
Unexpected Bonds: A tale of friendship and Love.

"'Unexpected Bonds: A Tale of Friendship and Love,' follows the journey of a freshman student in SHS who finds himself falling for the head of the school. As their bond grows, they navigate the challenges of high school life, friendship, and the complexities of their feelings. Will their connection withstand the pressures of school and society? Join them on this heartfelt and captivating journey of self-discovery and young love."

Anna_Danquah · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Chapter 15

Honourable Kwesi inquired, "Did he take it?" as he observed Jesse emerging from Kelvin's room. Jesse, nonchalant, replied with a shrug, "Um, something like that."

Deciding to spend the night, Honourable Kwesi, in the process of changing into his nightwear, casually remarked to Jesse, "Oh well, I'll be sleeping here tonight, no prep for me. But you, fresher here, have to go to prep."

" oh okay let me bathe first and I'll..," Jesse was abruptly interrupted by Honourable Kwesi, who stated, "You can't bathe now, Jesse. It's late. If you do, Dan will lock you in, inviting punishment. Just change and go to prep."

Reluctantly, Jesse complied and headed for prep. The night's session turned out to be unusually long, compounded by the fact that Nkansah had Jesse's storybook, and Gideon had taken the other. With nothing left to occupy him, sleep seemed elusive.

As the class maintained an unusual quietude, prep finally concluded. Jesse, accompanied by Nkansah and Ben, returned to the house. Upon entering, fatigue overwhelmed him, and he collapsed onto his bed without changing. Observing Honourable Kwesi deeply asleep, Jesse pondered the whereabouts of Honourable Kelvin and whether he had consumed the cornflakes given to him.

Curiosity seizing him, Jesse descended from his bed to check if Honourable Kelvin was present and if the cornflakes had been consumed. The quiet house held the answer to his curiosity.

Descending from his bed, Jesse decided to change first, opting for short shorts paired with a matching sweater adorned with cat designs. Carefully tiptoeing to avoid waking Honourable Kwesi, he gently swiped the curtain to the right for entry. However, his movements froze as he caught sight of Honourable Kelvin's back, revealed in all its nakedness while he vigorously wiped himself with a towel – a clear sign that he had just finished bathing.

Jesse's gaze began at the back of Kelvin's neck, trailing down to the visible spinal cord and continuing along the curvature of his well-defined backbone. He didn't miss the rhythmic contraction of Kelvin's muscles as the towel moved across his body. His eyes then fixated on the rounded, standing butt and the powerful, muscular thighs. A surge of blood coursed through Jesse's veins, causing an involuntary reaction in his nether regions, making him acutely aware of his heightened state.

Struggling to regain composure, Jesse took a deep breath to calm himself, unintentionally catching Kelvin's attention with his audible exhale. Honourable Kelvin, now aware of Jesse's presence, turned abruptly, and his eyes widened in a mixture of shock and anger. Unbeknownst to Kelvin, Jesse stood there, captivated by the impressive view of Kelvin's dark manhood, swinging as he turned – a spectacle that hinted at its substantial size, even in its relaxed state.

Despite Kelvin not being aroused, Jesse's imagination ran wild, contemplating the potential impact if it were otherwise. Before he could snap out of his reverie, Honourable Kelvin's sharp command cut through the air, "Get out!" Jesse, startled and with his heart pounding, hastily retreated. The sudden commotion had also roused Honourable Kwesi from his slumber.

Honourable Kwesi groaned upon witnessing Jesse hastily exiting Kelvin's room after the loud yell.

Jesse, his eyes welling up with tears, stood before Honourable Kwesi, silent and visibly distressed. Concern etched Honourable Kwesi's face as he inquired, "What's wrong? Did he do something to you?"

Unable to articulate the experience, Jesse merely shook his head, tears streaming down his cheeks. "He's going to hate me from now onwards," Jesse whispered through sniffs, his emotional turmoil evident.

"Come here," Honourable Kwesi urged, gesturing for Jesse to approach. Jesse embraced Honourable Kwesi tightly, seeking solace in his mentor's presence. His face was marked by tears streaming down as he spoke, "I want to go home. I want my sister to come and take me. I don't think I can be here."

Honourable Kwesi, puzzled by Jesse's distress, gently ran his fingers through Jesse's soft, curly hair. "Tell me what happened, Jesse. You're confusing me," he implored.

"I don't want to talk about it," Jesse hesitated, maintaining his grip on Honourable Kwesi.

Honourable Kwesi, taking a deep breath, noted the strong scent of shower gel. Whispering atop Jesse's head, he remarked, "Your shower gel is hell-strong. You haven't bathed yet. I can smell it."

Jesse, sniffling quietly, nestled further into Honourable Kwesi's embrace. "Well, kid, you have to get off now and go to bed if you don't want to tell me what happened," Honourable Kwesi advised.

Silence lingered as Jesse remained reluctant to share. Frustrated, Honourable Kwesi groaned, "Jesse, go to bed."

With a soft hum, Jesse replied, "Let me be here a little while."

"Jesse, you don't understand. Get off," Honourable Kwesi insisted, attempting to break the embrace, but Jesse resisted.

"Fucking hard now, Jesse, get off," Honourable Kwesi confessed, prompting Jesse to release his hold. Jesse, with red, puffy eyes, glanced down to see Honourable Kwesi's bulge and damp pyjama pants, presumably from precum.

"Um, I'll head back to bed now," Jesse stuttered awkwardly. "Jesse, wait," Honourable Kwesi called out as Jesse started to climb up.

"Jesse, see..."

" good night, Honourable Kwesi, It's okay, I mean it," Jesse cut him off, closing his eyes to escape into sleep