
Chapter Eighty one

I stared myself in the mirror already dressed for dinner, I just hope that nothing goes wrong, I wouldn't accept any nonsense from the one called my father. I have already decided to go to the dinner only me but mum would want to see Sunny before she leaves.

Andrew came to stand behind me. "Why the sad face"  I shook my head. "Nothing much, hope that mum would stay much longer". "She'll visit again or do you want to leave with her". It sounded like the best thing to do now, out of all the troubles but that wouldn't be possible now. " sounds tempting".  "It's okay". He pulled my cheeks playfully. " I hope he wouldn't do any crazy stuff today".  "I don't think your father would and I think you should use this opportunity to mend your broken relationship with him".  " I don't think that would be possible".  "It is if you give him a chance".  "Chance to do what! To make it much worst, I don't trust that man again, he hurts the child he calls his daughter and you expect to mend the relationship". 

Andrew pulled me in for a hug, allowing me to calm down before he pulled away. " He did something worse I know but it's okay to forgive sometimes" he bent and joined his lips to mine making me swallow any words I was about to say.

"It's time to leave, let's go" he took my hand and led me downstairs where Sunny was waiting with her bear. "We're ready" she smiles cuddling her bear tightly.  

Andrew drove to aunt's house, glaring at me ever and then watching my reaction, I never what to step foot in that house as far as John was there but I couldn't bear hurting myself while doing it. Mum opened the door for us smiling happily "I'm so glad that you made it" she carried Sunny into her arm. "Grandma is so happy to see you".  " we thought you wouldn't make it again aunt said hugging both I and Andrew "we have given our words to you". " we're glad you kept it," Emily said coming to hug me. 

 "I searched my eyes from John but he wasn't around, I took a deep breath making my way to the living room. I just hope that this night would go well maybe without even seeing him.  " Sunny, I heard the voice that I was trying so much to avoid tonight. I turned to see my father opening his arms wide open for Sunny to come and embrace him. I held her in place, I don't trust him maybe he has another alternative to take my daughter away from me.

"Becca, mum called her happy face now looking sadly at me. " let her greet her grandfather". "He's not Sunny grandfather since he has disowned me I don't think their need to call him that name". Everywhere was silent, yeah they should be because every minute I think about what he did to me because of someone that has hurt her daughter, I feel like doing more to him. 

" please" mum begged to stare sadly at me, I let go of Sunny hand and watch her run up to him and embrace him  "I've missed you so much," he said carrying her up in his arm and kissing her hair. "Wow let me see you bear".  " his name is Bunny" Sunny answered watching him play with the bear. "It's so huge and handsome" this made Sunny giggled.

"Come let's eat dinner, mum called out trying to fill in the silence, Emily's husband was trying his best to deal with Emily regular complaints and troubles while keeping a smile on his face all through. " she always made me suffer like this" he laughed making everyone join in. 

"Suffer? That a mean thing to say". Emily snaps making a mean face, just looking at them reminds me of what Sam has denied me of but it was okay now I had Andrew and Sunny by my side. 

I stare at the court's building where my happiness and that of my child would be determined. I felt Andrew's hand wrapped around me. " we would win this, you don't have to worry" I lean into him for a while before straightening, he else in and our lawyer followed behind.

"God please let us win". I whispered into the thin in before following Andrew to the chair reserved for us, I was really happy having his support. This was what I needed in same who says that he loves me always there to lend his support, I stare at the opposite chairs and a Sam with her sister smiling at me, I clenched my hand tightly to keep my anger in check. I just want to walk to him and give him the beating of his life, he doesn't love Sunny as much as I love her. He doesn't understand anything about loving or caring for someone, he's just a fake and scum, rich bastard.

My heart thudded at my chest when the judge walked inside the court, Andrew held my hand tightly smiling down at me.

We waited till the judge sat before we followed along, the procedure start, and our proposal from two sides was led out for the courts. 

Sam's lawyer stuck to the fact that I was hindering Sam from her daughter something that was never done while my lawyer spoke the truth on how Sam had abandoned his daughter and had no right now over her.

The judge was silent all through listening and going through the case before adjoining the court until another week, I don't know if I should believe or be happy. I don't know how or what to feel, I felt shaken knowing that Sam doesn't care for my daughter that he was trying to take custody of, it hurt me more than anything.

The most thrilling part is about to unfold, stay tuned to update the latest chapter🥰🥰

DDon'tforgets to rate and comment, I feel as if the shadow is reading my books. Love from Casey  ❤️