


Parvana_Smith · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

The café thought!

Julie was in the school cafeteria, having her lunch. When she couldn't stop thinking. About Leah, history class, yesterday. The entire cafeteria was packed. But not with anyone she knew. She was wondering, where is Leah? Is she really with her aunt? If yes, is she happy there? If no, where is she?

Julie was dusting the memories they had. In the school itself. In classrooms, the café itself, library.

"Wait! Library. If I go, there and check if I can find out any books that may explains what happened back in the 1800s that day of curse.

Julie rushed to the library.

"Where can I find the history book that has the 1800s information, like literally deep info" she asked to the librarian.

"A specific year?"


"3rd row, 4th shelf. You can find history from 1830-1850"


Julie went there.

"1833 December, 1834 January. On god, Mr. Luke haven't said the month, Damn!" She said to herself...

She went through each and every book of 1834, she hasn't read the whole of any but the contents.

"1834, August." She read the contents "The queen's marriage, the gate to cottage- "she suddenly stopped, seeing a familiar content "The curse!" she sat down and read it.

"The curse. It was August 15th 1834. The day that nobody like to remember. Flood in the east. Hurricane in the west, Fire in the north, But calm and silence in the south. The south was sea. The sea was silent. But not for too long. The tsunami hit the entire Candburg. 1834, August 16th everything was back to normal. When the police investigated they found out that 1755 people died, 877 injured.

They found that the 'bull bridge' have fell apart. The same thing happened in a lot of cities but in glen tor, the same thing happened half day and disappeared at the noon. This thing is considered as a curse by the ancestors. And the monarchy of Europe said in 1835's disaster day that we can- "Julie suddenly stopped and restarted, but this time shaking "we can expect the other half in glen tor, anytime"

Julie looked up and sighed.

She, slowly sat down at the table. Sat without doing anything for a minute. Then, took out her diary and wrote- 'dear diary, thought it's over, but it is coming back, stronger. A war is coming to glen tor. But this time, No Leah.