
Undying Devotion

A world filled with living beings having no idea what horrors walks amongst them. Do you ever think if it's possible that anyone you look at could be dead? Or a possible apparition that is apart of your imagination? However, a dark secret hides unseen and unheard of, but once found lost of questions will soon need to be answered. What is hiding in that cellar? And why does he keep it locked? Is he keeping something trapped down there for the safety of the Earth? Or is it just for his own personal gain? A cold hearted criminal.. There's only one way to find out. (Dan x missing hybrid oc)

GogetaFanUwU · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Chapter 11

When the next day came around both Dan and Blaire were still asleep butt ass naked underneath the sheets. Dan snored laying on his stomach on the left side of the double bed with his arm dangling over the edge. While Blaire laid on the other side peacefully sleeping, until letting out a tired groan before lifting the upper part of her body as almost every muscle was sore and aching.

"Mmm.. Why is my body so sore?" Blaire thought touching and rubbing the back of her waist and spine, not having a full collection of what happened last night until spotting the back of Dan's human disguise, along with some snoring. Then only did she finally gain memory of what exactly happened, causing her face to blush a bright shade of red. "We really just.. Oh my goodness" Blaire was lost for words and turned onto her left side with the back faced towards the satisfied sleeping beast. She felt a somewhat sticky residue coming from between her legs, and curiously moved her right hand down instantly feeling that same sticky residue, and immediately pulled them back up seeing how her hand was completely covered in his watery jelly like semen.

She instantly sat up slightly pulling the blanket off of her body barring witness of the cum covered mess he had made of her and the bed. It was leaking out of her and had left stains in most of the sheets.

"Hmph! This is going to take me ages to clean" she quietly complained not noticing Dan turning over see her observing the masterpiece he had made, and reached out grabbing onto Blaire's arm before pulling her face first into his chest gently hugging her in a cuddling embrace.

"Don't worry, baby. I'll clean it up and get you a fresh sheet and bedding. Now sleep, it's too early to start whining" Dan's said with his usual deep and croaky morning voice any woman would become dripping wet from hearing just a singular groan escape from his mouth. She huffed and buried herself into his big manly pecks while wrapping both arms around him, hugging the big mighty hunk.

Later on that day Blaire managed to slip out of Dan's grasps and headed to take a shower, but no matter how much she tried to clean the semen from inside herself it was impossible, more would always leak out.

"Motherfucker.." she muttered with a low growl giving up getting rid of the sponge she used by tearing it up and dropping it into the bin, never to be used again. A sound of something shuffling could be heard within the bathroom, as water continued to poor from the shower head. Blaire instantly turned the water off and slid the shower's glass door open a little to peak out, but nothing could be seen. "I swear something was there. I heard it" Blaire thought with slight panic and reached out for a towel, pulling it into the shower before emerging covered from breast to knee, wet hair and all.

She went back into her room noticing that Dan has sat himself up on the edge of the bed, already aware of her returning presence. He stretched his arms and twisted his upper torso hearing it crack, before turning his head just as Blaire allowed the towel around her body to drop on the ground. Dan's eyes glanced up and down as he stepped up from the bed, making his way over while she started to search through her clothes of what to wear. He wrapped his arms around Blaire's waist hugging her from behind, resting the bottom of his chin on the top of her head.

"What kind of shampoo did you use? It suits you" Dan said as she smelt like lavender despite using only strawberry shampoo and body wash. "Lavender.." he muttered confusing her for a second pulling up the nickers after slipping both feet through one step at a time.

"Lavender? But I used strawberry" Blaire confusingly responded being unable to put anything else on other than nickers because of Dan. He huffed moving his head down and started to sniff at her neck until satisfied when strongly sensing his scent strongly present where it was supposed to be. Before feeling Blaire's hand gently pat on the top of his head. "Calm down, big guy. Just let me get dressed, and hopefully be able to do something more active other than slouching about all day" she added feeling his warmth slip away, after giving her a quick peck on the bath of the neck.

"Don't go tiring yourself out too much. We have a scheduled dinner at the old man's house tonight, ugh!" Dan groaned also changing back into the clothes he had on yesterday, as Blaire put on black long sleeved turtleneck, fresh and clean black leggings, white socks and a black jacket.

"I haven't been to this 'old man's' place yet, but by your reaction you don't seem to like it there. Do you perhaps want to tell me about it?" She asked as he glanced over his shoulder seeing her choice of clothing, not complaining as it hid most of her features away from any perverts from staring, but she could tell something was starting to bother him.

"He's a pain in my ass that's what! Let alone a complete perv every time he tries to hit on my mother every chance he gets. I'm just worried that he might do the same with you tonight, you're a kind, independent and a outstandingly beautiful woman. He'll do anything to get a grasp on you, and I mean anything" he replied sharing his concerns than hiding it to himself like usual, as she softly exhaled taken by his words and concerns, and walked over this time being the one to hug him from behind.

