
Chapter Forty Eight

I stare at him, why would he want to take me out, I have every reason to refuse him but he was my doctor and a very close family member. And I know he wouldn't start flirting with me there must be a reason behind it.

 Maybe, he wants to discuss important things with me concerning my pregnancy. "Okay, sure"  I pick you up in the evening," he said waiting for my approval. 

"I'll be ready"  I waited for Emily to blade him goodbye before we exited the building  "Awww, I think he has an eye for you" I scoffed "Just stop already" I snapped not knowing what had come over me turning back to apologize.

 "you don't need to apologize, I understand," she said glancing at my stomach "See baby, better come out quick you're mother is already snapping at your Godmother" she made a face and laugh "Really! I glared at her in surprise, she was always surprising me with her drama.

I put on my pant and sweater, to protect me from the cold night. I tied my hair up, it felt comfortable in doing it that way. " Becca! I heard aunt called  "Andrew is here to pick you" she sound very happy, what this her plan. 

I came downstairs planting a kiss on her cheeks before going outside to me him, he was dressing causal not some extravagant wear I have imagined. "Are you fine with this, it's cold, you can tell me if you are not comfortable" such a nice gentleman.

 "Oh! Am fine am already ready for the cold" I made a gesture with my hand to show him I was wearing a sweater. I watched him grin before going to open the door for me.

 He drove me to a popular restaurant in town not quite fancy but it was cozy and good for a proper dinner. 

"So... How are you coping with everything," he asked when our food was set on the table "well. Am loving it so far, the people here are so nice and welcoming, I love it" I said scooping the warm meal I have ordered. I watched him eat and nod his head at the same time.

 "Tell me the places you have been, I bet you haven't gone to any interesting place" he grins I pretended to frown "well... I think you're wrong, I have been to the parks, restaurants and..... " And...what" he laughed now "yeah you haven't been too many places"  

 "I still have time to explore as much as I want," I said focusing back on my food, so...tell me how your family is connected with your aunt". 

He leans back in his seat for a while with his eyes closed, when he opened it there was a smile on his face. 

"Aunt did a great favor for my family and when I grew up, this big" he made a gesture with his hand which made me laugh "I decided to pay it back by being there to support her in anywhere I can but our relationship grew so tight while doing that".

 "Wow! I muttered" yeah! He smiled and I have to listen to Emily talk so much about her cousin".

 "Really!  " yeah, she's so attached to you that I often get jealous". "You can't be serious"  he just shrugged without saying a word. We finished our dinner and take a little stroll down the street and listen to him tell me more about the city, the interesting and bored part of it. 

I marvel as I learned more realizing I have none nothing for the three months that I have been here. When he drove me back home and decided to walk me to the door, I couldn't hold the question I was dreading to ask him for since the evening "Did aunt ask you to do this" I turned to stare back at him. 

"Umm...I guess someone has finally caught us" he smiled scratching the back of his hair playfully  "when she thinks a little outing will help you smooth away your worries". 

" hmmm I nodded "she's too caring. " of course she's worried about you and the child" this was the first time since this evening he talked about the baby "well.. I have thought earlier that you have wanted to discuss something about the baby".

 " you don't have to worry, the baby is fine just worried that the mother is so worried" yeah he was playful and I noticed he didn't mention a specific gender "Thanks". "You always welcome" I turned to go but remembered something "umm can I ask you something" I watched him nod. 

"Am wondering if...if I can work on my condition" I saw his eyes grew wide before a smile appears on his lips  "Are you thinking about working" I nodded hoping he won't give me a negative answer "sure you fit to do any work as far as you don't overdo it" I nodded with a smile. 

"Do you have any work in mind" I shook my head sadly at him and watched him smile again before patting my hair  "I will see what I can do for you". " Really! He nodded. "I don't think aunt will agree to it, she's overprotective". " I will talk to her about that". 

"Thanks again he nodded before glancing at his watch, " I think you should go inside now it's already very late and you need a proper rest" I nodded at him before walking inside. 

I wonder what kind of work he will find for me and also hope that aunt will large to that even mother, I have to convince her too. 

Emily was still awake when I walked in, dancing around along with the music playing in the sitting room. "Hey, cousin! Your face is glooming tonight" she grin. Here she is with her viral talks, "Drama Queen"  "I just like the glow" I felt like sealing her mouth "So, gist me about the lovely dinner" she said coming to put her hand on my shoulder "Smy fancy candle light, balloons... " please stop, your overreacting" I heard aunt laugh.

Keep updating for more interesting chapters😘😘 new novel on light reader "Xena (blood princess)

Love from Casey love ❤️