
Unfiltered In MHA(Being rewriten)

got the image off of Pinterest free, didn't have any credits on it, if its yours and you want me to take it down just tell me. As a young child Sebastian developed savant syndrome in the field of physics and mathematics as a result of a fall off of a building while playing, this came at the unfortunate cost of a slow and permanent necrosis of some parts of his brain, beginning with his short term memory and advancing to his fine motor functions and emotions, eventually losing all ability to feel emotions at all, as well as some of his processing abilities, and now as an adult he begins to find himself with more extreme symptoms, periodic temporary amnesia, and an inability to process basic things, getting diagnosed by a doctor he finally becomes aware of the extent of the damage to his brain, and understanding that he only has so long to live, and will likely soon lose all higher brain function, decides to end his life early, now he finds himself in the world of an anime he once enjoyed as a kid before he lost his ability to enjoy anything, and with the ability to see reality in its raw form instead of the color and sound he is used to, as well as spatiokinesis, energy manipulation, and telekinesis, watch as he slowly rediscovers what it is like to feel.

kokishorttail · Anime e Quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 2

the sun shines on a beautiful day highlighting the image of a small stream running through a majestic forest, the grass and leaves still wet with the mornings dew, the atmosphere a beautiful chorus of birdsong, the chirps of crickets, and the wind gently rustling in the leaves, carefully a small deer steps out from the brush, inspecting the clearing for any signs of predators, before walking up to take a drink from the stream, everything coming together to form a scene right out of a documentary on the beauty of nature, and the world almost seems artificially perfect, and the deer, satisfied with its drink, gets up to move on with its day, hoping for safety and plenty of food, today seems like its lucky day, nothing could go wrong, and it moves to return to the brush, content, and then its mind goes dark.


a tree at the other end of the clearing suddenly falls to its side, sporting a brand new hole through it, as the deer's body collapses to the ground, the birds and animals in the area flee, fearing for their lives, and a few moments later, a being seems to blur into existence, a tall teen, 187 centimeters tall stands staring at their prey, before the corpse seems to lift into the air and follow the teen as they disappear into the underbrush.

(mc pov)

'It has now been 2 years since I found myself in this forest and many things have happened', I think to myself, satisfied with todays hunt as I return to my house, entering a clearing with a beautiful modern looking house, nothing to large, never saw the point of having a mansion all to yourself, so its all I ever need, not to say its small though, It has both a large kitchen, living room, bedroom, lab, and studio all for me, and I begin to plan for what I will do for today as I absentmindedly hook the deer's carcass to a meet hook to let its blood drain, I could always do it myself to finish faster, but I wont be eating for a few hours anyway so I see no point, unlocking my door I pull off my shoes, an advanced pair of running boots perfect for hunting, Reinforced with metal inserts, not that I would need them with my bodies enhancements but you can never be to safe, as well as reactive sound dampening to be as silent as possible, and despite covering my entire foot and shin to prevent mud and water from getting in, it doesn't hinder movement at all, perfectly fitted to my feet and designed to stretch and change form to fit my needs, and head towards the couch where I plop myself down on my couch, a hologram conveniently appearing before me so I can begin to run simulations for whatever project I feel like working on at the moment, as I look over at a tab I've yet to open, Just recently I had launched a satellite I've been working on into space, quite the easy feat for me considering my plethora of options, I had decided to use one of my favorite methods not involving wormholes to make things easier, I would have no problems opening a wormhole into space, but considering the damage it might do to my surroundings opening a connection between a pressurized atmosphere and the void of space I decided against it, instead opting for something else.

