
Unforgettable Night.

In order to save her father company from bankruptcy, Ina decided to help her father. Ina is a cute and mischievous girl who can easily make any man fall for her. But her way of help is not an ordinary one. To spend a night with the most famous/bachelor, Womanizer in the whole country. Damien Rey! Will he be able to forget about this wiled kitten that has crossed his path? That is a question that can only be answered through time. ...... Follow me on Instagram Author_Cornflower

Cornflower · Urbano
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223 Chs

Unexpected news

Nora glanced at her brother from the corner of her eyes and quickly looked back at her plate, she was planning to speak to him about something but she was afraid that he would ask her why.

She had wanted to go and visit her aunt who lives in America, the truth is she wants to leave here and never go back, but at the same time she didn't want to leave her family, but the place here reminds her of what happened and that man.

It's been more than a month since she last saw him since she last saw Ryan, the so-called first love of her life or it's better to say the first disappointment in her life.

She had given herself to a man that she doesn't know anything about, she doesn't even know his family name, how stupid she was to believe that the stories in the fantasy romance novels could happen in real life.

But she had to thank him because he teaches her a very harsh lesson that men can never be trusted, especially the ones she doesn't know.