
|02| Young Landlord






|02| Young Landlord

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by Lucain-Armand

Dedicated to sanmariano

| Picture above: Nate with clothes on. |

| Heads Up: Mild sexual stuff. |


Shit, I was stuck in a store room with that crazy blondie!

'Ah! Ah! Wha!? Ahh!' I screamed like a little girl, dodging, jumping and rolling here and there as this guy kept on shoving his fists and legs at me in whirlwind, diagonal motions. The metal shelf units felt his strength as seen by the way they're vibrating severely. Those could've killed me or at least sent me to a hospital, with multiple specialists tending to my screwed up face!

I rolled to the left, struggled to get up and broke into a run as he was recovering from those previous strikes. God, this place wasn't big enough for me to lose him, or for him to lose me! Anyway, no stalling, I needed somewhere to hide. Was he Nate's personal enemy or something!? This was not how I pictured my Friday night's going to end!

There's a corner with some crates of yellowing mugs in the way, so I stupidly jumped over it and made a wall kick to get to the next western direction. Whoa, that's how my brain worked whenever sugar was in my system. Consuming too much of it was obviously bad for my health but in this kind of situation, hell, it could've let me live a longer life than sitting at home and not moving a muscle for hours!

Eventually that blonde dude caught up with my pace, he executed the same stunt but in a more professional manner. Dude wouldn't quit it! He bawled, grinning as though he's a hyena, 'You're quite fast! I can give ya that, but can you overcome this?' Oh crap, what could I overcome what!?

I chanced a look over my shoulder and saw his taking a dusty wine bottle from one of the shelves, then attempted to throw it in my direction—at my face to be more specific! And he totally did, the bottle was sent curving upwards like an unlit Molotov cocktail! 'Dude, what is wrong with you!?' I snapped at his ongoing state of insanity, and that was after I looked back at the front and there's a door that led to God-knew-where.

With my sugar-infused reflexes, I held out one hand behind me and sort of managed to catch the bottle that was flying straight to my head. Fuck, few more feet to fatality! Then with a desperate kick at the door, and thankfully it flew opened, I bounded right through it and shut the door at once. Now I was outside the bar now, I could feel the cold wind of fall stinging on my cheeks and hands, and the sound of Cacophony's distant rave accompanied me in this damp alleyway.

That didn't matter because I couldn't fully escape yet, and I didn't want to ruin anyone's night if I turned around and went back into the bar with a rabid guy clutching on my back! So I flattened myself on the wall beside the door, where the doorknob was at the opposite side and with the wine bottleneck firmly in my grasp, I whipped it up like a baseball bat. Now, I'd wait for his barging out for my not-so-creative surprise attack. God, I hoped he didn't expect this predictable scenario...

My eyes were twitching and my heart was practically trying to get out the rib cage with all those thrill sizzling through my goose-bumps. It's warm enough for me to be sweating lightly despite the temperature balanced between my hoodie and the fall's nightly breeze. Come on, he should be opening the door right now!

Then I heard a series of light taps coming from another level, growing even stronger as it seemed there was something or someone drawing closer to where I shuddered. I watched the weather-beaten door, and then the building's flat roof, my eyes alternating between the two ever since. Until.

'Hey!' Someone called. Not the one that'd give me a splash of relief once his voice was heard.

'Ahh!' I yelped, skipping away from the wall and whirled around to see his looming a gargoyle posture. Hands still around the bottleneck, I backed away and began walking sidewards to where the street pavement was. Slowly but surely, and by Lady Luck's blessing, would I be able to sprint there and call someone for help...