
Chapter Hundred and Eighty five

                                                Hundred and Eighty-five

Sunny decided to go for some drive, it had been a long month for her and she really needed to clear her head. Of course she had a great mum and both of them are trying their best to bond after separating for so long, she shut her eyes and thought of nothing but the wonderful time she had spent with her mum. It was such a precious memory that she would want to cherish for the rest of her life.

She had asked the driver to take her some miles outside the city, just to have a time to herself, and about yesterday with Josh was one of the best time ever. The way he had held her, it had felt as if they were the only one in the world locked in each other embrace, it was one of the special feelings she had ever felt.

Her smile died off when she remembered what had caused her panic attack the other day, she didn’t want to keep remembering it, the voice of a man who would do anything to attack her. She couldn’t believe that she had lived with this man and not know what kind of a man he was, she hates to admit it but she hadn’t gotten over that night and the attack she had. It was frightening on how that man could scare the shit out of her and still calls her his daughter, she felt angry for allowing him get to her this way but she felt helpless in this situation.

The fear she had felt that night was unexplainable, it was horrific and she did not want to keep remembering it because it just keeps sending shiver to her spin, Sunny sigh with her eyes closed. The ride was a good way to get all this out of her system. She thought about Josh, she hadn’t chatted him since yesterday not because she doesn’t want to speak to him, it was just =that she found herself thinking of what to write or say to him.

She doesn’t know if she should mention about the kiss or not talk about it at all, she felt speechless and had gone to bed without really speaking to him. She couldn’t help but think if Josh was feeling the same way, it was such a weird feeling that she couldn’t understand.

Finally opening her eyes, she fixed her glaze outside the window as she admires the trees and house they pass by, this was one of the best feeling.

Rebecca decided to spend the lunch with her cousin, she has a lot to talk about and she feels that she was the only one that could understand how she really feels “You know my prayers this days? Emily asked as she poured a drink for both of them “That things keeps on being this way” Emily turned with a knowing smile that’s tells her that she was correct “Yeah, that’s my prayers Becca, everything seem to be going well and I don’t want that to change”

“Yeah, it amazing” Rebecca replied “You know that feeling, when everything is going well even though it might still not be perfect, you just don’t want anything to go wrong” Rebecca just stare at her cousin sister as she talks, she haven’t told her about Sunny panic attack or about Sunny first kiss, she wanted to fill her in on a lot of stuff but she don’t know how to start, she just took a sip of her drink and tried to pretend that for a while that she had no worries or trouble in the world to worry about.

“Would you like to share with me what might be bothering you? Of course, she knows that she had a lot to talk about, did she ever think that she’ll be able to hide things away from her without her finding out. Rebecca replied her with a smile but kept on sipping her drink, Emily ignored her and let her take her time, she knows how Rebecca was, she only had to give her time to talk to her.

“Sunny had a panic attack a night before and it had really scared the shit out of me…” She stopped for a while and tried to catch her breath, she was trying so hard to control her emotion remembering how afraid and scared she had been that night. “I thought she had really grown out of it, you know…” “How is she now? “She’s fine Emily...

“What happened? Emily asked knowing fully well that something was wrong “Sam found a way to contact her cellphone and that’s what caused her panic Emily, he could mess around but I wouldn’t allow him to do so near my daughter unless that would be the death of him, I had to get a restriction warrant on him but I know he wasn’t going to allow that to bring him down”

“Sam is up to something dangerous and you know that, he has a plan something that had made him calm all this while, he’s definitely planning on taking her away from you” “In a more Logical way I think” He wants me to agrees to his term, he wants to frighten me to give her permission to take away my daughter but that would never happen Instead it would a bloody battle”

Emily stared speechlessly at Rebecca, she knows that she would do anything to keep her save her daughter from that monster but the last thing she wanted was is for her to put her life in jeopardy, she didn’t want her or Sunny to get hurt in any kind of way “I know what you’re thinking Emily but you don’t have to worry about me or Sunny we would be okay a far as we have you”

 “Do you think it so easy to do, to stop worrying about you guys” “I know it not but I’m telling you that you don’t need to, we’re fine Emily” “You’re ready to go out there and put your life at sake and you’re telling me that I don’t need to worry, I have every right to worry when my family is facing some certain danger! I care about you guys Rebecca, I want you to be careful”

Of course, I’ll be” Rebecca stood up and walked up to her “I promise you that I’ll be careful Emily, nothing will happen, I’ll always be here you for my little niece” “You promise? “I promise” she smiled as her face lit up a little “Come, our lunch is getting cold” she beckoned her “And do you know the good part? Rebecca asked with a wide smile remembering her daughter’s gentle smile when she told her about kissing Josh.

