
Chapter 79

Draping a luxurious shawl around her shoulders, Maxi made her way downstairs with her maidservants in tow.

Her heart felt heavy as it pounded against her chest, and her back broke out in a cold sweat. She was about to welcome her first guest as Lady Calypse. The fact that this guest happened to be Princess Agnes only amplified her agitation.

Maxi wondered what kind of person the princess would be. Would she be as haughty as Rosetta? Would she take one look at Maxi and hold her in disdain for being so inadequate?

Maxi wiped her sweaty palms on her skirt as she looked out of the wide-open front doors.

For a while, it was only their voices that reached them. Soon, a company of people dressed in fine garments began ascending the castle steps. Maxi immediately identified Princess Agnes.