In the last 2 years I've explored and tested my abilities in many ways, learning many things, such as increasing my detection radius to a staggering 37.79 kilometers before I decided against expanding it further, although I have since brought it up to an even 50 just to satisfy my ocd, see some people might love the idea of omniscience, and its certainly useful for hunting and scouting your surroundings, but with my new abilities I've found with sufficient observation I can not only predict an entities movements from just the micro expressions of ones body, be it an involuntary twitch of even the tiniest of muscle, to sometimes even decoding the electrical signals inside their brains to know their very thoughts and intentions before they even do them, and I hate it, Its certainly useful in fights, but I don't wish to be omniscient, I had already experienced living without emotions, and even now with my ability to feel them I find them muted and inconsistent, and a near inability to express them naturally without conscious effort, and knowing everything that will happen before it does sounds boring, nothing will ever surprise me, nothing will ever be interesting, it sounds terrible, I don't mind predicting things and simulating outcomes, in fact I love it. but its only to a certain extent, And so I left it at that, although I could always limit my range if I wished, I simply had better projects to work on.

One of which being another aspect of my power I learned early on, I can see all the information bound to every particle of mass or energy within my range, everything from coordinates within whatever reference frame I use at the time, to its movement, mass, atomic structure, etc, and so to make things easier to understand I created an automatic filter system in my mind, similar to what I did to imitate qualia, all the information is organized into something similar to a properties panel in game design, I simply "right click" metaphorically on whatever I have selected and a list of properties appears, but not just that, just like a game designer I can change each and every property individually to what I want, This is how I got my satellite into orbit, I simply calculated a suitable orbit, and input both the coordinates and velocity required to sit in orbit directly into the properties panel, and boom, now its in space, unfortunately outside of my area of perfect detection, but I can still manipulate it how I wish because I know where it is, and interesting property of my powers is that I only need to know where something is to manipulate it, and it does not need to be within my "domain" as I call it, this also leads to a multitude of other fun things, including accelerating things to relativistic speeds in an instant, for fun once I decided to test it on myself, achieving the fabled "blink" so commonly found in anime, a useful tool in my arsenal, and due to me simultaneously accelerating each individual atom of my body all at once I'm not limited by my blood draining to certain parts of my body, my brain crashing into my skull, or my muscles ripping from my bones like a fighter pilot, concussion victim, or victim of sudden and extreme g forces, unfortunately I am incapable of breaking the law of thermodynamics, and as such I must take this energy from somewhere, but considering my domain, I can simply use the kinetic energy of the area around me, my little experiment leaving behind a few meters of frost around my previous position, and an increased temperature in the air around me due to me dumping my energy into the surroundings to stop, but I have since came up with a solution, and using this ability I have done something I find even more amazing.

I have changed my DNA, that's right, something usually only possible in the embryo due to the necessity to change every cells DNA all at once so as not to have the affected cells treated like a cancer, and I have managed amazing things with this, I have removed many of the inefficiencies and defects found in human DNA, some examples being, I have changed my body to no longer produce fat when presented excess energy, instead used to build and reinforce muscle, this allows me to become stronger even when not exercising as well as not build up fat, selectively removed my immune systems harmful response to implants, and created structures not found in regular biology, for example, my muscles are now naturally carbon nanotube reinforced, many of my organs have been enhanced, replaced by bionics, or reinforced, my most common reinforcement being copious use of graphene, using thin layers within my skin and eyes for increased piercing resistance, as well as my bones, skin bones and muscles also incorporating supporting structures capable of absorbing blunt damage, vastly reducing the damage taken in a strike, and more, combined with my many implants such as even more advanced carbon nanotube muscles for important functions, and replaced my ENTIRE circulatory system, as well as changed my cells to use a form of artificial energy created by my body, now you might wonder what powers all of these energy demanding systems I've put in place, well I'll let you In on a little secret, by warping space I can create areas much larger than they should be, and also negate mass within said area from affecting the outside world, now some scientifically inclined people may see where this is going, but I have a contained singularity in a sort of alternate dimension connected to my body by a wormhole, and said singularity is powering a Penrose sphere. unfortunately I do not have access to large masses I can feed it so it is still very small, and only fed mass due to the food I eat, which I now only eat for the taste considering my ability to harness energy from anything with mass, but that is one of the things my satellite hopes to fix, allowing me to map the planet I'm on as well as pinpoint the locations of some asteroids I can pluck out of orbit to feed my black hole, but until now I have had it autonomously mapping the planet on its own, and since I was to lazy to build another considering I had other projects, It took a few days and a few changed orbits to map the entire surface, and while I have yet to leave this forest, a few things hint towards the presence of a civilization of similar levels to my previous world, such as the increased presence of heavy metals within the soil and unnatural amounts of certain compounds in the air such as co2, as well as some synthetic compounds, however the worst of the deposits seem to be nearly a century old or older so they have likely converted towards a more renewable source of power, but the most damning of all was the presence of plastics within my beautiful forest, as well as the footprints and trails I've found in my exploration of the forest, and now the map I'm looking at showing multiple large cities spread across a planet with a remarkably similar, scratch that, Identical continental structure to the earth I used to live on, heck even many of the cities on the map are in the same place, but many of them being remarkably larger as well as some sights that point towards more advanced technology disprove that, as well as the many strange sights of people with many strange mutations mean its very unlikely, but the shear amount, maybe my theory that others have powers on this planet is true then, but the sheer amount is far more than I ever would have imagined, but do all people with powers exhibit mutations? I wonder I shoul-


