesarry meeting continue even longer. And there's a much more interesting person who I'd rather pay attention to at the moment. "No you went over it so thoroughly, I believe I'm all good to go. Does that mean we're finished," I ask knowing my answer to the question.

"Well I guess, though..." he starts, but he's already told me what I needed to hear.

"Great, have a good rest of your day gentlemen," I say to the room, before I start to leave. I hear Phillip make a much kinder dismissal as he follows me out of the room.

He catches up to my quick pace, before asking, "Is there a reason we're speeding down the hallways? What are we rushing towards?"

"No one, I mean nothing. Don't you have a wife that you'd like to see," I ask, not in the mood for his taunting.

"I do and she'll probably be with the nothing your rushing to. Just in case you want to come with me instead of running around like a crazy person," he comments and turns down a hallway.

Figuring Wrenley probably is with Hannah, I follow him down a couple of hallways, until we reach a room with voices coming from the inside. I practically barge in the room, only regretting it a second later when Phillip lets out a laugh at my action.

However when we get inside, the only two people there are Hannah and a designers who's working on Hannah's dress. I'm guessing from the extravagance, it's the one for tomorrow. Hannah looks back at us through the mirror with a brow raised, "Thanks for knocking, Matteo."

"Sorry Han...Is it only you two in here," I ask after some silence and searching.

"At the moment, why were you looking for someone," she asks, seeming to genuinely not catch on to who I was looking for.

"Ahh yes, your other half," I say and she looks at Phillip who's right next to me. Phillip and I both smile, "I mean your other, other half."

She realizes who I'm talking about, but instead of gaining her normal smirk for this topic, her face turns almost nervous. Why would she be nervous? Phillip seems to notice it too because in a questioning voice he asks, "Hannah?"

"Oh you know, she's somewhere in the castle. Probably exploring or putting up a tent in the gardens again," she states in a voice that isn't quite believable.

Phillip goes on to ask her but I decide to ask Wrenley directly. Pulling out my phone, I text the number that Phillip gave me when I guarded her at the museum. Haven't had the courage or good enough reason to use it until now.


Where are you?

When after a few vague texts, she responds back, "With Hannah," I turn back to said person.

"Where the hell is she," I ask in a voice that Phillip definitely does not appreciate. I probably sound prickish but I don't care at the moment. It is not the safest time to be out exploring because of all the excitement going on. Sure, excitement doesn't sound frightening, but not that of a thousand fans who would do just about anything to get closer to the royals. The thought of Wrenley getting hurt, harassed, or surrounded by Aurelian citizens, sends a strong bolt of fear through my spine.

"She well, she went out," Hannah confesses, looking a little guilty.

"Like out of the castle," Phillip asks, a little surprised that his wife's best friend would choose today to be an idiot.

"Yes, she went to town for a little bit," Hannah explains, and I turn to leave so I can go and find her.

"Wait Matteo, I'm sure she'll be back soon, and either way I sent Samson to go with her. He would've contacted me if anything were wrong," Hannah tells me before I can leave.

Annoyance and relief run equally through my body. The man might not be my favorite at the moment but Samson is good at what he does. I know he will protect Wrenley well and if he can't, I would be the first person he calls. Still, I would feel better if I knew I was there to protect her.


Is she safe?


Yes boss, she's fine.

Though she does seem quite frantic that you're going to notice her disappearance. At the rate she's going, your girl will be back at the castle in no time.

I finally can feel myself breathe as I also grow a small smirk from his text. It feels good that she's rushing back for me, even if it's only so I won't scold her about it. Which I will. However, I also love how he referred to Wrenley. Phillip saying it unnerved me but Samson should know that Wrenley's mine. Even if I have no claim over her, Samson better act as if I do.


Good. Keep it that way or job loss will be the least of your worries.

"Is everything ok," Hannah asks as I finally look up from my phone.

"Yes, I'm sorry for being so short with you. It was good thinking to send Samson with her. In the future though, I would like to be made aware when she's leaving the castle," I tell Hannah sincerely. I think if I don't apologize now, I'll be given a shiny purple eye from Phillip as soon as I leave the room.

Hannah nods her head and her face gains the smirk I was expecting before. "Does this leaving the castle policy only apply to Wren," she asks.

"I, as well as almost everyone in the castle, need to know when you and Phillip leave," I respond, but she gives me a look. "But yes, I think there have started to be a lot of things to that only apply to her."

With that I walk out of the room to go and wait at the back entrance. Time to go surprise the little trouble maker.

Hmm how is this about to go down??

Soph278creators' thoughts