

Deku's POV

I was practically dragging myself back to the hideout and Two wasn't really doing much better. We were exhausted and our levels were low. Sixteen had arrived at the base as we were leaving, Two had gone inside to leave a note that we would be at one of the throw away bases so that I didn't actually carry Kurogiri inside with us. I don't know if he has to go there first or just know where it was but either way we couldn't chance it.

We strapped him to a table and Sixteen, Iida, was doing everything that we asked without question. It wasn't until we were done that we found out Sandman had called him. I rolled my eyes. We really only worked on him for a few hours but our levels were just too low and we have been overworking ourselves too much recently.

We left Kurogiri with Sixteen with instructions on what to do and when but we need to rest and to get our levels back up again. A large yawn caught me by surprise and I almost ran into the doorway because of it. I barely noticed our team throughout the base. Huh weird I wonder why so many of them are running around right now?

We made it to our room to see Sandman and a few others leaving it and before I could ask what was going on I saw all the candles around the room. How did they even get into our room? The little candles were lit and the room smelled heavenly like sweet melons and cinnamon. Sandman handed me our door key and nudged us inside.

I guess we must have been pretty bad for them to go through all this trouble. I look at Two and let out a low purr locking the door behind us, watching him strip off his shirt. The way his muscles rippled under his skin, glistening under the very slight layer of sweat catching my attention. My clothes were gone and I had him trapped under me before he could do more than unbutton his pants.

I was throbbing with need but the sight of him under me was just too good. I gave him a kiss before moving to his neck and moving my way down his body. Finally we can have some uninterrupted time together. I kissed and licked my way down his body loving the way he moaned at my touch. This time I plan to take my time with him.

I looked up into his eyes, my fingers tugging at the waist of his pants and he nods in a dazed like state, I could see he was nearly as bad as I was. When was the last time we actually took our time? The wedding? During our too short honeymoon? I can't think of that right now.

I pull his pants and boxers down letting his cock spring back up, finally being released. I kiss the tip and slowly lick down him. I know this has to be torture for him but the way his moans begged me to keep going, I just had to. It didn't take long before I was swallowing the thick fluid my eyes trained on his as he came in my mouth.

I let him go after making sure he was clean and finally moved forward. I'm going to enjoy this, the way his legs pulled at my waist trying to get me closer, I lined up and slowly pushed inside. His hot body took me in eagerly as I hissed trying to control myself. I want to just thrust into him again and again but I need to calm down. I will have this my way, regardless of any outside forces this time.

My hands on his hips, helped to maneuver him so that I wouldn't hurt him. He is so tight, I hold still for a few moments letting myself enjoy the feeling of him just surrounding me. I let out a low purr before slowly pulling out again and just as slowly pushed in. His moans and gasps filled the air, dancing with my purrs while I continued this slow rhythm, usually I would go crazy by now and thrusting for all that I was worth but I just can't. I need to take my time to slowly pleasure him.

His back arched, his head thrown back so I couldn't keep eye contact anymore, my eyes traveled down his well toned form, the way his muscles seemed to scream at his skin to let them move. My gaze fell to his still rock hard shaft and when I pushed myself all the way in I could see his throb in response. I carefully pulled out knowing that when we were interrupted earlier and I just pulled all the way out it had to hurt him. I need to make up for that.

When I'm about to pull all the way out I feel Two grab hold of me making me look up into his face again. He was flushed and even while he tried to calm himself down enough to talk he wouldn't let me go. I smile, understood and gently push myself back in.

Hours of this slow love making went by and more than once he ended up cuming on his chest letting me lick it off of him or rub it in. We didn't stop our love making in the shower either needing the constant touch as we reveled in each other's bodies. When we were finally finished I led him half asleep back to our bed putting out the candles on our way. We fell asleep in each other's arms, satisfied.


We woke up without an alarm going off this time and I kissed my lover snuggling into his arms. We need to get up, we shouldn't have spent so much time together, we really didn't have the time to spare. We will have to be more careful in the future, not to let our levels get so low. As is, they are still not back to where they should be. I could feel that much but at the same time it was manageable. We'll just have to make time everyday this week to work on getting us back where we should be.

But for now it's time to get up. We get dressed and stretch, throwing out the exhausted candles from yesterday and setting the larger ones in better places and finding the bags of more candles and lotions and creams. Yeah we had to be really bad yesterday. Oops.

I hold Two's hand and we open the door to find Four, Five and Sandman facing off against Shigaraki and a few of his other goons and Spinner and Three watching from the side. Everyone looked angry but I couldn't bring myself to even be a little upset. I just yawned and leaned against Two's shoulder before he started asking questions.

"So why are you all in front of our door?" Two asked in the calmest, most laid back voice imaginable and I couldn't help snuggling into him and purring a little.

