
Chapter Seventy

I looked at my daughter's pale face as we drove home to the hospital. "I think she's okay now, there's no need to go to the hospital again".  "I want to make sure she okay".  " baby, I called hugging her tight into my arms. "I saw that man I was supposed to hate, he came into my classroom to take me" I hate him, mummy". 

Tears formed at the corner of my eyes. Sam has close the line how dare him. "It's okay, mummy is here with you" I kissed her head. 

"But is he my daddy? Everybody talks about theirs in school but I only talk about you because I don't have a daddy".  I swallowed looking ahead at the road, I don't know why Sam was making my life hard. 

" Do you want to have a daddy" I watch her stare at me for a while before she nodded her head, I stare up at Andrew and caught him staring back at me? I drew my daughter in for a hug.  "But I hate him mum he came to take me away from you". " shhh no one can take you away from me".  I patted her gently to calm down this has gotten out of the line, I will have to deal with Sam this time. 

He should get it in his head that I'll never let my daughter stay with him, he wasn't the father of my child but I'm the both. 

We got to the hospital and did a few checkups on Sunny to confirm that she was just before heading home. I look at the sleeping Sunny on my lap, I have to do something as soon as possible. I couldn't let Sam torment me and my daughter like this.

Andrew drew to a stop in front of the house and allowed me to take Sunny upstairs to her room before saying what was in his mind. "I know you're very angry at Sam but you need to calm down".  " calm down, did I hear you right? I should calm down for Goodness sake Andrew he came to my daughter's school and frighten her and you're telling me to calm down, I want to kill that son of a bitch what did he think he is that he came to appear anytime he wants to torment me, this is enough" I dragged my hand through my hair and face around the living room. "Come here, h drew me close to his body and embrace me. 

" Just calm down, I know he deserves more than death but you don't have to stress yourself over him" he pat my hair till I was calm before drawing me away

 and kissing my forehead "I love you"

I called mum later to inform her, she was worried and I know it was Dad that gave him the name of Sunny's school. I couldn't stay put and watch him destroy my life even though he was my father. 

I called Sunny's nanny to take care of her before driving to Aunt's house, I was going to give him a piece of my mind. Because if anything happens to my daughter I won't take it likely with him or anyone involved.

"Hey, Becca! Aunt called when she opened the door and found me standing there " u didn't know you'll be coming" she made way for me to enter.

 "We should have prepared something for you, by the way where's Sunny". " she isn't with me". "Why?  " Because I have to protect her from some people" I glared at my Dad in anger who has already come in. "Sunny! Mum called embracing in for a hug. " we understand how you feel". "I don't think that Dad does, he doesn't understand how I feel at all even though he calls himself my father, I remembered when we use to be right and inseparable what happened now? Why is hurting me now".

 " Becca, calm down," the aunt said from my back". "I can't aunt, he put my daughter's lives in danger today". " That's because your strong-headed! Father barked. He also has the right to be with his daughter, he has realized his mistake why then can't you forgive him"  

"Because he doesn't deserve to be forgiven, he isn't even remorse for his doing I will never forgive him, never!  " if you don't let Sam have access to his daughter Becca I'm disowning you! 

I glared at him in surprise, how can he say such a thing. How could he want to make such a hasty decision just because of that monster, he was choosing him over me. Someone who has deserted his daughter and grandchild.

 "So be it". The anger was so overwhelming that I couldn't bear to stay here any longer. " No, Becca you can't mean such a thing, he turns to my father and glared at him. "It's high time you stop this, you're losing your daughter for Christ sake".  " I don't care as far as she refused to make the right decision".  "This is not the right decision, you're the one making a big mistake here".

  He turned to me not even getting affected by my mum's words. " if you step out of this door don't even acknowledge me as your father again". Tears whelm down from my eyes, I felt as if I was broken into a thousand pieces. It was unbearable. 

"I can't accept your decision to allow that monster to take my daughter and that's final". I turned to walk away but felt my mother's stronghold. " please" she sobbed, I couldn't understand what she was pleading about. Did she want me to stay or agree to what my father was saying?

She continues to sob but I don't understand why she's crying so much, I turned to her hugged her at least to calm her. 

I gently pulled her away and smiled  "you'll be happy to know that your daughter is getting married" she looked at me with a shock expression, I know this wasn't the right time to annonce the news but saying it out loud help calm me without another word, I left the house without minding my father reaction.