
At The Club

Brennan stumbles around in the crowded dance floor trying to find her friend she lost hours ago.

what was supposed to be a fun night turned into a disaster when the.fucking.Constantine came to the club and ruined everything. Girls were flocking themselves around him, making it hard for Ez to have some alone time with him so she got mad and went out the back door.

Like the loyal little puppy Constantine is, he followed her. You can only imagine what they left to do.

Well she didn't think she liked couple counselling but she didn't like being left alone in the crowd more. when she thought she was going to make it out of the crowd a big bulky man comes and crashed into her shoulder.

She fell on the dance floor and everybody within ear shot turned to see what had happened.

"madam, please watch where you are going" a deep Russian accents sighs

"excuse me, you were the one who-" she shot her head up to yell at him but rendered speechless by his beauty.

He had a sharp jawline, plump lips, and a body that called to her with his tight black shirt and his thigh hugging pants. His silky hair that was tied away from his face and it dangled freely on his shoulder. His clear blue eyes made her shiver from its glare and she snapped back into reality remembering why she was on the floor.

"-bumped into me first you ass." She pushed herself from off the ground and whipped her hair into his face as he turned around to leave.

Without her notice, the Russian man narrowed his eyes at her and walked to leave the bar "Chicks..." he mutters to himself while shaking his head

Brennen went to the bar and sat down. When a tall masculine bartender came and gave her a drink she declined "oh no, I didn't order anything."

The guy smiled and said "Don't mind it, the guy over there ordered it for you"

Brennen sighed and thanked the man before chugging her drink and even more after she remembered her friend leaving her. To her dismay, the guy who bought her a drink came up to her and started flirting. "-or I could give you a ride back to your place"

She couldn't quite place herself in the conversation and everything was getting blurry. After a little while, noticed that the guy who was in front of her hadn't given up and she pushed him to the ground.

"Listen you fucker, I'm not interested in that small piece of-" becoming a hiccupping mess, she let out a sigh and walked over the guy on the ground

"Hey! wait-" He got up and began to be even more persistent than before.

At this point Brennen was getting really annoyed and decided to walk faster. She couldn't hold herself up any longer and tripped into a guy at the exit. Not being able to see the guys face, she presumed it was the bartender because of his masculine built and the smell of alcohol on him, "Baby, I thought you were still working, why did you accept his drink offer" she slurred at him

"hey-" The guy tried to push her away but she pushed herself on him even further

"I wanted an angel shot" she pretendedly whined in his ear while the other guy was looking at them confused

She could hear her maybe bartender sigh out and pull her in closer, "Do have any business with my girl?" He questioned in a rather Russian accent

Hm He sounds strangely like that little shit from earlier, Brennen thought to herself

"uh no, my apologies I was just making sure she got home safe" The guy quickly got away from them and disappeared into the crowd.

"My savior~" Brennen slurred and gave the man a big sloppy kiss on his cheeks before passing out.

lol I think i wrote this more than a year ago- enjoy? or don't i just did this out of boredom.

yours_trulycreators' thoughts