"What do you mean by why? Where is Kurogiri!?" Shigaraki demanded and I sleepily snuggled into my lover even now, not really concerned with what he was saying.

"He is still on our table, not that it matters to you. We are not done with him so he will stay there." Two answered and we closed our door and locked it while Four, Five and Sandman made room for us.

"When will he be back? I swear if you killed him-!"

"You'll what? Kill us? Good luck, you wouldn't survive." Two rolled his eyes, cutting off the villain not caring to hear his threats. "He is alive and we plan to return him when we are done with him, assuming that he follows the rules of course," I could see the goosebumps on our team's skin while Two talked but let it be for now. We really wish they weren't afraid of us but we knew that on some level they had to be.

We are dangerous after all.

For now though even Two didn't sound the least bit concerned. His voice was calm and even his face was just screaming zen and I couldn't agree more. I pulled him into my arms giving him a light kiss before pulling away and grabbing at his hand again, I gave him a tug and we started walking to the staircase ignoring the villains screaming behind us.

"Lead the way," I heard Two whisper and I couldn't help giggling, like I wasn't already doing just that.

I pulled him with me though the hideout and towards the cafeteria where we got a tray ignoring the villains still following us around screaming obscene things as they did, well mostly Shigaraki anyway. We walked up to the one in charge of the kitchen and I held up one finger letting him know we just wanted one tray of food.

"Do not give them any of our food! They kidnapped Kurogiri, they can't have anything until they give him back," the cook just snorted a laugh before handing me the tray, giving me a wink and adding a second cookie before turning to face Shigaraki.

He lifted his shirt and showed the mark we left on him before asking, "Where was your outrage when they took me? Or anyone else here for that matter? I'm honestly surprised it took them this long to get a hold of one of your favorites." The cook shook his head, unimpressed.

"Oi you're the one that thought you could make us leave," Two huffed and I giggled in response taking the tray. I signed asking for some milk and he held up a chocolate and strawberry one and I picked the strawberry. I could use something sweet today. He gives it to me and I smile my thanks, before leading Two to our table.

We sat down and soon enough Four and Five had their own trays and joined us while Sandman used his belt as a hammock in the nearby corner and got comfortable. For his disguise he was a quirkless that used a tranquilizer gun in order to either get away or trap someone, I'm sorry I was running out of ideas.

I sat next to Two and wrapped my legs around his waist and snuggled into his side. He tore the food apart and fed me little pieces of it while I took pieces from the tray and fed him. Our giggles and low purrs filling the air between us.

"Goddamn it, what did he do to piss you off so much?" Shigaraki screamed, getting everyone in the area's attention. It was something that was considered normal practice to guess and bet on how someone pissed us off. I could hear some of the ridiculous bets on how or why we took them.

I took a sip of the milk and decided that Two was thirsty too and took another before pulling his lips to mine letting the sweet fluid flow into his mouth and I felt his tongue playing with mine and I giggled some more before pulling away purring.

"He teleported into our room while we were busy. What more would he have to do to piss us off?" Two answered and we heard a few people cheer as they collected their winnings as others groaned. I snapped my fingers and pointed at the door and everyone stood up putting away their trays and left. I looked at Shigaraki and in no uncertain terms let out a low growl directed at him.

"Are you really telling me you have put that mark on everyone here?" Shigaraki asked, eyeing me through the hand still on his face. I snapped my fingers and Four and Five pulled up their shirts showing their marks and so did Sandman. The difference between their marks and the others was that theirs the right eye was green and the villains the right eye was red. Otherwise no one could tell the difference between them.

Two and I finished our meal giggling and generally being cute as we did in the resulting silence of our commands. Before we stood up the cook came back to the door and pointed at the kitchen and I nodded and waved at him and he quickly ran back to the kitchen.

I snuggled into Two's side, getting tired in particular now that my stomach was so full. We still couldn't bring ourselves to eat a whole lot while on the job, I mean we are about to cut someone open again...

Speaking of which, I look at Shigaraki and frown at the supposed leader of the group, he knows surprisingly little about the comings and goings of the hideout. He placed almost everything on the shoulders of those around him, in particular Kurogiri. I yawn before pulling away and standing up, stretching as I do.

I had barely closed my eyes before I felt Two's arms around my waist and when I opened my eyes again he pulled me in for a kiss.

"Come on One, lets go finish him so this fucker will leave us the hell alone," he motioned towards Shigaraki who was fuming. I nod in agreement and let out a small purr.

"I know but that really depends on how well he cooperates with us," Two answered and I nodded. My yawns were bringing tears to my eyes but I needed to stay awake for this, after all Dad will be making his debut soon and we needed to be back as ourselves by then.

As well as back to full health.