surprised I immediately warp myself outside where the sound happened, and then my question is immediately answered, as a golden haired muscle man sporting one of the largest smiles I've ever seen In my life just landed in my lawn, one thing I should point out since I forgot is that everything in this new world seems to look like an anime, with a few differences some being the fact that turning your head doesn't mean your nose magically changes positions and everything is 3d, and I've speculated maybe I was in an anime world, but without sufficient information I never made any conclusions, but now I can most definitely say I am in one, one of the anime's I once watched as a child, but I stopped after the first episode, I tried the manga but couldn't last much longer, I just didn't like the mc, typical stupid Shonen protagonist, but I can definitely remember this dude, especially from all the memes, All might, the number one hero of My hero academia, and also the representation of a naïve and idealistic hero who is strong enough for everything to go his way, and I start to run simulations in my head, my newly augmented processing abilities allowing thousands of situations and possibilities to run through my head a second, and I regret never reading the entire manga, and then he addresses me in the loudest and happiest voice I've ever heard.


and my mind begins to race once again, trying to figure out how to respond, don't judge me, I haven't spoken to anyone in years, and even in my last life I wasn't very social. it doesn't help that me activating my domain for a better read on him shows I'm surrounded by more people in the trees, but deciding that a peaceful approach is best I quickly deactivate the light barrier hiding my house so they don't think something is up.

(all might pov)

A few days ago Nezu had contacted me about a possible villain hideout that had sprung up in the forests on UA property, Initially I was confused why he would want me to check something like that out, but it seems like none of the satellites under his control could see anything there, and he had only just discovered it when a few students hiking in the area had reported hearing unnatural noises like cracking in the area, and a subsequent search had discovered trees broken by unnatural causes, many exhibiting signs of being hit by a high speed object like a gun, but the fact none of the drones flying over the area or satellites in orbit could see anything here was quite suspicious, and he feared it might be a villain hideout, I had initially found the idea preposterous, after all, UA is one of the most secure places in the world, they would just be asking to get caught, but if they had a quirk that could hide them and their base from all kinds of digital detection, then it could be one of the best places to hide, Afterall, all the autonomous security systems mean that its rare for anyone to personally patrol the property, and considering its vast size, it could be easy to hide in plain sight, and then I understood why Nezu was concerned, and so I agreed to go there personally to figure it out, fully expecting the possibility of a fight, Nezu had spent hours personally pouring over footage collected from drones and cross referencing it with old maps of the area and looking through everything for even the smallest detail, and soon he found something, at one point in time in a decently sized natural clearing there was a single frame from one of the cameras showing a very strange warping of light, many would ignore it as nothing more than a visual glitch, but Nezu wasn't normal, with his vast Intellect and mind on par with a super computer he instantly Identified this as some sort of anomaly bending light in a strange an unatural way, me and a group of heroes, mostly UA teachers, approach the area, and finding the clearing in question we see nothing, but one of us comes across a few drops of blood on the ground leading towards the clearing, and we all go on high alert.