"And why would I allow myself to be wooed by another man that isn't the all mighty phantom, hm? And besides. Pervy, wrinkly old men aren't my kind of thing anyway, so there's nothing for you to worry about, baby" Blaire said as she pulled back and started to walked around Dan until standing directly in front of him, he huffed with a grin. "Also I wanted to ask. Were you in the bathroom earlier when I was showing? 'Cause I heard shuffling and thought you were trying to scare me again" she asked out of the blue making him look at her confused, then she started to slowly panic.

"That's impossible, I was just waking up as you came back in. You don't think I'm some kind of pervert now are you?" He replied feeling a little offended by her random question until seeing the worry come onto her face.

"If it wasn't you, then who was it?" She questioned herself, turning to look at her bedroom door wondering who could've been watching her shower without her knowing, only sent shivers down her spine. Dan hands clenched together creating a shortly formed fist before quickly releasing, not wanting this one thing to quickly make his good day turn bad.

"Let's just hope they never come back or I'll be personally dealing with the freak myself" Dan said with a growl, not liking the thought of someone watching his woman shower whilst she's vulnerable to any and all attacks.

Later on that night the Fentons already alerted Vlad of their addition to the family for now, until Blaire manages to find a safer place to live than that old house she was trapped underneath for so long. No one still knew about Dan and Blaire's relationship, but one of them was starting to become impatient on waiting any longer.

"How much further do we have to walk?" Blaire quietly complained feeling her feet starting to ache within her dark grey combat boots, as she remained by Dan's side.

"We're almost there, but if you want I could carry you?" Dan jokingly teased glancing his eyes down at Blaire with a cheeky grin on his face, not caring about the way he was acting in front of his family. Jasmine and Danny glanced their eyes at the two feeling a somewhat positive connection growing between them, having no idea what has happened throughout the months since Blaire first appeared.

"Do you think they're just friends or secretly flirting with each other?" Danny whispered to Jasmine who shrugged also having the same idea come to mind, unsure of what to think about their relationship at the moment.

"I don't know. It's weird to see them so close, I most definitely think something is happening between them" she whispered back as they continued to talk and chat until eventually arriving at the mansion where Vlad lived in.

"You weren't joking.." Blaire said not sure she should be worried or concerned of what could happen if face to face with this man, but as the door bell was rung Vlad eventually answered instantly seeing them all including Blaire. His eyes slightly widened when spotting her stood beside Dan, taken instantly away by the woman's looks and those seductive shaped silver grey eyes.

"I'm glad you all made it. Please, come in" Vlad spoke allowing them to enter until exchanging intense glances between himself and Dan who followed closely behind Blaire.

"Heard there was a library here. Care to show me?" Blaire asked looking up at Dan to gently grab on her jacket's sleeve and silently pull her away, respectfully in the direction of the library.

"Who is that young lady?" Vlad curiously asked turning his attention to the Fenton's once Blaire came out of view.

"That's Blaire. She's a friend of ours and is currently staying until she finds a place or whatever really. Especially after losing her daughter, it has been hard for her to move on so she's under our careful watch at the moment" Madeline replied not seeing any issue on telling such personal information with Vlade due to the bond he has with her husband.

"That's utterly terrible, I truly feel for the poor thing. Losing a child is a very big thing, you did the right thing by taking her in" he added walking on wanting to know more about this Blaire who appears to be incredibly close with Dan.

Once in the library Dan released Blaire's sleeve and softly exhaled before suddenly turning around to face her, using his hand to make its way underneath her chin lifting it up staring directly at those soft kissable lips.

"What are you doing? You're starting to act a little off. Are you sure you're alright?" Blaire confusingly asked gently grabbing on his wrist with her right hand noticing how odd he was being ever since they entered in the mansion.

"I'm fine.." he lowly growled moving his face closer causing her to back up, until quickly having her back touching the wall of the library near the only double doors in that room. Dan's face became mere inches away from hers before letting go and created some distance between them, as he walked off to find some book that'll hopefully pass the time.

"That was weird. He's not usually this.. Serious" Blaire thought as she too made her own way around, searching through the hundred choices of books that were neatly placed in order on every individual bookshelf. "What book should I read? There's fantasy, action, romance, and even paranormal horror. This place surely knows it's stuff around books, I can't actually decide what I want to read!" She thought again now being the only one still searching for something good to read, as Dan kept his eye on her from time to time the longer she continued to search.

"Is it really that hard for you to find one single book?" Dan jokingly asked with a little smirk, lifting his head up from the books opened pages as she glanced over at him visibly unimpressed, and rather stressed that she cannot find anything good.

"It isn't my fault nothing here is grabbing my attention for romance. And the worse thing about it, is that I can't reach for the higher shelves either!" She complained glaring at him for a moment before turning away with a huff, causing him to sigh uncrossing his legs and took them off from the table, placing the book on it instead and it up as he made his way over to a oddly agitated Blaire.

"Fine. So why don't you quit whining and let me help you then? You weigh nothing to me, so I'll lift you up" Dan suggested unexpectedly coming up from behind, grabbing her hips with his big hands and pulled her up taking Blaire by surprise.

