

Tempers flair, chests heave with anger One loves and the other despises... Head over heels.. heart trampled upon, Forgiveness isn't as easy an option as it sounds and hate flowed sweetly through his veins yet left a bitter aftermath He had given up the one he truly ever wanted, craved, desired and loved silently Yet when he thought it was all over, the tables turned and now he becomes the prey again!! Only this time the predator would devour him whole! Things are never what they seem to be for a secret revealed at the wrong time could cause things to fall into caos. Similarities with people and places are all coincidental. Happy reading.

Samaelia_Mccarthy · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Ethan is gone{27}

I watched as the familiar faces of my friends gathered around me in the private ward of the hospital. It was a surprise to see Sandra, Damon, and Damian all together, accompanying Mike and Lanor. I had never expected them to come visit me after what had happened, but I was grateful nonetheless. They had never offended or bullied me like the others.

As they settled into the room, the air filled with laughter and chatter. Mike, with his mischievous grin, started cracking witty jokes, making us all burst into fits of laughter. Sandra and Lanor playfully bickered about something trivial, while Damon and Damian joined the teasing. It was a welcome change to the somber environment I had grown accustomed to.

For hours, we reminisced about our school days, sharing stories and inside jokes. It felt as though time had stood still, and the weight of my current predicament was momentarily lifted. Their presence brought warmth and light to my gloomy surroundings.

As the day wore on, the visiting hours came to an end. I watched as my friends bid their farewells, promising to return soon. Gratitude washed over me, knowing that I had made new friends who genuinely cared. Yet, there was also a sense of relief. Throughout the day, not once had they mentioned Ethan's name. It was a gesture that silently acknowledged the pain I was going through, without burdening me with unnecessary reminders.

Just as my friends were leaving, Jessica, my best friend, walked into the room. Her face lit up with a grateful smile, and warmth flooded my heart. We sat down and engaged in a lighthearted conversation, just like we always used to.

I told Jessica all about the day I had, describing the laughter and joy that filled the room. But as I looked at her, I noticed that she had been spacing out a lot. Concern etched its way onto my features, and I asked her what was wrong.

Tears welled up in Jessica's eyes, and she reached out to me, embracing my stomach with her face buried between her arms. Her body shook with sobs, and my heart shattered into a million pieces.

"What happened, Jess?" I whispered, my voice filled with worry. "Please tell me."

She lifted her head, tears streaming down her face, and choked on her words. "It's Ethan, Ashley. He's gone."

"What do you mean he's gone?"

"We couldn't find him Ash, he's hasn't been home since the last time he came here with mike and the others which was Sunday. He isn't picking our calls and we even check his private cottage in the woods he thinks our parents don't know about. He just vanished Ash"

"Have you guys gone to the police?"

"Yes, we filled a case for missing person but they still haven't found anything. The only thing we found was a dark bloodied robe at the cottage. It was soaked with blood."

"A bloodied robe?"

"Yes, I think…I…I think something happened to him Ashley."

"It's alright baby, don't worry, he'll be fine. I promise you. Maybe he's just pranking you again"

The weight of her words crashed down on me, knocking the breath out of my lungs. Ethan, my childhood friend turned bully, the one who had been in love with, was nowhere to be found. Tears welled up in my own eyes, and I reached out to Jessica, holding her tightly as we both wept.

I couldn't believe it. It felt like a cruel joke, as if the world was playing a sick game with our lives. Yes, I might hate him now but it doesn't mean I want anything bad to happen to him. As our tears subsided, I found solace in Jessica's presence.

The night drew on, and the hospital quieted down. Jessica and I sat together, finding solace in each other's presence. It was in that moment, surrounded by silence, that I felt a sense of acceptance. I had lost someone I loved emotionally, but I had also gained friends who cared.

As the darkness enveloped the room, I knew that tomorrow would bring a new day. The pain would still linger, but I had my friends to carry me through. And in that moment of clarity, I realized that even in the darkest of times, there was still light to be found.

We would find Ethan. We have to find him!




