Under the Red Light
Red means danger, war, passion, power, desire, betrayal and pain.
It never symbolizes love and fidelity.
Old people love to feed us lies, do not they?
That's what she has believed all her life. Pain is always the price of villainy, and in order to endure it for the next long years, is to make a pleasure through it.
In her childhood, Pauladine had to endure beatings and harassments. She always sees red and hates it. The color of the liquid she always saw coming out of her body.
But when she saw those Pigeon-red ruby eyes, a strange feeling came over her and she knew she was in danger. Instead of feeling cautious around the owner of those orbs, she felt strangely safe.
“ Perhaps this is the real danger: feeling safe around your enemy."
" How I hate perfection."
Cirosin_Constant · Histórico
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