
A friend..?

By the end of class, I grabbed my bag and got the heck out of there. I could hear distant footsteps behind me, but I ignored the urge to look. I ran straight towards the safest place I could think of. The music room. I don't know how I thought that place was safe, but she's probably going to attack me with her shoe so i'm fine. Girl's aren't the best at fighting, and this girl wasn't any different. I stopped directly in front of the music room door. I could hear panting and heavy footsteps creep behind me. "What do you want?" I say still staring at the door. "Y-you-" she starts before stopping to catch a breath. I heard a loud thump that startled me a bit. "I what? Go away kid." I say finally looking back at her. She was passed out on the ground. I looked down at her and said "Hello?? Get up already." I shook my head and sighed. "I'm not picking her up." I say softly as I look around to see if there was anyone that could carry her to the nurse or something.

One of the school athlete's walked by and I made it my goal to get his attention. "Hey, dude." I say slowly walking up to him. "What do you want?" He says in an annoying tone. "So this girl passed out and I was wondering if you could take her to the nurse." I say pointing back at her. "Why don't you do it? I got places to be kid." He says pointing at a classroom door. "Don't you skip class though? You won't get in trouble for skipping class if you took a student to the nurse." I say with a grin. He rolls his eyes at me knowing that I was right. "Fine" He says while walking up to her. "Thanks, now cya" I say before walking towards the recess door. I was not even going to go 7th period. No point in going, all we do in that period is sit around and play math games. Childish stuff. As I walk out the door I watch a couple be all flirty. I throw up in my mouth and gag a bit. I don't see the point in having a girlfriend, plus none of the girls even liked me. All you do is flirt around and look pretty. Disgusting. I walk outside and take out a book. Nothing more relaxing than reading a book on a cloudy day. Suddenly I notice a girl to the right of me reading a book too. It was my favorite book. I had been trying to read it for the 16th time, but someone had taken it from the library before me. I could hear the girl make a slight little laugh as she read a line. I couldn't help but stare at her. She suddenly looks up at me and says "Oh, sorry" She says as she immediately changes her happy mood.

"Sorry? For what?" I say looking at her as she packs up her book. "I'm in your way, I'm always in everybody's way." She says as she looks down at the ground. I felt kind of bad for making this girl feel that way. I guess there was nothing wrong with having 1 girl sit 4 feet away from me. "No it's fine, I don't mind. I'm always in everyone's way too." I say with a slight chuckle. "Oh. Really? You don't mind?" She says looking at me in the eyes. I made a slight blush suddenly feeling embarrassed. "Y-Yea. It's fine, I liked the book you were reading anyways." I say looking at the ground. "Really? It's my favorite book!" She says regaining her cheerful state. She takes the book out and hands it out to me. "Uh.." I say looking at the book. "Wanna read it with me?" She says. "If it's fine with you." I tell her hoping she says it's not. "Yup! I don't mind!" She says, still holding out the book.

"Ok?" I say with a confused look. "Great!" She says as she scoots closer to me. I immediately regret saying that and start panicking. She's suddenly 6 inches away from me and incredibly close to me. She smelled like flowers though, so I can't complain xD. "Are you skipping class too?" I say before she turns to the page she was at. "Yea, I didn't see much point in going to Science class, Mr.Jameson is the meanest." She says as she turns to her page. "Yea, but there's a pop quiz today." I say. "Even more reasons to not go to class." She says with a cheerful smile. I found myself blushing like crazy which made me say in my head: I DO NOT LIKE THIS GIRL. I DO NOT LIKE THIS GIRL. GET YOURSELF TOGETHER KEITH. I calmed down and sighed.

"Shall we read this then?" She says looking at me. "Sure," I say, keeping a distance between us. "Out loud or..?" She says as she points at the first line. "Your choice" I say looking at the book. "Okie dokie," She says taking her hand off the book. We spent 2 periods out there reading that book. We took turns reading it out loud before she said she had to go. "Cya" I say standing up with my bag. "Bye! I hope to see you some other time!" She says as she waves back at me. "Yea, me too" I say faintly. I meant those words. I hoped to see her some time again. I started walking towards the recess door before remembering I never got her name "Dang it." I mumbled as I opened the door. I looked out to see the dreariness of the hallways. She was gone.