The sun began to set as we all left the hospital, tired but content after spending the day with Ashley. As we made our way towards the parking lot, we split up into our respective groups. Lanor and Sandra huddled together with Mike, chatting excitedly about future plans, while Katherine and Damon walked side by side, their fingers occasionally brushing against each other. It was his way of calming down her anxiety.

As we got to where we parked the cars, Lanor and Sandra headed towards Mike's car, while Katherine followed Damon to his. I lingered for a moment, watching Ignatios hesitantly approach me, a hint of nervousness in his eyes. Ignatios had always been somewhat reserved, but I couldn't help but sense a different kind of energy surrounding him.

I kept my gaze on Ignatios, noticing the occasional stolen glances directed my way. It wasn't the first time I had caught Ignatios looking at me, but I had chosen to dismiss it, assuming that Ignatios was simply curious about my actions or appearance. However, the constant glances now piqued my curiosity, making me wonder what exactly was going on with the young man.

With a slight frown, I unlocked the car and slid into the driver's seat, followed by Ignatios. I started the engine, deciding to ease the possible tension I sensed by putting on a low-key song. The soft melody filled the car, its calming effect intended to provide a momentary distraction.

Despite my effort to lighten the mood, Ignatios continued to fidget and shift in his seat. Feeling slightly concerned, I parked the car by the side of the road and turned in my seat to face him. Ignatios looked at me, a faint blush tugging at his cheeks.

"Are you okay, Ignatios?" I asked softly, my voice filled with genuine concern. Ignatios stumbled over his words, clearly flustered. I reached out and gently fastened his seatbelt for him, my hand lingering momentarily on his shoulder.

"Thanks," Ignatios muttered, his voice barely above a whisper. He looked down at his own hands, anxiety evident in his actions.

I smiled slightly, feeling a mix of emotions as I watched him. There was something about Ignatios that always intrigued me, something mysterious hidden beneath his quiet demeanor. Sensing there was something on his mind, I decided to give him the space to open up.

"You know," I began, trying to keep my voice casual, "you can always talk to me about anything, Ignatios. If something's bothering you, I'm here to listen." Ignatios looked up at me, his eyes filled with a mixture of surprise and gratitude.

"I-I'm fine," Ignatios finally managed to say, his response lacking the usual confidence that I had come to expect from him. I studied Ignatios for a moment, taking note of his unease, before a small smile graced my lips.

"I'm always here for you, Igna. I'll always be here."

Ignatios hesitated for a moment, his gaze searching my face for something I couldn't quite identify. The uncertainty in Ignatios's eyes gradually transformed into a resolute determination. It was a look I hadn't expected, causing me to momentarily lose my train of thought.

Before I had a chance to respond, Ignatios swiftly unbuckled his seatbelt, leaned in closer, and pressed a quick kiss against my lips. It was a stolen moment, filled with a mix of vulnerability and want. Ignatios quickly retreated, his face adorned with a deep blush, before retreating to the backseat of the car, clutching a shirt of mine that had been left there earlier.

I sat stunned for a few moments, the reality of what had just happened sinking in. A smile tugged at the corners of my mouth, my surprise slowly transitioning into amusement. I chuckled softly to myself, realizing that things were never quite as straightforward as I had presumed.

Turning back to the road, I checked the mirrors before resuming our journey. A gentle silence enveloped the car, the only indication of the shared moment lingering in the air. I stole a glance at Ignatios in the rearview mirror, noting the still blushing cheeks and the curious mix of embarrassment and satisfaction that radiated from him.

As we traveled into the night, I couldn't help but feel a newfound excitement and uncertainty about what the future might hold. I had always cared deeply for Ignatios, but now, with that stolen kiss, it felt as though a hidden door had been opened, revealing a path that held infinite possibilities.

With a smile lingering on my lips, I glanced back at Ignatios one more time, silently promising to be there for him every step of the way.

Damon had asked me to look after his brother and I made him fall for me instead. What an interesting twist of events. He is definitely going to kill me!

what a surprise.

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