
Mad Dash

Elias woke up on the floor. He sat up rubbing his chest. Elias let out the breath he had taken in mere moments ago. He looked around and found he was, as his theory suggested, outside his cage. He got up strapping his leather vest back together. He checked the placement of the moon, it had not changed. He then checked on Sisly, who was still asleep.

He began his preparation to break the lock. In his hand, he created a concentrated flame. He placed the same hand on the lock on Sisly's cage.

An hour had passed and it was close to dawn, the blackness of night changed to the dark blue of early morning. The lock had now melted enough to break. After a blue flame had enveloped his hand a hammer had taken its place. He moved his hand and quickly hit the lock with the hammer. The lock fell and hit the ground with a clang.

He put Sisly on his back and moved to enact the second part of his plan. He walked out of the room the guard was on duty. The man looked behind him to only get a face full of golden dust. "What the hell is... this..." He fell on the floor with a rumble.

After Elias checked to see if the man was asleep and continued down the hall. At the end sat a large opening where the hall had collapsed. Outside was the southern courtyard, the sun had not yet reached over the walls.

Elias knew around dawn all the guards switch up post so all he had to do was wait. As Elias waited he noticed something out of the ordinary, it was a luxurious carriage. The four horses that drew the carriage were all completely white with gold mains, very expensive horses. But despite the horses what caught his eyes was the driver.

It was a man wearing rather expensive clothing. He was sitting there waiting for something. Probably sent by a wealthy landowner to come and pick up a slave. The man had a silver crossbow in his hand, the bandits have got him in edge.

I was not uncommon for a wealthy fellow to come searching for a new slave. It was however uncommon to see them being picked up in such a way. However, Sisly may have attracted the eyes of a powerful individual. And knowing a thing or two about Elf's, their reasons were sinister at best.

Two men, the same from before, started walking to the gate. They snickered at the cartridge driver. The driver seemed unfazed by their behavior and just tightened his grip on the bow. Elias couldn't tell if was worry or annoyance that made him tighten his grip but what he did know was the man had a mana output, making him a magic wielder.

The two men started to open the gate. Little by little the gate came open. The sun had reached over the wall, and his time was almost up. Any time now. The two had fully opned the heavy doors to the camp and had began walking out when he heard it. The alarm signalling the escape of a high valued slave.

The men quickly began shutting the doors. It was time, he flowed mana through the runes in his boots. And ran for the gate at top speed. He got halfway before one of the guards called out his appearance. Three men on the cat walk above had already knocked arrows and began firing.

Elias bobbed and weaved through most of them and the ones he couldn't dodged he blocked with a small mana shield. The doors were half way closed when he saw the man on the carriage stand up and aim. The bolt fired was spot on and he couldn't dodge it fast enough. He instead raised his shield.

The bolt slid right through his shield and into his hand momentarily stopping his progress, but Elias didn't stop. He kept running forwards the nearly closed gate. One of the men tried,to block his way but Elias jumped over him using the ruins on his boots for a boost. He barreled through the gate right before it closed and the automatic locking mechanism kicked in.

Elias pulls the bolt out of his hand with a snarl. Above him the three men had already knocked new arrows and prepared to keep firing. Even the man with the silver crossbow had made his way on the wall and began loading another bolt. Before they could finish another action Elias raised his now bleeding hand and sputtered an unremarkable word.

From his hand came an almost water like jet of flames. The men had only a second to respond to the new threat before the fire had got them. The flames overtook the wall and the gate. He felt the mana flow out of him, causing his vision to Dim. As he worked the area over he could see a small blue shield behind the flames.

After he felt that it was a good enough distraction he cut off the flow and ran into the forest. As he ran he readjusted his hold on Sisly

and stopped to check his tattoo. The sand filling the top of the hour glass was now half full and the sand was continuing to fall. He had Two hours of running left before he was empty.

The only thing that bothered him now was the black lines slowing moving up his arm from his wound. He checked his hand and noticed that he was slowly losing feeling. He put it in, the back of mind cursing his luck. He continued running through the forest as quick as possible while he still could.

Embarrassed by all the grammatical errors when I first posted the chapter, shame on me for doing it at 4 am in the morning.

Wont happen again, sorry for the inconvenience of my sleep deprived typing hands and not going back over it.

And Chapter four is better.

HutchisonWriting21creators' thoughts