As I walked to History class I couldn't stop thinking about her, and the book. The book was interesting, but I had read it 15 times before so I have no idea why I took her offer. She was in the same grade as me, so I wondered how I never noticed her. Probably because she doesn't talk much. Like me. I wasn't watching where I was walking as I walked to History class and I bumped into Clarity. Ugh. I dropped her books and she smirked. "Watch where you're going freak!" She says as she kneels down to pick up her books. "Sorry Teacher's Pet." I say as I start walking away from her. "Excuse me? I don't think you know who you're talking to." She says as she stands back up leaving her books on the floor. "I know who i'm talking to, because I said your name dumbo." I say rolling my eyes at her. "Ugh, girls." I mumble under my breath. "Well, that's not my name weirdo" she says pointing her finger in my face. "Ew, get your disgusting fingers out of my face." I say slapping her fingers away.

"Did you just-" she says before getting interrupted by me. "Go away Clarity. Shouldn't you be in class?" I say looking away from her. "I got to go to the bathroom freak" she says as she goes down to pick up her books. "Then why do you have your school books, and are wasting time with me?" I say starting to walk away from her. "None of your business rat!" She screams. "Yea yea cya" I say as I take the hallway to history class. I heard her growl at me which made me happy. This is why I don't like girls. Such brats. The other girl didn't seem like a brat, but she was different ok?

I open the door to History class avoiding any eye contact. The teacher didn't even notice I came in which is surprising. He's supposed to be the strictest teacher EVER. He doesn't seem so bad though, at least not for now. The whole class is just talking to one another without a care in the world. Something's going on. I walk to the back of the class and sit in an empty seat. I put my hoodie on and hope no one talks to me. "What are you doing jerk?" A low male voice says. I don't bother to respond, hoping they'll leave me alone. "Answer me Freak!" They say this time shoving me to the side. I still don't budge 'cause there's no point in giving them the joy of reacting. "He's mute" I hear a girl whisper. "Then why doesn't he react?!" The guy screams. "I don't know he's careless I guess." She responds. "Well he better care, he's in my SEAT!" He yells slamming the desk. Suddenly the whole class looks at him. I sigh and get up. "What?" He says looking at me. I walk to another empty sit and go into the same position I was in. "Answer me already!" He yells for the millionth time. "What do you want?" I say as I pick my head up to look at him. It was Kenneth, the school bully.

"You, BRAT just sat in my SEAT!" He yells at me and points at his seat. "How was I supposed to know, you weren't sitting in it." I mumble. He scoffs and sits in his seat. "You better watch your mouth." He says. "Or what? You're going to cry and whine to your mommy?" I say smirking. "That's it, at recess you're dead" He says looking directly at me. I cough and pull my hoodie up. Finally something interesting.


I expected to lose, but it's worth a try I guess. Everyone's routing him on, and the whole grade is going to be there. Watching the fight. I have no tactics, nothing. I just wanted some action, and I got it. I walked to the door and took a breather. "Ready to lose Keith?" I say to myself. I sigh and walk outside. I sit on a bench and wait for the snail to show up. I look up at the trees and close my eyes. I hear birds singing and leaves rustling. The beautiful sound of nature. A sudden thud startles me, and I look up. Kenneth was there, he looked straight at me and smirked. I rolled my eyes at him and scoffed. He pointed to the baseball court and I walked my way there. The bell rang and students came running to the court. I was crowded and very uncomfortable. I waited until everyone was crowded around til I got to the court. I heard many voices that said "Where is that idiot?" "Is he even going to come?" "Such a pathetic Brat" I regret everything and my stomach turned. I couldn't find the courage to go over there. Suddenly a voice from behind me said "You can do it". I turned around to see the girl earlier there. She stared at me with a smile and I knew I had to try. "Thanks" I said before walking to the court. "FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!" I heard the crowd yell over and over. I want to spare the details of how I felt, but I was ashamed, disquiet, stressed, and felt so much pressure. I wanted to throw up. I kept the words she told me in my head which gave me some courage.

