
Under the Oak Tree

The official English translation is finally here! A flawless love story of the flawed. Stuttering lady Maximilian is forced into a marriage with Sir Riftan, but he leaves on a campaign after their wedding night. 3 years later, he triumphantly returns, ready to cherish her. As life with her husband finally begins, she only has one question — does she deserve this love and happiness? [The first season's spin-off and the second season of "Under the Oak Tree" will resume in the last week of August. Thank you for your support and patience in the meanwhile.]

Suji Kim · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
457 Chs

Chapter 14

Riftan rained ravenous kisses on her. Caught between the tree trunk and Riftan's torso, Maxi struggled for breath. His hands cupped her rear and pulled her close, his bulge grinding on her belly. Heat ignited between their bodies. Afraid of how she might react, Maxi tried to twist out of his embrace.

"N-No… N-Not here…"

"You'll be the death of me, goddammit."

Groaning, he knocked his head into the tree. Her body tensed at the sight of his shoulders heaving with ragged breaths. She braced herself, thinking that her rebuff had displeased him, but he slowly backed away from her.

"I can't help myself whenever I'm around you, so you should sleep alone in the carriage. Do you understand?"

He patted her cheek lightly. She nodded. Once again, he led her away by the hand, this time back towards the camp. A burly knight sat perched on a rock, warming himself by the fireside rock. When he saw them returning, he flashed them a knowing grin.