
Unexpected Inheritance

“Today is the worst day of my life.” First, he was forced to resign from his job . And then he found out his girlfriend had cheated on him. Fate always has a way of making things more interesting. After all the misfortunes, Kevin finds himself in an unexpected turn of events. The person he saved wants him to inherit his fortune and business. What exciting chapters await Kevin in this story that destiny has composed for him?

LucyDarkmoon · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
44 Chs

Daisy's Feelings

-Somewhere else in Calton-

Mr. Harry sat on a chair in front of a table in a dimly lit room. The only source of light was a lone bulb hanging from the ceiling above the table.

Four individuals wearing black masks stood before him.

"I need a list of all the people who met David Gilbert a week ago," Mr. Harry demanded.

Mr. Harry's demeanor had undergone a complete transformation. He was no longer the always-smiling and kind Mr. Harry with a stern expression and a voice that could induce fear in anyone.

"Sure, sir," the unknown individuals left the darkroom.

"According to Daisy, her grandfather's death is not an accident but a premeditated murder. Why didn't I think about it before? I thought it was always an accident. I need to find the truth about this," Mr. Harry pondered.

After a few minutes, four figures returned to the room, one of them holding a blue-colored file.

"Sir, we got the list," one of them reported.

"Good." Mr. Harry began flipping through the papers, searching for the information he wanted.

His eyes widened when he found the information he needed.

"This person," Mr. Harry pointed at the name, addressing the masked figures, "I need him here in a week. Use whatever means; he should be here by next week," he ordered.

"Yes, sir," the unknown individuals replied politely.

"I hope you guys do the job; if not, I think you all know the consequences," Mr. Harry warned.

"Yes, sir. Don't worry about the work. It will be done by next week," one of them replied, their voice trembling.

"Good. I will be here next week. I want him to be here." Mr. Harry got up from his seat and walked away.

Silence filled the room.

- - - -

Daisy entered the house and plopped onto her bed, pondering about the events unfolding in her life. Her father is trying to use her as a pawn to boost his business without caring about her feelings.

Her childhood best friend, whom she had protected from bullies in the past and trusted, had now betrayed her.

Her brother didn't even see her as part of the family.

Daisy wished her grandfather was alive. If he were, she wouldn't have to endure this suffering.

She began to feel anger toward her family.

When her father scolded her in the past, she sincerely believed she had done something wrong and made several attempts to gain his approval.

Eventually, she gave up, realizing that no matter how hard she tried, her father would always find fault in her.

She wanted to escape from this chaos. She said the same to Mr. Harry in the café. She just wanted to run away from everything. She no longer wanted to face her family.

"I suffered because of him. He killed her grandfather. He made all the mistakes, yet here I am, hiding like a criminal." She thought.

"I don't understand why my grandfather thought handing over the business to that bi*ch was the right thing. Why can't he see that I am much better than her?"

"Absolutely not. She's so gullible. She tells me everything and never suspects a thing."

"I don't care what happens to her. She is just a burden to me."

The words of the people she considered family echoed in her mind.

Daisy knew that many people suffered because of her family, like her, and some were unaware that they were merely pawns in their schemes.

One of them is her brother's girlfriend, Alicia Bradford.

Alicia is unaware that Daisy's brother is manipulating her, and Daisy has tried to warn her multiple times, but all her attempts have failed.

Daisy can't be angry with Alicia because she loves her brother and trusts him. So, she refused to believe Daisy, no matter how often she tried to tell her truth.

Alicia sees Daisy as her enemy, but Daisy is indifferent to it.

Daisy doesn't want Alicia to experience what she's going through; she doesn't want Alicia to suffer because of her brother.

"I have to convince Alicia no matter what. I don't want her or her family to suffer," Daisy thought.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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