Once I got there I stared straight at him. He said "Ready?" His jacket swiftly moved around side to side, which made me feel dizzy. I wanted to pass out. He threw his jacket to the side with ease which made me believe that would happen to me. I felt the air get warmer and the air slow down. Kenneth lunged at me with his fist which was easy to avoid. He scoffed and tried the same thing again. "Old school technique" I said to him which made him angrier. He throttled his fist at me at least 10 times before giving up. I didn't even punch him yet. I said "Are you done?" which caused him to growl and lunge at me. He got me that time, well sort of. He hit me on the shoulder which barely missed. He was stuck in that position for half a second which gave me enough time to uppercut him. "Do you really want to do this?" He said while on the ground. I didn't respond and instead stepped back. He hit me up to 16 times. There was blood running down my nose and my eye was all bruised up. I didn't bother to try anymore. I gave up. There were people screaming and cheering him on. I felt so alone, and oppressed. He tried to finish me with a punch in the stomach which was exactly what I wanted him to do.

I grabbed his hand, twisted it and pushed him back. Now I had a chance. In the time stamp of 2 minutes, I managed to bruise him up to my level. He gave up. What a pity. "Just leave me alone" Kenneth said while on the ground bleeding. "If you say so," I said while walking back inside. There was a mob of people surrounding Kenneth and a group of people following me. They were just arguing and saying I cheated. I went to the boys room and washed my face. I put something over my eye and went back to the hallway. The one girl was waiting for me outside, and when I went outside she ran to me and hugged me. "Good job," she said as she started letting go of me. I was bleeding, so she couldn't see my blushing face. "Oh sorry! I didn't mean to-" She said instantly regretting hugging me. She was slightly blushing and panicking. "Nah, it's fine. Thanks anyway" I said with one hand behind my head. "Are you ok?" she said touching my bruised eye. "Yea, yea. Just a small bruise." I said hoping she would stop touching me. "No, it looks pretty bad. I have my first aid kit in my locker, I've been studying nursing." she said going to a locker in the corner of the hallway. I stood there in shock.

She came back with her first aid kit and a bandage in her hand."Here sit down" she said as she approached me. I sat down, following what she said and waited for her to come. She ended up putting a cream on my eye and a bandage over it too. It was cold which made my eye feel numb. My face felt better and much more relaxed. "Better?" She said while packing up her kit. "Yeah" I said as I stood back up. "Good!" She said as she walked back to her locker. She came back, and said she had to go. "Ok, Thanks for everything. Cya" I said with a small smile. "Your welcome, bye!" She said with a smile. Then I remembered something. "Hey wait!" I said walking after her. "Yea?" She said turning around. "I never got your name." I said, sighing. "Oh yea, it's Alexa" She said with a smile. "Cool, mine's Keith," I said looking at her. "Okie dokie, i'll see you later. Bye!" she said before jogging to the right of the hallway we were in. "Bye" I faintly said.

I decided to just skip school in total at this point. I walked home instead of calling my older sister to pick me up. She'd just pamper me like a baby and ask me "wHaT hAPpEnEd bOo BoO" Ugh. I'm not a little kid anymore but she never got the jist. Once I got to the front of my house I sighed and tried opening the door. The door was locked, but I had an extra key somewhere. I found the key in my left pocket, which made me feel relieved I didn't lose something so important. I unlocked the door and walked right in. I went upstairs to my room and closed the door. I fell on my bed and sighed. I looked up at my blank roof and decided to change. I walked over to my closet, which was on the right of my bed and opened the door. It felt so dreary in there which was how I always felt. I grabbed a hoodie, and some shorts and did my thing. I ended up passing out in bed afterward. I was tired, understandable. I woke up about an hour later, the sun was still out and kids were coming out from school. I sighed and looked at the sun. The sun gleamed and shined bright. I took my phone out and went on spotify. I took out my earphones and plugged them in. The song "When We Were Kids" By Walking On Cars started playing, which lightened my mood.The front door opened, and I assume it's my sister. She makes her way upstairs and knocks on my door. I take out my earphones and call out "Come in!" The door knob turns and the door opens. "Hey i'm back from sc-," She stops before staring right at me. "Oh my god! What happened?!" She says as she rushes to my aid. "Nothing, I'm fine." I say as she sits next to me. "What happened?" She asks again. "Nothing!" I say this time with a smile. "Are you sure? Do you want me to call the school?" She says expressing concern. "No! I said it's fine!" I said with a sudden change in mood. "Ok, ok. But if you need anything, tell me." She says finally leaving."Ok, cool. I say relieved.