
fancy meeting

After 7 days, the ariel reach the nation called delica, it is as a deserted land as I so many times told you.

now the war is about to begin, the weather is rainy, it feels like soon raining will happen, the land will wash away all dirty hot blood with a cold drop of rain.

everyone looks so intense, everyone wear armour of metal, it is hard to recognize, anyone.

everyone stand in their position, our army and their military were forced to cover 1-2 km of area, there were lots of people, horses, elephants are gathered there.

everyone is ready for their strategies and ready for battle, ariel can smell the soil, but he know soon, it will cover with blood and a dead body.

people will kill each other not because of hatred but because of fear, fear of not being able to see tomorrow, fear of losing life, fear of not being able to see love ones anymore.

nobody knows, how long this war will last, it might take 1 day or 5 days, or even 12 days, we don't know.

Ariel was in 3 lines, which is dangerous too, soon, the general of Delica revealed his face, and it makes Ariel surprised.

general:- I am general Lucian, I will going to lead you in battle, remember that if you don't kill others or make any small mistakes, then tomorrow is not for you, we going to war, to protect our friends, family and citizens of this nation, don't believe that you can't survive, don't believe that you can't kill other, their thousands of mighty warriors I history who fought battle, if even their leg is injured by 100 of the arrow, even their head cut off, they fight until every dorp of blue leave their body, do they don't know they could die in battle, or does they don't care about their life,

they know that this could be their last day or they going to lose thing they love and their dream, but they don't let the fear of death take over their pride.

every soldier who fights in battle can become legendary and mighty warriors like in history and can live for eternity even after their death.

only that soldier can do it, who's pride, love for something, their goals are bigger than fear, their every cell know, what they have to protect,

they are not the coward who slender their life in front of fear, their every part of the body, filled with determination and hope.

today, you can become a legend and go down in history, or you can die in vain by letting your fear overtake your mind and body choose is yours.

I trust you, soldier many of us will going to see tomorrow or our name in history, people will respect your existence as mighty warriors not as a cowered, don't be afraid heaven is on our side.

after that speech, everyone screaming and motivated "heaven is on our side we going to become a legend"

Ariel tries to talk with the general, and he got a chance, generally didn't recognize him, but when he took off his helmet, he recognizes him immediately.

Ariel:- general it's me, Ariel, I meet you in a cafe, you told me about your romance.

general:- do say it louder, I didn't expect to see you here, what are you doing here, I bet even you didn't know about me, that I am general of this nation.

ariel:- I should be straight, I want to go in the front line, I will break in, to kill that princess.

general:- how are you so sure that you can break their formation alone and get inside and kill that princess, do you get your hand on a magical item from the dungeon, you are alive, that is a big achievement for you.

ariel:- I am alive but I can't tell you that I got anything for a dungeon or not, but can you accept my request to get in the front line, and then you know it yourself.

general:- you look confident or it is arrogance, let just leave this decision to future, you can replace your place with someone else, is their anyone you what to replace their place with him.

first, nobody raises their hand, but after five sec later one person Raise their hand, by looking that 15 people raise their and generally stop them.

if he doesn't stop them then 100 people will be ready to exchange their places, general select the one who raise first.

it hard to see her, because many soldiers are ready to sacrifice their life for a princess, generally, give the order to see where is a princess.

he successfully gets the location of her, it is strange she is a princess and she is fighting at 2 Line, she is in danger or they want her to risk her life for a weapon.

soldier tell roughly the location of her, with scope but blue soul describe every information about location and strategy of the princess, he is very useful servant after all.

now it is time for, rule of battle, the first battle will start when one side will play some kind of instrument and it produced a very loud sound with can cover a large area and everyone knows, now it is time to kick some butt.

the battle will over when, someone also plays this instrument, if someone plays it in between the battle, it Cleary mean slender, and the battle will stop them.

you can't kill someone's who play an instrument, if you do that, then it considers as a sign of disrespect.

if the battle is ongoing and some kind of festival come up which was celebrated at both notion, then war will be cancelled for that certain day, and everyone can celebrate with the enemy, without any discrimination.

because people believe that in war nobody is strange, everyone is a stranger, and you can't hate someone if you don't know about him.

soon like always happen enemy side play that instrument, everyone knows that, so many people will going to die today.

everyone get prepared for battle, archer loaded their, weapon.

swordman withdraws their sword, and some are afraid for battle and some are ready to kill each other like animals in rages.

not a single sign of humanity show them.

general give his order to get ready for battle, kill today so you can see tomorrow, everyone face cover with armour.

Archer of enemy side and our side start shooting an arrow at the sky but their aim at the enemy.

when arrows hit the cloud, rain starts, some of them die with arrows, blood and rain following like water.

their armour getting wet, when a drop of rain touch ground, soldier withdraw their sword and cut the drop of water, their sword cover into water.

everyone start screaming and run towards their enemy, it feels like no one can see anything right now.

ariel:- also withdraw his sword, he attached the greenstone to the sword, he customized his sword and make a special place to fix stone on it.

everyone killing each other, soil smell changes into blood and flesh. everyone fighting for their life, nobody is good or bad, everyone is forced to fight for the thing they love, like family, life, money, honour and pride.

The sound of crashing metal weapons to each other is quite relaxing but screaming is quite disturbing.

Ariel closes his eyes, his painful memories are coming back to him, how his parents are killed mercilessly.

this green stone reminds him of all those memories he spends with them.

stone trying every dirty trick to manipulate ariel, and take over his soul. and corrupted his heart, look like stonework on him.

after remembering how his parents were killed, he opens up his eyes, his eyes turn real.

no, he is not a demon he just normal, but when the body realizes someone betrayed him. then there are changes the victim's eyes turn into red.

ariel was angry, he lost control and look like his personality is change, at least his dream come true, to get to hatred to take revenge.

now he only knows one thing, that he had cut off the princess's head.

ariel:- now I will kill you bitch.

Ariel takes off his helmet, raindrops touch his helmet and make it even more shining.

Ariel start running and screaming in angry, enemy look surprised to see him, they didn't expect animal like him and who is that dangerous meet with them.

Ariel loses his head, he is dangerous for himself and others.

Ariel cut off the head of the enemy, his face still looks surprised, his eyes look like they are about to pop out and his face is video open, I am talking about the enemy head

enemy head falls on the ground, his body which is without a head is bleeding, his blood is flowing with rainwater.

everyone looks so surprised and some of them are still busy in battle, Ariel didn't stop after murdering someone.

his angry is still riding his head, he was talking big breath, soldier of both nations were surprised and recognized because he throws away his helmet.

he starts to attack everyone who trying to come. into his way, everyone realized that he is a dangerous animal.

everyone trying to not get in his way, but some are still careless or did realized danger is coming, start fighting with him.

but those who try to fight with him, soon realized he is a bad deal and should stay away from him.

he was not defending himself, he just attacks so forcefully who crossed his way, some of them, leave their weapon and run away.

At least that way they could survive or they will be killed by someone else sword, but the way there is a rule that, if someone runs away or don't fight for their country will be killed by their country soldier.

that means there is no place for traitors, who do not use full for their country.

after killing and 7 soldiers and make 12 soldiers injured, he finally gets to see, princess, but sadly it is not a romantic one.

princess was in full armour, her head is covered with a helmet, that is why ariel did see his face, his armour is made up of gold.

Ariel armour is made up of iron, princess and ariel look into each other eyes.