“I think my little baby is falling in love already” “Really? “Yeah, she had her first kiss yesterday” “And who’s this lucky guy? “You know that already” Rebecca winked at her “Josh? I really know there something about this two” she smiled as she scooped her salad into her month “Yeah” Rebecca agreed “But something is bothering you here? “It just that... she had grown so much, you know? I remember my baby girl drawing in a color crayon and after she’s done drawing, I always paste it in front of the refrigerator and now she’s already falling in love, isn’t amazing and at the same time kind of scary”

Emily read out across the table and took her sister’s hand in hers “Yeah, it kind of scaring, realizing that your little baby had grown this much in just a few years without you even realizing it” “very scary Emily” “Yeah but that’s one part of growing up, it scary and fun” “You know, I’m worried and at the same time I don’t want to restrict her or put boundaries to her happy, it kind of complicated”

“You’re worried because you don’t want her to end up like you? “Definitely, it scaring me but seeing the way she smiled at that thought, she looks so innocent and happy and I don’t want to be the one to stop that happiness, I always wants my daughter to be happy Emily but I’m worried for her”

“The only thing you have to do as a mother Rebecca is be there for her not restrict, she’s a young adult, you won’t be able to stop her from doing what she likes instead she’ll become sneaky around you that way you won’t be able to find out if she’s in trouble or not” “I guess you’re right Emily, I have to be there for my daughter, she needs me” She turned back and focus on eating her food, it just gave her more strength and energy to think, she really had missed eating  good meal after months of always starving herself.

Sunny spent her time by the lake after her driver drove around for about two hours, she focused on drawing the first thing in her mind. Josh would be really thrilled when he found out that she was drawing him. He didn’t have to be here so she can draw him, she still remembered how perfectly he was yesterday, his posture, his lips, his face. She had really wanted to reach out then and touch his face to feel his skin under her palm, shutting her eyes for a while she pictured him standing in front of her as she drew him.

She spent five hours drawing and watching the calm water and the sky, it was so smoothing that made her wants to stay for more hours but remembering that it was already getting dark. She had to go home because sometimes the outside world can be truly scaring and she wants to be able to make it to dinner with her mum, she wouldn’t want to miss it for anything.

Back in the car, she tried to get lost in her thought again, it was one of the amazing feeling being able to spend time with yourself and enjoying it. And for some minute, she found that her driver increasing the speed “What’s the problem? she sat up from her seat to ask him “I think we’re being followed” he answered as he gaze back at her swiftly before focusing back on the road.

Sunny turned back to see a black SUV following them, she couldn’t figure out who was driving because it was already dark “She felt her heartbeat increase” the only person that could be behind this is no other person but her father, her body shivered in fear of what he’ll do if he ever caught up with them, No, she wouldn’t think about this now.

There was no way he could get to them if they increase their speed “She wasn’t going to allow that monster get to her, she shut her eyes and tried to calm her racing heart and breathe, they were going to be home soon and they’ll be no reason to worry. She clenched her fist tightly as her driver keep increasing the speed. The only thing she have to do now is to focus on her breathing and pray she would not die, her was frightening but she held on.

It going to be fine Sunny, you’re going to survive this, no need to panic but she was already panicking by the speed of the vehicle and that of the one behind them. Sunny forced herself to keep breathing steadily, her face was flushed and she already knew it but she had to keep holding on and not to lose herself to the fear.

Finally, the car started slowly down and that was only time she starts relaxing and finally pulled her eyes open to found out that, she couldn’t sight the vehicle that was following them, maybe whoever that was chasing them gave into defeat that he couldn’t catch up with them or maybe they lost interest… Lost interested? Was that really a thing. After some minutes, the driver pulled up inside the house and she finally let out a breath that she didn’t even know he was holding.

Sunny leaned her head back on the seat and tried to relaxed and also think for some minutes, what had just happened now for some minutes their life had been at stake what if…the car had caught up with them what would had been their current situation?  “Mam, I hope you’re okay? I’m sorry for what had happened” Sunny looked at him for some seconds, why was he apologizing, it wasn’t even his fault and it was because of him that she was able to get home safe.

“Thank you and I don’t see any reason you should be apologizing” She made to leave the car then stop “Can you not tell my mum about this” The driver turned and stare at her in a surprise “I know, we should tell her but I don’t want her getting worried or freaking out, please” It took a while for the driver to nod in agreement, she could see it was going to be a hard promise to keep but she had seen how worried and afraid her mother had been the night of her attack.

It just wound her soul to see her mother in pain because of her and she don’t want that again plus she knows that her it was her dad who was behind this, she got out of the car and headed into the house. She just wanted to soak herself in hot bath and tried calm herself. It was just too much for her and now she had to act as if she’s okay if she really wants to hide what had really happened.

“How was your day? Rebecca asked as her daughter into the sitting room, her face looked flush but she was smiling cheerfully “Fine mum, I had the best day” “I’m happy you did” “I’ll just go up to have a shower, I’ll be right back for dinner” “Sure baby” Rebecca watched her walked upstairs, there’s something off about her this night, she’s fine and at the same time not fine”

Her sunny would had hugged her and ask her, how her day had been, was something troubling her, she’ll just give some time, she’ll come to her if there was something wrong. Back in the bathroom, Sunny slipped of her dress and walked into the hot bath, it was smoothing and calming. She just lay there and thought of nothing, she felt numb as she lay there.

Her vision swayed and her head pounded really hard but she just lay there after what seems like an hour, she heard a knock on the door “Are you okay baby? “Umm, yeah, I’m fine, I’ll be out in a minute” She said as she hugged herself tightly in the bathroom, she just wanted a perfect life with her mother and won’t allow anything to come in the way of their way.

She got out of the tub and walk straight to the cabinet and grabbed some medicine for herself, the only thing she should be thinking about now is her mum’s happiness and also her final exam and graduation that was going in few weeks from now.