
The Beginning

Long time ago, there's a young boy living in a woods named Hither around 5'5 in height medium built guy with a shiny wavy hair, he is living with his aunt who adopted him after his parent's mysterious accident, the accident that made him incapable of walking like a normal person.

Hither is a good person- always obeying his aunt's commands and house rules... He grew up learning by himself taught by his aunt of different things in this world, he never had the chance to go to school because of his condition and this thing that he thought like an "illness" all the time.

He kept it from his aunt that when he is dreaming about his parent's accident he always woke up in his room - all of his things and stuff are not on its original place.

One evening, he is taking dinner with her aunt

Aunt Gina: I came from marketplace and I bought this shirt for you, Thank God your uncle left some for me so we can live.

(she took out a black shirt from a parcel that has print letter "H" on it

Hither: you don't have to this aunt living with you is enough.

Aunt Gina: This is nothing my boy.

He suddenly try to stand up aiming to go to his aunt to hug her but before he gets to his aunt a knife flew from the air directly stabbed his aunts heart! he screamed loud enough to express his anger he managed to grab her aunt before falling to the ground, the knife flew again this time aiming to kill him it's like someone is controlling it but his eyes turned flaming red this time he has taken controll of the knife and he placed his aunt on the floor to his surprise something is correcting his legs he was able to stand up and walk like normal. He go outside and saw a smiling girl with unfamiliar full black assassin suit-- He saw that the girl is playing three knives in the air its like doing it in telekinesis, the three knives flew and aiming towards him as the target--- His eyes turned flamed red again and he takes controll of the knives--- the girl started to run and she didnt managed to escape becaused the knives caught her to her throat, head and heart and all a sudden the girl turned into ashes.

Hither came back to reality the flaming red in his eyes are gone and his legs started to numb again-- now he will be living on his own and he knows that there is something unusual with him something especial that a normal person can't possess, something that made him different from everyone else.