It is decided that I will enter the clearing first as the strongest hero to check out the situation before calling for the rest, I jump into the clearing, landing hard inside whatever dome is stopping us from seeing what's inside, hoping the suddenness of my action would catch them off guard, and I look around for any people in the area, only for all of my stress to dissolve, Instead of the den of villains I was expecting, I was now standing In the front yard of quite the large modern looking home, and in the moment it takes me to take in my surroundings a young teen, likely no older than 16 pops into existence a bit in front of me, and I flinch in my mind, careful not to let it show on my form though, 'a warping quirk' I think to myself, something incredibly rare, and I mentally prepare myself for a fight, but nothing comes, the boy? now that I look closer its hard to tell, I had guessed off of their lack of breasts but a closer inspections makes it hard to tell, but I push that to the back of my mind, the teen stares there looking at me, their hauntingly empty gaze seeming to be looking right through me, and I notice the odd pattern that surrounds a pupil so dark it seems to suck in all light around it, and I mentally gulp, slightly intimidated, but as the symbol of peace I cant show fear, and so I ask the young man where his parents are, making sure to be clear that no one is in trouble and I simply want to talk, only after noticing I had used a voice louder than I intended, probably due to feeling a tad bit intimidated, and the strange child simply stares at me, one eyebrow slightly cocking at my announcement, but otherwise they show no reaction, and an uncomfortable silence issues as the child stands there, and I begin to sweat slightly, my smile almost faltering, and my eyes dash around despite my best efforts to remain focused, and I begin to notice some odd things, there is a deer carcass hanging on one side of the building, slowly draining of blood, as well as a large garden of vegetables, some I don't recognize, but most striking of all is the seeming lack of furniture, and by to open door I can only see the one pair of shoes that I just notice the teen seems to be missing, and doubt worms into my mind until finally the teen responds, a strange voice just as androgynous as they look, and their face seems to light up into something more happy and defusing, but the new attitude seems to fail to reach their voice, creating an almost eary atmosphere.

"sorry dude but I live alone, I didn't know this was private property when I built it."

and that just ignites more questions, He built this house himself? how is that possible? just the large windows alone should be impossible to build on his own, but my thoughts cant continue as the teen catches themselves. their face once again switching to neutral as they admonish themselves.

"fuck, forgot the voice, guess I'm still not used to talking, Also, well guess that wont work, hey y'all in the trees, I would appreciate if you could all come out, I don't appreciate being surrounded, and you."

suddenly snipe appears beside me, hand still raised with his gun up, but I can see the suprise in his eyes, and my eyes widen as I notice him pulling the trigger in suprise, only for an empty click and his gun to simply fall apart as if all its screws disappeared.

"I would appreciate if you didn't point your gun at me." as the teen then opens their hand only for some pieces of metal and screws role out of it, before slowly raising his hands in a calming manner, and my composure begins to break.

And thats a wrap for this chapter! I decided to give you guys a long one since I'm returning to the states from vacation and wont be able to post for a bit, and tomorrow I'm posting for T@T, so hope you all enjoyed, Btw I'm still not sure what world to use for my other novel I'm working on, Its about a sentient AI that used to be human transported to another world with their only remaining working hull being a severely damaged spider like mobile weapons platform or TMD (terrestrial mobile dreadnaught) I already have the first chapter finished but I haven't posted since I'm not sure if It should be a fanfiction or original world, I would prefer a fanfiction, but I don't know what world to use, so if you have any Ideas please tell me, thanks.

(put suggestions here)