
Chapter Seventy eight

Emily came over to my place, I decided to come back and fix some little things, it was also a means to keep my mind occupied and not to think of the hurtful things ahead "Mum told me about your Andrew proposal". I nodded sitting on the kitchen floor and arranging stacks of plates. " Everything is going to be proponed till the court case is over," I said trying my best not to break down.

Andrew has spoken with one of the best lawyers, we're going to the court on the due date" I continue to speak to take my mind off from the pain of the probability of Sam winning the case, I felt a chill ran down my bone at the thought of it, how was I supposed to survive if my daughter was taken away from me or imagining a life without my daughter in it. 

I shudder at these thoughts. "Are you okay?" Emily asked watching me closely. "Umm just a little headache" I replied focusing on the plate that I was packing

"Mummy! Sunny screamed my name as she ran into the kitchen. " Mummy look at my drawing". She held up a sheet to show me, two drawn women, on the picture"let me guess, this is me and your aunt Emily" she smiled shifting from one foot to the other happily. "You need great work for this I'm going to pay you... I reached out to her and kiss her on the cheeks. " with a kiss" I completed. "Let me see how good you've drawn me" Emily held her hand out for the sheet. "Wow, so my baby can draw this much". 

" how about you draw baby junior when it's born" I stare at her with a wild eye, what did she mean by that?  "Emily I called still staring at her for an explanation " Baby junior! Sunny teller excitedly not minding my surprised face.

"Yeah, baby Junior".  " You're serious" I smiled I stood up and embrace her "you didn't feel the need to tell me all this while. " just found out a few weeks ago and... I didn't know the best time to announce the news since a lot has been going on". 

"No matter what has been going on, I would be super excited" I hug her again and stare down at her stomach. "This is such wonderful news"  "have you told anyone". " yeah, I've told my mum but I ask her not to tell you anything I wanted to be the one who's going to break the news to you". "This calls for a celebration" I hugged her again not being able to contain how excited I was.

"I'm so happy for you, I'm so sorry if I've been occupied with other things and not my dear little cousin". " you don't have to call me little" she pouted making me smile even more. "No matter how old and big you've grown you're still my little cousin" I drew get cheek playfully. "I'm sorry if I haven't been paying attention to you lately". "It's okay, I understand you've been stress lately and I appreciate that Andrew is here with you know" she smiled. "Don't worry about me I'm doing great" She hugged me making me feel relaxed.

"Come" Emily dragged me gently to the kitchen stool. "What! I asked raising my eyebrow in question. " I want to you gist me" I pretended to frown  "about what".  " hmmm she smiled suspiciously. "About you and Andrew tell me more I know that one day you'll give in but was so surprise when I heard the news about the marriage".  " why surprise" I grin talking my finger on the glass table. "I thought it was just going to be a bad long flirt" she winked at me and burst into laughter. 

"Seriously, I nudged her gently. " Tell me, spit it out" I stare at her face seeing the excitement, and decided to tell her it won't do any harm to relax and gist foe for some minutes. "Well...  " well... Say it" she took the words out of my mouth patiently  "if you continue this way I'm not telling again".  " Don't be that mean sister" she frowns her face.

"Okay, the truth was that I wasn't even expecting it this way, it just happened". " But you love how it all turns out" I nodded smiling now. "It just likes a new feeling that I haven't have, I felt more alive now having a partner whom I share intimate feelings with, now I realize that I need a man in my life I've missed a lot in the last year's in the name of staying safe".  " I'm happy for you, that's what I've been trying to tell you for ages" she smiled, "I think we need to cheer for a different thing" she stood up to go grab a wine and glasses.

My mind played back on the day, I learned I was pregnant. I remembered how heartbroken I was, everything has crumbled down than for me, there was no husband or a partner who stood to take responsibility for the child. I remembered that killing myself was the only solution then but I was happy that I didn't take such a wrong step, I was happy that despite being heartbroken and rejected that something good had come out from it, my baby, my sunny.

She has light up my life, has given me more reason I should live watching her smile, and hearing her laughter was something that I'll die to hear again and again.

Emily reappeared with the glasses and wine and I watched her carefully as she poured it into the glass "we're going to cheer for the baby" I said "And also for you and Andrew" Emily and I raised our glass "Cheers! We could click the glass together, savoring the sweet taste of the drink.

"May our lives be sweeter than this" Emily voiced. "Amen" I bowed my head In prayer, I watched Emily's happy face and know she would be the best mother. "Who told you, the baby is going to be a boy". " Because you know my guess is always right".  Yes of course.