
8: stalker mode

"So, here's where we're going to stalk her?"

I asked Caden while I'm feeling irritated and we're here inside his car right now, parked at the front of the mall. We spent almost half an hour waiting here.

I'm running out patience and I feel hungry already. I wanna go home! Is that Kiara would gonna show up?

"She's here," Caden muttered all of a sudden while his attention was still at the mall's entrance.

I also looked where he was looking. Good thing that that Kiara has finally arrived.


"There. She's Kiara," he answered while pointing at that girl standing by the entrance.

"That girl in the entrance?"

"Yeah, she is."

"That girl who looks like a goddess?"

Caden just nodded as a response. Well, who wouldn't fall for a girl like her? Snow white skin, a body with a perfect proportion that matches her height very well, has a long and a bit wavy hair, and a pretty angelic face. Is she a model? A beauty queen?

"Wow, Caden. She's literally a goddess!"

"I know right."

"Wait a sec," I changed topic suddenly.

"You did a mess earlier," I stated with a slap on his arm.

He flinched and groaned in pain. "What do you mean?" he asked while touching his arm that I slapped.

"Why did you tell my friends that you're my boyfriend? Are you nuts?" I complained.

"You know, Cassandra. It's the easiest thing to say. Could I tell them that I'm your fiancé and I brought you food because that's what my dad told me and all?"

"Even so! You should've thought of something different to say other than that."

"Eh, I don't have time to think that moment. Besides, don't you like it? You instantly have a hot and handsome boyfriend effortlessly. Why are you complaining?" he jested.

I raised my brow and gave him a disgusted look. "You're really a stupid jerk."

"Oh, there's the guy."

When Caden said that, I looked again to where Kiara is. The guy has some good looks too. He's also tall, tan, and a well-built body.

"Who's that? Her admirer?" I queried.

"Not quite sure. Her friends said yes. But Kiara said he's not. I don't know. By the way, that guy was Darwin, her co-member at the dance org. But whether he's an admirer or not, I'm still here to make sure."

"Of course. Kiara's beauty can swoon any man."

"Yeah, right."

"Oh, they already went in. Let's go," Caden blurted all of a sudden and quickly went off his car.

I was left here confused if I were to follow him or just stay here. But he suddenly opened my door and grabbed my arm to pull me out.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go. We need to follow them."

And so, I ended up being pulled by this jerk inside the mall. Why do I have to be involved in this kind of situation?

We immediately saw Kiara and Darwin after a few walks. We're keeping a distance from them where we can see them but they won't easily notice.

"What the hell? Why Kiara needs to cling on that jerk's arm?" Caden hissed under his teeth while we're continuing to follow them like real stalkers.

"Where are they going?" he whispered.

Then we saw them entered a shoe store. And for us to keep discreet, we decided to stop at the front of it while hiding within a large column post here.

While we're seeing how Kiara enjoys Darwin's company while they're checking out the shoes, my stupid accomplice kept on whining and throwing tantrums like a little kid who got his candy stolen. I'm sure he's dying to confront that Darwin right now.

"Why? Why does it have to be him? Why Kiara chose to be with that jerk instead of me? Why?" Caden whines.

I heaved a sigh and rolled my eyes. "Why does it have to be Kiara to ask you out? You're the one who likes her, right? Duh?"

"Look how joyful Kiara right now with that sly. Her pretty smiles and sweet laughs. I should be the one who witness those things and not that freak!"

I rolled my eyes at him. "So, whose fault do you think it is?"

Caden looked at me. "I need to do something."

"And what is it, huh? You're going to attack Darwin and yell at him that Kiara was only yours?" I sarcastically remarked.

"Of course not!"

Caden gave back his attention to them but we saw that they're going out now from the store and I noticed that Caden went panic.

"Oh no," he said.

In his panic that they might see us, everything went fast and I just realized that Caden was holding me into my shoulders and pinned me right on the wall. He glanced at them then he quickly put his hands against the wall that I'm into. I widened my eyes as I realized that he was too close to me.

"Wait, what are you doing?" I mumbled.

"They shouldn't see us, Cassandra."

He's getting too close to me. It makes me feel awkward and irritated. I can't even move. Does it have to be like this?

"You're getting too close. It's disgusting!" I fumed while forcing myself to push him away. But he's strong and a bit heavy for me so I can't.

"Do you think I even want this? Just endure it a bit while they're still around."

I can even feel the warmth of his breath and body at our current distance. This is really unpleasant and the feeling of disgust was crawling into my nerves.

"Finally, they're gone," Caden uttered after giving a glance again.

I felt extremely relieved when he finally let go of me. I heaved out a sigh of relief. Then I gave him a glare with pure disgust and fury.

"Hey, don't ever do that again. It's irritating and disgusting," I warned him while gritting my teeth.

"Disgusting? How come? I'm fresh and smells good. What are you talking about?" he replied while fixing himself.

I just rolled my eyes at him and breathed out heavily.

We went here at the food court and we're still keeping the usual distance. It's also a bit crowded here right now so we're really be hard to notice.

"What the hell? He just brought Kiara here in a cheap food court?" Caden scoffed in disbelief.

Caden looked at me with a disgusted look on his face. So, I languid my eyes at him.

"What?" I hissed.

"I don't know that you're a glutton."

"The hell you care. Then eat as well," I fumed while kept on eating this large cheese-flavored fries.

"Hey, don't forget that I'm the one who paid for that so you should help me to distract them instead of eating," he complained.

"Why? What do you want me to do? Besides, this should be out of my business. So, you really should let me eat as a payment for disturbing me."

Well, that's true. I should be at home already, watching anime or drawing my manga, or sleeping peacefully. But instead, here I am. Being pulled by this annoying jerk and involving me to his shenanigans. I think he just brought me with him so someone can listen to his nonsense tantrums out of jealousy.

"Out of your business, you say? Remember our treaty?" he mentioned then he smirked.

I was stunned a bit after realizing it but I just rolled my eyes at him. After a moment of silence between us, he suddenly spoke.


I was startled because of that and made me wonder.

"What?" I asked.

"I already have an idea of how we would distract them," he stated like he had thought of the best idea.

I wrinkled my forehead and felt curious about it—also a bit nervous. What kind of nonsense was this stupid jerk thinking?