"You could've warned me before hand" Blaire responded unsure about the idea, as he chuckled somewhat enjoying the torment he's giving her as she started to search through the books, until he made a risky move and did the pretend to drop her and catch her trick. This caused her to scream using both hands to grab on both of Dan's wrists, as he felt her body slightly tremble.

"Did you really think I was actually going to drop you? You're so easy to scare" he chuckled as her hands loosened peering down at him with a cold glare as her eyes glowed a deep blue baring her ghostly fangs at him.

"I'll personally rip off your dick if you dare to do a stunt like that again" Blaire growled as Dan paused with a nervous gulp taking her empty threat seriously, and continued to help her without any other issues.

"I-I was only joking.. Please do not take away my man hood or who'll give you that aching sexual desire you so desperately crave every time you think about me" Dan randomly added midway through the search, actually believing her words of his own judgement until hearing Blaire laugh at his reaction. One of many real laughs he'd usual get lost while listening to them, knowing they're real and he's the one that caused them. "You always sounded beautiful every time you laugh.. Angel" he randomly blurted making her face go red until finally grabbing a random book as he lowered her back down, wanting to know exactly what she had chose.

"I don't know what I chose, but it'll do if it saves me from the embarrassment" Blaire said turning the cover around just to be met with a very erotic book title, this made Dan cough and glance away after reading the front cover. "Fifty  Shades Of Grey? Hm.. I haven't seen this kind of book before" she said to herself and continued to walk towards the sofa's that sat directly in the middle, and took a seat where she began to slowly read leaving Dan to think his decision through.

"That book is very kinky.. I might as well prepare for what thoughts it might flourish through her mind once she's done" Dan thought in her mind glancing his eyes over to the back of Blaire's head instantly seeing her reading it in silence, biting his bottom lip on the process as few dirty images flashed through his mind, before snapping himself back and sat down in the seat he originally sat in that was directly facing Blaire, and continued on to read his own book as a coping mechanism.

Halfway through his book the doors to the library opened allowing someone to enter inside. They took no notice of this silent unknown imposter until they walked directly past behind Blaire, causing Dan's to instinctively glance up spotting a guy who was a similar height to his own, dark black hair, but his eye colour remained unknown as he kept his back faced away from them. This man had a well built physique proving to be strong, as a red like essence came faded out from Dan's nose alerting him of a ghost nearby.

"Psst, Blaire!" Dan quietly tried to get her attention putting down his feet again, until they touched the floor leaning forward as he waved his hand finally grasping her attention. Blaire let out a little hum putting down the book seeing Dan's rather serious and eager face, waving a hand in his direction wanting her to come over to his side. "Come on!" He started to become increasingly impatient not wanting her to look at whoever this man is as he letting out a low growl, which worked as she sighed grabbing her book and got up from the sofa.

"You can be a real pain sometimes" Blaire replied rather confused on why he's acting so weird as he quickly hushed her. She then sat down beside him to his right, which gave him some ease as he put his hand on her right side of the waist pulling Blaire closer. "What is up with you today? I know you hate going out to places like this, but right now you're really starting to bug me" she whispered closing the book shut throwing it aside as he gave her a second of his time before spotting the imposter again, seeing those cold, serious emerald eyes with a book in hand.

Blaire then glanced over to see what he was looking at before instantly spotting the guy, but in response Dan covered her eyes with his right hand as this new face sat down opposite them.

"Who the heck are you?" Dan asked sounding rather sour as Blaire grabbed his hand and moves it off from her face. Spotting the guy peering up as his eyes went from her and then to Dan.

"Just call me Isaac. I'm a friend of Vlad's, he said I could use his library. I do apologise for any inconvenience I've caused you big guy. What's your name?" They were causal and oddly calm, not threatened by Dan's appeal or approach towards them, making him slowly tense down after not seeing any signs of interest in this guy towards Blaire. Only his book and this library.

"Dan.. And this stunning woman is my girlfriend Blaire. She may seem nice, but don't take it personally, she can also bite" Dan responded remaining dominate as Isaac's eyes glanced over at Blaire for a moment, seeing how unremarkably beautiful she was and back to Dan.

"Lucky I guess. Any man would kill for a woman like that, especially the kind that are nice, but also deadly" Isaac responded truthfully before going back to his book laying them no more attention, until the library door creaked open allowing Jasmine to peek in noticing Dan and Blaire sat down together.

"Guys, it's time to go" she called out as Dan got up from the sofa who looked down at Blaire who got up after him with a odd yawn.

"Tired? Here, hold my hand. Unless you want me to carry you home?" He asked as she held his hand without hesitation, allowing him to carefully pull her along towards Jasmine who saw this thinking it was cute.

"Aw, aren't you a gentleman" Jasmine teased as they left the library together leaving Isaac to his own devices.

"Are they gone?.. Finally" he said to himself putting down the book in hand and leaned his head back, as he appeared to go back into his ghost form revealing it to be no one other than Apollo. This only proves that the veil has been broken, unless he is currently the only one that can enter? Or is it just a mind trick?