
Undertale: The Scientist

"Hey, your majesty, I have a question." "Yes, Victor?" Asgore calmly replied. "Why do you have dead corpses of children in your basement, perfectly preserved, and not buried?" ... ----------- Will be updated frequently, but no set schedule, don't feel like forcing myself into a schedule that'll likely turn this into a hiatus book.

BoredMansDream · Videojogos
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23 Chs

Ch 1: Just because its your house is ruined doesn't mean it isn't your home

I wake up to a wooshing sound.

I snap my eyes open and all I can see is a bunch of golden flowers approaching me.





"Uggghhhh, fuck, are my bones okay?"

I try to slowly twist my back.

"Everything… seems fine?"

"How though? From a drop that high, I should have broken something… eh, I'm not complaining."

I stand up trying to get a hold of my surroundings.

'Hmmm… yep, this is the ruins.'

"I cant just go, ill get my backstory all fucked up. I need a plan…" I say to myself.

I jump back into the flower bed and roll over.

What? Its comfortable. Dont judge me.

"Hmm, Floweys first, how do i get past him without him noticing? That would be best, since, if he sees me, he will likely tell someone im from the surface, and thats the worst move…"

I sneeze as a golden petal floats onto my nose.

"Well, first things first, my badass new abilities! No sane human being isnt gonna try out their new powers immediately after getting them!"

"Eh, too lazy to get up," I say to nobody in particular. "Doesn't matter too much, though, since I don't need that.

'Hmmmm, how should I do this… let's first try and just will it into existence.' I think to myself as I put my hand in front of me.

2 seconds later, a single hand with a hole in it appears in midair right behind my hand.

"Thats it?" I question. "Theres supposed to be 7!"

'Oh, maybe its one of those things that you have to get stronger with it. This is probably for the best, it would be too boring if I had everything from the start…'

"What can I do with it now, though?"

With a flick of my thoughts, the circle inside turns a deep blue.

"Blue, huh? That should be gravity manipulation… convenient!"

(Authors note: Technically, in the original, gasters blue chroma made razor discs, but thats stupid as shit, so no. The chroma in this fanfic will be based on the type of magic that color can do.)

I try to make it orange next.

'Huh, nothing? Damn really putting me at the very start, huh Bob? Is there anything else I can do?'

'Purple only? Well, copying opponents moves can be extremely convenient, especially considering how Flowey attacks you. Could be a very good way to defend myself.'

The next moment, however, the color in the hole of the hand flickers out.


Then it turned purple again.

'Oh, I need to concentrate on it to keep it like that.'

As I spoke, I also kept my eye on the hand, and surprisingly, whenever I spoke, it started to move, making what one could only assume to be gang signs.

'Or maybe it's sign language and you are fucking stupid? That is actually quite an interesting effect…'

'And finally… My soul!'

A light blue heart appears in front of me as soon as I wish it to, although unmoving. As I walk around, however, the heart follows my movements.

'So to dodge attacks, I physically have to move? What if the attacks hit my physical body? Will it ignore it completely and focus on my soul? Or will it damage my body and HP as a result?'

'I need a clipboard to keep all of these good ideas to test out. Luckily, where I'm planning on going should have plenty!'

'Now, for the moment we all have been waiting for…'


Three strings shot out the heart in random directions and fell to the floor, still connected to the heart.

"Well," I say, sweat dropping. "At least I have that magic, cant really complain…"

"Well that's everything, now i just gotta make a plan to get past that fucking flower…"



'This is so fucking boring, when will a human come?'

'Wait, isnt that one there?'

Floweys face turns into a troll face.

"Howdy! Im Flowey! Flowey the flower!" I yell to him as he approaches, changing my expression to a little adorable creature.

"Well, its nice to meet you, Flowey, but I need to meet back up with Sans, so I need to go. Have a good day."

And he simply walks right past.

'What? That wasn't a human, he clearly had a horn and a tail… and he's connected to smiley trash bag? It's not like a human could fall down here, change his appearance, and suddenly know about someone in the future, right?'

"Who is he?" I ponder aloud.


"There, those little hints I dropped should have him interested in me, but not enough to keep him by me. Hinting toward a major character would definitely be enough to convince him I am a monster, after all."

"Who needs to fight when you can just trick your opponents?" I can't help but laugh out loud.

'On a separate note, did he look… younger? Just great, the timeline is different.'

As I walk through the ruins, a sudden change in scene flashes my eyes. Purple pillars rising higher than my eyes can see, beds of flowers as red as the blood in my veins, moss as prevalent as the bacteria in your mouth.

'Damn… The game just really doesnt do this scene justice…'


'I should have expected it, but its still strange to not see a save point there…'

'This world is real now. I can't take this as a joke…'

I whistle the ruins theme as I walk around.

"Ah yes, the bowl of candy. Im not an asshole like some people, so I will only take one."

"Hang on, now that I think about it…

"Where's Toriel?"


Words 998

Authors note: give comments, this is the 6th most popular undertale fan fic in the fan fic section, there at least should be three, like fucking come on