
Chapter hundred and Eighty seven

Rebecca invited her cousin's sister over just for breakfast, she felt her life coming back to normal having her around. 

"A mail for you man" the servant came by at the kitchen to give her the card, she wasn't expecting anything from anyone except...

"He sent it again" "Who? Emily asked. "Sam" "why does he keep sending this card, what an asshole" "He's so bent on seeing me tonight at his dinner party". 

" I think he's desperate". Emily reached out and collected the card from her. "I'm the last person he's going to see at his stupid dinner" she collected the card back from her cousin and gently place the tip on the fire.

Rebecca watched half of it as it burn before dropping it on the counter "He's never going to take my daughter away from me again and if he does that would be his end". They were interrupted by the sound coming from the stairs. 

" Mum, breakfast" Sunny called out to her mum's attention as she walked up to her kissing her on the cheek and sitting on the stool for her breakfast. "Sure darling". 

"So how's the exam going so far? Emily asked as she helped Rebecca pour out a tea for Sunny and allowed her sister to drop a plate of toast for her daughter.

" it going perfect, just can't wait for my graduation" "I'm sure you'll be one of the most beautiful girls there". Funny smiled at her aunt as she began to eat her breakfast. 

Sunny eyes averted on the marble counter and saw the burnt-out card "what's that? She asked staring at her mother and then at Emily's, Rebecca contemplated lying to her but she had said something about the honesty and if she wanted her daughter to be open to her, she have to tell her the truth.

"Sam sent me a card". " For what? Sunny asked pausing from her meal "He invited me to a dinner party that he's hosting tonight" "Are you? Sunny looks from.the card than her mother.

" Nope and also I have a better offer" she smiled at her daughter "What's that?  " John invited us to dinner, we'll be spending some time with him, that's how we're going to spend our evening, and tomorrow we'll start getting you ready for your graduation"

"Now that sounds like fun" Sunny smiled as she finished up her breakfast and stands to leave "Of course, darling" Rebecca walked to her and embrace her.

"It would be more fun if you invite your friends to come with you". " I think, I gave started thinking about tomorrow already" "And when last have you spoken with your boyfriend" 

Now Sunny let out a groan "Josh is not my boyfriend mum! " Really? "Yes, mum and I won't discuss this with you again bye! Rebecca watched her daughter as she hurried out of the kitchen with a huge smile on her face.

" I think she's in love" Emily drew her attention as he spread jam on her bread. "More like it"

"Did you think she would come? Sam's assistant asked. " I don't think she will Tom but I had done my part in telling her, I warned her in time". 

"Isn't she tough, to make up her mind not to come after all that warning you gave her". " She is but soon it wouldn't matter when she'll be on the ground begging" Sam chuckled as he lit up his cigarette. 

"I love them helpless" this time he was laughing, Tom watched him for a whole as he smoked "How's Tara, it's been a while since I haven't heard from her or seen her". Just in a minute, Sam was grabbing him tightly on his neck. 

" Why are you asking about my wife, huh? Do you want to make love to her, huh?!!  "That's not...what I...I meant". Tom pleaded and struggled to breathe " Then why are you asking of her huh?

"Nothing, nothing, I promise, I was just curious that's all". He felt like he was going to be choked to death in a matter of minutes "please, Sam" he pleaded even more, and in a few seconds, he felt Sam's grip around his neck release a bit. 

"Tara is fine, she's doing well, you don't have any reason to ask of her" Tom nodded and Sam could only push him aside as he continue his smoking. Sometimes this man he called his boss and friend could be creepy and mean, Tom, knew that Rebecca would regret it if she didn't show up tonight.

Sunny had tried to pretend that Sam inviting his mother over to some random dinner doesn't freak her out and she knows he wasn't inviting her to come and just done with him, he was up to something.

She tightens her hold on Gina's palm, scared at the moment...maybe he'll drive past and do something that's crazy.

"Are you okay? Gina asked as they headed out of the hall room in search of Jade. "Yeah, I'm fine" she smiled edging to release the tension she was feeling inside. "Are you sure, you look like you need some cold drink and a place to sit for a while, we could go in search of Jade later. 

"No, I'm fine seriously". " Okay if you say so" Gina returned her smile as they made their way to the school cafeteria, it was just the remaining few days then...they'll be done with this place, she just couldn't wait.

Walking in the sighted Jade where she was stuffing her mouth with Italian food prepared at lunch every Tuesday. 

"You look like a hungry moron".That was the first word that escapes from Sunny lips when they walked up to her " Thanks for the compliment" she answered but continued eating.

"For goodness sake, we have been searching for you, and...you're here without even bothered that we might be searching for you!

Gina glared at her in shock. " I tried to wait for you guys after my examination but I couldn't bear the hunger, don't blame me please" she pouts her lips, making both Sunny and Gina stare at her weirdly.

"Seriously! " Don't be too surprised guys! Jade groans at them, for the rest of the lunch Sunny founds that she loves every moment she had spent with her friend.

 She soon would tell them about the kiss with Josh when things are sorted out between them for going a week now, she haven't seen him and she was getting worried.

She had expected him to have a lot to say after that kiss but instead, he just zoomed out, without even saying a word to her. Sunny was trying not to think about it because it would only hurt her.

Dinner with John and her mum was so fun and satisfying, she felt found herself engrossed in the conversation and they talked about a lot of things. 

She still finds it, shocking that it was this man that made her realize the whole truth, what if she hadn't gone with her father? She would have still been crowded in lies now believing those that meant no good to her.

She felt how at ease her mum was around him, it wasn't like friends but a kind of mother, daughter relationship. 

The night went by so far, that she wished they still had more time to chat and discuss a lot of things but it was midnight already and they had no choice but to wish each other good night.

The first thing she did when she got home was to lay on her bed, she didn't realize how tired she was till her back dropped on her bed. 

Josh sat on his bed and started aimlessly at the window, he felt kind of stupid for not reaching out to Sunny fit almost a week. Be had thought he had his reasons but now...

He misses her, he had been really confused and down when his stepdad had announced that they were traveling back to Australia, he hadn't wanted to believe it but he knows it was the truth.

But it was so hard knowing that how could he tell Sunny that he was finally leaving, he didn't want to do that. It was going to hurt her and he didn't want to ever see him sad it hurt.

He turned when he heard a knock on the door, this time he didn't bother responding as his mum pulled open the door and switched on the light. 

"Do you want to come down for dinner or should I bring it here". " Thanks, mum but I'm not hungry". "Sure?  " Of course and please you should stop treating me like a child I'm going to eat when I'm hungry"

"You know that no matter how much you've grown, you'll still going to be my baby" Miranda reached out and hugged her son, she knows the reason he was feeling so sad and she was going to try her best to cheer him up.

His son has a lot of responsibility back home, he still has to go to college, and it was time for them to go back home.